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Fusoya Has Left Us


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  • Retromags Curator

Let me start off by saying that I really hate to ban a member from these forums. When I started this project I did so because I wanted it to be a fun way for each of us to preserve a piece of history. Fusoya has been with Retromags since its start back in 2005, and even back in 2005 he fought me on countless issues pertaining to how this website runs. Back then he only wanted magazines that he scanned to be distributed to people that actively helped the website. I disagreed with him over this and it almost lead to me saying "Fuck it" and shutting down Retromags. Every person that scans a magazine knows the amount of work that it takes to preserve it electronically.....and of course it would be nice if more people helped out.....but that's not how projects like this works.

When you start a project that relies on people "volunteering" there time and skills for "free"......you are almost always going to eliminate 98% of people from wanting to help. Seriously, just because I download an emulator to play some old games.....does not mean I am going to toss $5 their way.....nor does it mean I am going to learn a programming language and help program it. Fusoya had the idea that if we didnt release out the magazines to the "leechers" that they would be forced to help out. The problem is that back then Retromags was a very small site....getting only 100-200 visitors per day as opposed to now where we get 600-800 people a day visiting. When Retromags was a small site, the only traffic we were getting was from Mininova when we would "release" a new magazine. You hold onto the magazines and don't distribute them, no one will ever find out about us.....and it cuts down on the amount of people that would actually help out.

So when Fusoya started his ranting on the forums about how he would not allow his magazines to be distributed, I just let him go as a member and banned him. Retromags shortly after returned to a calm state and we acquired some great members such as Meppi, Thor, Kbf_private_joker, E-Day, Triverse, Scurti, BarbieOnWeed, Mek1 and others. All of these members are great and without them Retromags would not be the great site it is today. We all scan when we can and share our work with others, in hopes that we will encourage a few more members to step forward and help out. My original goal for Retromags still echo's today.....that if we could get a solid 20 members that could scan and edit just 1 magazine per month.....that means we would have 4-5 new releases per week and that would be 240 releases per year.

Anyways about a year or so ago, Fusoya and me got talking on instant messenger.....I thought he had become a better person and deserved another chance....so I brought him back. Since coming back Fusoya has been promoting a negativity across these forums that can no longer be ignored. He isn't a regular member, I would say he posts maybe 2-3 times in a 6 month period....but when he does post its usually taking a shot at myself, the website or our staff. His relentless comments and negativity have been ignored countless times by us.....and unfortunately he has been given too many "free passes". My decision to let Fusoya go has been a tough one, but I must take into effect that if we let him stay.....that it could deter new members from wanting to help for fear of being harassed by Fusoya.....or it could lead to an existing contributor leaving because they dislike the negativity he pollutes this site with.

This site should be fun and a relaxed atmosphere.....not a place where you come and get pissed off. Please understand that NO ONE will ever be banned for giving CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. But if you are constantly promoting a toxic environment and trying to get under peoples skin....your time here will be limited.

Ok stop reading this and go grab a magazine from the Download section :P


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  • Retromags Curator

Stuff like this (from May 2006)?

I hesitated to make that comment and I wouldn't have if Fusoya hadn't been publicly trashing Retromags (see his torrents on Mininova) just before the big torrent was released. I just thought that it was inappropriate to simultaneously make negative comments about an organization and then make a post that sounded like special treatment was deserved from that organization. If I had a friend who I found out was talking bad about me behind my back and then they came and asked me for a favor, I wouldn't feel too kindly toward them.

All of the trashing I gave was for good reason, and all of it was true. You should be thanking me anyway....my decision to do my own release is what motivated Philly to throw out his "one issue a week" rule and get everything he had out there, since he felt he had to compete with mine :P

Well, I've finally reached my goal of acquiring issues 1-100 of Nintendo Power, so my presence is going to be limited again here. Thanks to everybody who helped out with this project!

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The first message to Fusoya from me:


I was just wondering if I could trouble you for a rescan of page #51 of Game Informer #54? I am going through and unjoining the pages so that the release will be enjoyable for people that use CDisplay and such programs for viewing on their computers.


His response was posted February 25th at 2:44 pm site time:

I don't have the magazine anymore, sorry.

My response to that:

Thanks anyway.

This was his post in a topic about magazine history on the forums (after stating he no longer had that issue) posted February 25th at 2:55 pm site time:

I joined the Nintendo Fun Club towards the end of that run, and then got upgraded to a Nintendo Power subscription, starting with issue 1. The magazine was basically my whole life when I couldn't ACTUALLY be in front of an NES, and I carried the latest issue with me everywhere. I finally let my subscription lapse after issue 62, since by that point I was in high school and had more important things to spend my free time on. I also received the first issue of Gamepro as a birthday gift in 1989, and I had a 1 year subscription in 1992, but I was never impressed with that magazine, so when that expired I got a subscription to EGM for the next 2 years, and let that lapse at the same time as Nintendo Power. I picked up random issues of other video game magazines here and there, but I never liked any of them enough to subscribe.

A couple years ago, I got ripped off by EB Games, when they asked me to pick two magazines to get a "free" subscription to when I got a players card. I picked PSM and EGM, and it turned out that this "free" subscription was actually only for 2 issues, after which I was charged $80 in order to keep it going. I immediately called up the magazine (the only way to actually talk to an operator was to keep hitting 0 when you had the automated menus) to get this reversed, but exactly 1 year later, I got ANOTHER $80 charge for an automatic renewel. Ever since that ordeal, I have stayed the hell away from any "free" magazine offers, and my only current subscription is to Entertainment Weekly, which I've had since 2003. I don't hold onto those issues for longer than I have to. I also had a Newsweek subscription for a long time, but I let it lapse last year when EVERY issue was either about the election or the war.

I did still keep every single video game magazine I ever owned, which was helpful for when this scanning project began. I still have a pretty big pile of stuff to scan (mostly stuff that this site will no longer accept).

No need to lie, if you don't wish to assist members that are trying to make the site better or the releases nicer and more enjoyable then please, simply say so. I have no intention lying to anyone on here and would appreciate the same respect in return.

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I would chip in with a couple of posts that happened in the 1999 rule thread, but those were deleted (by myself btw) for a good reason.

Same old thing, take a dump on the site as a whole and try to get people on his side to break up the community and settle an old score.

Payback for what he wanted to happen back in the day but didn't. Karma is a b!tch.

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  • Retromags Curator
I was surprised to see him back on the site after all of that nonsense in 2006. I doubt that we'll go through this cycle again.

Right now he is banned at the Forum level, so that he can not create a new account.....if needed I will ban him at the website level which will block all of Retromags.com from being accessible. He wont be coming back for a third encounter....I promise that.

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I was surprised to see him back on the site after all of that nonsense in 2006. I doubt that we'll go through this cycle again.

I was surprised too after all that mess back then. But since I was gone for so long I thought he had changed his ways. Guess not...

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Found this in a popular torrent site. It was added quite a few years ago. So fusoya was being an butt back then too.

Nintendo Power #44 - January 1993

Nintendo Power #45 - February 1993

Nintendo Power #46 - March 1993

Nintendo Power #47 - April 1993

Nintendo Power #48 - May 1993

Nintendo Power #49 - June 1993

Nintendo Power #50 - July 1993

Nintendo Power #51 - August 1993

Nintendo Power #52 - September 1993

Nintendo Power #53 - October 1993

Nintendo Power #54 - November 1993

Nintendo Power #55 - December 1993

scanned & released by FuSoYa on May 12, 2006 - NOTE that this is *NOT* a retromags scan. Retromags steals other peoples' work and takes credit for it, and then bans their scanners to keep them quiet! Know you saw these from me first. Any other releases of these scans in altered or unaltered format are plain shams to the time and patience I put into these!


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Found this in a popular torrent site. It was added quite a few years ago. So fusoya was being an butt back then too.

Yeah, I have spent countless hours reading the past forums and just being amazed at his attitude and disrespect for all members of not just Retromags, but other sites and the effort put forth by all. By the way, Fusoya, if you are reading this and wish to voice your opinion about what I have said, my e-mail is not hidden, by all means, step up. :)

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  • Retromags Curator
DON'T DO IT Fusoya .... I repeat .... DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!

That idiot wouldn't have the balls or intelligence to do so. He was always a whiner, and the fact that he tried to make it sound like ANY scans of those NP issues would be his scans ripped off, even if someone else scanned then (because honestly, unless the pages are creased, the pages will look almost identical). He was dead weight, and unappreciative of this site and the people who help out.

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Wow, Xterra1 has been here how long and he was able to see how things work here? Fusoya was here, what, years and still couldn't figure out how to read the [censor bypass] FAQ?!? Bravo Xterra1.

Note to Xterra1, before a certain member gets his fruit all out of line, I am not trying to be rude to you or anything. I just think it is funny the whole situation.

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  • 7 years later...

Bored and reading old threads. Wow, seems every forum has that one a-hole that thinks he knows it all. Had one on the one forum i'm always on...all he did was butt heads with everyone and was just a miserable person. Worst part was that he was 1 of 3 owners of the forum. The other 2 owners bought him out and kicked him out. 


Googling this guy FuSoYa but not seeing anything about him. Any update about him in the past 7 years?


If its bad to bring threads back from the dead let me know and I wont do it again.

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