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Awesome Not Well Known Nes Games?


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Let's make a list of NES games that were good but not very well known. I'll start.

Metal Storm

Awesome game, good graphics, large characters and funky colors. The best part is how you can flip gravity to help you get over certain areas. Not very difficult if you don't mind being killed by one hit but quite fun to play. I played it this week and it still looks nice. It would be a great Wii VC release.

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Metal Storm

Aw geesh, what a way to start! How am I gonna be able to top that? :)

Power Blade is also taken already, damn. ;)

I'll pick Wario’s Woods.

Most would probably dismiss this as another puzzle game with Nintendo characters thrown in to make it sell.

But that would be a huge mistake. Came out at the end of the NES era. If I remember correctly the Snes was already out as it also had a version of this game, but an inferior one at that.

it's been a while since I last played them, but it had something to do with the combo's being done differently or something.

Anyway the NES one is soooooooooooo addictive it's actually mind boggling.

Not sure if it's been released on the VC yet.

I'm gonna dig up my copy tomorrow morning since I actually want to play it again now. It's been so many years....

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Aw geesh, what a way to start! How am I gonna be able to top that? :)

Power Blade is also taken already, damn. ;)

I'll pick Wario’s Woods.

Most would probably dismiss this as another puzzle game with Nintendo characters thrown in to make it sell.

But that would be a huge mistake. Came out at the end of the NES era. If I remember correctly the Snes was already out as it also had a version of this game, but an inferior one at that.

it's been a while since I last played them, but it had something to do with the combo's being done differently or something.

Anyway the NES one is soooooooooooo addictive it's actually mind boggling.

Not sure if it's been released on the VC yet.

I'm gonna dig up my copy tomorrow morning since I actually want to play it again now. It's been so many years....

I don't think Wario Woods counts. Wasn't it a special give away gift in Animal Crossing for the N64? I think once a game has achieved status of being given away with the likes of Excitebike, Punch out, and Super Mario Bros. it no longer qualifies as a not well known game :P Sorry to steal your thunder on that one Meppi.

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In my defense the N64 version of Animal Crossing never made it outside Japan. So unless you're Japanese, I think my choice is still valid. :Yahooo:

And in case you ARE actually Japanese.....then I'm changing my vote to Recca! Love that one. So crazy for a NES shmup.

Or better yet the Famicom only Super Xevious: GAMP no Nazo which is probably less known. :)

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I don't think Wario Woods counts. Wasn't it a special give away gift in Animal Crossing for the N64? I think once a game has achieved status of being given away with the likes of Excitebike, Punch out, and Super Mario Bros. it no longer qualifies as a not well known game :P Sorry to steal your thunder on that one Meppi.

You get the a tiny nes console with the game on top as a prize in Animal Crossing GameCube. Same for those other games you mentioned, if you click the console you can play the games, in game.

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You get the a tiny nes console with the game on top as a prize in Animal Crossing GameCube. Same for those other games you mentioned, if you click the console you can play the games, in game.

I think Wario's Woods counts. But what's this about the SNES version being inferior?

Anyways, my pick is Clash at Demonhead. I haven't played it in ages though. I'll have to revisit it soon to see if it holds up!

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I think Wario's Woods counts. But what's this about the SNES version being inferior?

Anyways, my pick is Clash at Demonhead. I haven't played it in ages though. I'll have to revisit it soon to see if it holds up!

LoL I LOVED Clash at Demonhead when I was young. I use to play the heck out of that game. I don't know what it is about it that kept drawing me in but it did. Maybe it was the massive amount of choices you could make to decide how you got where and what levels you plated, etc. That just brought back a lot of memories.

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I'd go with Jackal ... my favorite Arcade game of all time.

I had the arcade conversion on my Amstrad CPC & I saw it on the C-64 and the NES version absolutely blew the old PC versions out of the water. Until MAME came along of course. I bought the JAMMA board for my arcade machine ... nothing beats the real thing ... but the NES version still makes me smile today how good a conversion it really was ....

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I never heard of that one! Woot! That's why I made this thread to find new old school :D Thanks.

Hmmm, I am biased but I am going to say Robo Warrior.

I had that game a long time ago. Never made it very far. Is that game part of something else. It looks very familiar to Blaster Master and Bomberman.

Clash at Demon Head - Man I had to choose between Hydlide and that when I was a kid. I thought Hydlide was a normal RPG so I picked that. I had just finished Dragon Warrior and was looking for something like it. BAD MISTAKE :( I should have picked Clash at Demon Head :angry:

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I never heard of that one! Woot! That's why I made this thread to find new old school :D Thanks.

I had that game a long time ago. Never made it very far. Is that game part of something else. It looks very familiar to Blaster Master and Bomberman.

Clash at Demon Head - Man I had to choose between Hydlide and that when I was a kid. I thought Hydlide was a normal RPG so I picked that. I had just finished Dragon Warrior and was looking for something like it. BAD MISTAKE :( I should have picked Clash at Demon Head :angry:

Robo Warrior is in the same universe I think as Bomberman (the resemblance to Blaster Master though I think is just a coincidence).

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Kabuki Quantum Fighter

Awesome game, many people hate it because they say it's almost a rip-off of Ninja Gaiden. Attacking with your hair is priceless :D I think it's great. And if it looks like Ninja Gaiden well that's not a bad thing in my book. The only thing is that it's a bit too easy. I remember finishing it in one or two days that I had it.

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Oh yeah, that's a great one!

I always think to Isolated Warrior whenever someone brings this one up since I got those 2 games at the same time.

The NES Batman game was also soooooooooooo good! :D

I was going to say Batman but I wasn't sure if it was well known or not. Back in those days it wasn't, I didn't know anyone that had it. But today with the internet and all I think it's well known.

Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom

Point and click adventure. I think this is one of the games you either like or you don't, but if you do you will remember it forever. It's a wonderful game, nice characters, funny dialogue and some challenging mazes (if you don't use a map). I remember renting this game when I was a kid and being hooked. I finished it again a few months ago.

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Probably one of the earliest predecessors to the RTS genre. Of course being 8 years old i couldn't grasp the simple fundamentals of colonizing planets, like budgeting, taxing your citizens, and having to hold the A button down while pressing the d pad to scroll through menus. Even now the overall complexity of that game still amazes me.

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Probably one of the earliest predecessors to the RTS genre. Of course being 8 years old i couldn't grasp the simple fundamentals of colonizing planets, like budgeting, taxing your citizens, and having to hold the A button down while pressing the d pad to scroll through menus. Even now the overall complexity of that game still amazes me.

I tried that game but could never understand how to play it. Seemed a good idea of a game though.

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LoL I LOVED Clash at Demonhead when I was young. I use to play the heck out of that game. I don't know what it is about it that kept drawing me in but it did. Maybe it was the massive amount of choices you could make to decide how you got where and what levels you plated, etc. That just brought back a lot of memories.

Oh man, good call. I loved Clash at Demonhead... such a strange name.

How about Monsters in my Pocket another game that I used to play a lot over at a friends house. Plus I loved the toys they always reminded me of M.U.S.C.L.E. but the MUSCLE game sucked.

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I'll say two, but I don't know how unknown they actually are to you:

Kunio Kun no Nekketsu Soccer League:

probably the best NES soccer game I've ever played (and hey, I'm Brazillian,

I know this kind of stuff eheh)

Nekketsu Kakutou Densetsu:

awsome fighting game.

Quoting (not exactly, but he did say something like this on his blog) Steven L. Kent,

the written on the Ultimate History of Video Games (anyone got this book? I can pay

you for a digital version), "if you let aside the graphic and storage capability, the NES

had some of the best games ever made, even for today standards."

And (this is me, not Mr. Kent) if you consider the graphic and storage capability, those

developers were probably magicians :)

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Oh yeah, that's a great one!

I always think to Isolated Warrior whenever someone brings this one up since I got those 2 games at the same time.

The NES Batman game was also soooooooooooo good! :D

I remember this as one of the games we rented when I spent a couple weeks in Virginia with my aunt and uncle as a kid. My fondest memories were playing this and Super Mario 3 and watching Big Trouble In Little China for the first time :)

Chip N Dales Rescue Rangers was another one we rented and that was a interesting little side scroller... Yoshi wasn't a bad little puzzle game. I actually saved up a ton of Kool-Aid points and got this game with em back in the day lol.

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I'm glad this thread worked out. We have seen some really good games listed.

Journey to Silius was also a great game that never got the attention it deserved. The environment and music were awesome for it's time.

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I always liked Adventure of Lolo for some puzzle action and quirkiness! And many people hate it but I love it, Milon's Secret Castle has always been an off-beat favorite of mine.

The Nekketsu games were GREAT GREAT games! I love the one mentioned and I also like Crash and the Boys Street Challenge for some multiplayer fun!

Edited by Mister Zero
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Chip N Dales Rescue Rangers was another one we rented and that was a interesting little side scroller...

That was the (English term for the thing that comes before the last thing) NES game

I've bought. We were in the middle of the N64 era and then I saw it on a store, brand

new, still inside the the plastic cover and almost for free. When I rembered the fun I

had with it, mostly because of the coop play, I had to buy it. I think throwing your

partner on enemies was the best part eheh. And we must not forget that not only Snake

knows how to hide inside a box :)

I always liked Adventure of Lolo for some puzzle action and quirkiness!

That game was bought togheter with my NES. Nice game. The music was also good,

but having the same tunes repeated throughout all 50 levels might drive someone


By the way, does Nestle have a blue packaged chocolate candy called Milkybar

where you guys live? I'm asking because when I was younger, during the NES

era, that candy was called LOLO. Sometime later it had its name changed to Milkybar.

I always wondered if it had something to do with this game. Noone has ever been able

to give me an answer to that question. Perhaps due to the fact that, before Mister Zero

posted that, I thought that I was the only one who have ever played LOLO.

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