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Update To Square Enix And Eidos Merger


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For the previous bit of info go here:


Thanks to 1up.com for the info:


Basically, SE is going ahead with plans to acquire Eidos. Eidos' shareholders will convene on March 27th concerning this matter and are expected to approve the buyout. If everything goes as planned, Eidos shares will be suspended on April 21st and removed on April 22nd from listing. Come May 6th, everything should be finalized and Sqaure Enix will own Eidos.

Here is their 'joint plan' of action:


Any ideas on the new name? Maybe SEE (Square Enix Eidos)? Will Lara and Kain be in the next Square type fighter? Will they become unlockables in a future Final Fantasy? Will Demon slayer and Tomb Raider become classes in a Final Fantasy game?

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They should go back to being just Squaresoft, and use the Enix and Edios names in the same way Acclaim used LJN, Flying Edge, and Arena in the 80's and 90's. Adding another name to Square Enix will make the name even worse than it already is.

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They should go back to being just Squaresoft, and use the Enix and Edios names in the same way Acclaim used LJN, Flying Edge, and Arena in the 80's and 90's. Adding another name to Square Enix will make the name even worse than it already is.

How about "SquareCroft" because you can't think of Edios without thinking Tomb Raider. Enix of course would get the shaft in the name game, because well....it is Enix. If you wanted to give them something perhaps "SquareCroftx"

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How about "SquareCroft" because you can't think of Edios without thinking Tomb Raider. Enix of course would get the shaft in the name game, because well....it is Enix. If you wanted to give them something perhaps "SquareCroftx"

Or you could use the letters like this, SquareECroft. Stupid, I know. lol

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They should go back to being just Squaresoft, and use the Enix and Edios names in the same way Acclaim used LJN, Flying Edge, and Arena in the 80's and 90's. Adding another name to Square Enix will make the name even worse than it already is.

Enix absorbed Square :P Enix was the real big boy in that merger so if they do that they would go back to being ENIX. So you can't remove the name. I think they will keep eidos as it is and just market certain games as such.

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Enix absorbed Square :P Enix was the real big boy in that merger so if they do that they would go back to being ENIX. So you can't remove the name. I think they will keep eidos as it is and just market certain games as such.

But in today's society it doesn't really matter who the "heavy" is in a merger, just name recognition. I bet if someone did a poll you would find that Square is the big name of the group. Final Fantasy much?

Not to mention that Edios is still riding out the Tomb Raider thing (Don't they have a new movie or something coming out?).

I just don't think Enix is that well known by its name. I don't think they could get rid of Square even if they wanted to. Just ask someone if they ever played an RPG and they will probably say Final Fantasy or something by Square.

Square = Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy = RPG --> Square = RPG


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  • Retromags Curator
But in today's society it doesn't really matter who the "heavy" is in a merger, just name recognition. I bet if someone did a poll you would find that Square is the big name of the group. Final Fantasy much?

Not to mention that Edios is still riding out the Tomb Raider thing (Don't they have a new movie or something coming out?).

I just don't think Enix is that well known by its name. I don't think they could get rid of Square even if they wanted to. Just ask someone if they ever played an RPG and they will probably say Final Fantasy or something by Square.

Square = Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy = RPG --> Square = RPG


Over here maybe. But in Japan, where these companies are based, Final Fantasy played distant second fiddle to Dragon Quest.

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Isn't Dragon Quest also brought to you by SQUARE-ENIX? Notice how Square is first. Square is the first name in RPG :P

Back then Enix was the bigger dog. And just because something is big in the US it doesn't mean it is in the rest of the world.

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