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Dsi Vs Ds Lite

DSi vs DS Lite  

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  1. 1. Which one do you like

    • DSi
    • DS Lite

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Which one do you guys like. I know the DSi is smaller it has more functions and that camera software thing. But the DS Lite can play GBA games. For me that's a great thing. So which one do you think it's better for you? Is the DSi worth the update?

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Which one do you guys like. I know the DSi is smaller it has more functions and that camera software thing. But the DS Lite can play GBA games. For me that's a great thing. So which one do you think it's better for you? Is the DSi worth the update?


DS --> DS Lite

+ same price

+ significantly smaller

+ easier to hold

+ case redesign was more attractive, appealed to wider audience, looked "more expensive"

DS Lite --> DSi

+ bigger brighter screens

+ SD card slot

- higher price

- lame low quality cameras

- higher price

- loss of GBA compatibility

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Ew, the original one is nowhere near as good as either the DSL or DSi.

Had one ever since the Japanese launch and once I got my DSL I couldn't go back to it due to the difference the screen makes. Nomatter how different the D-pad was.

Lack of GBA port doesn't bother me at all. I have 2 GBA's, about 5 GBA SPs and 2 GBA SP+ as well as 3 GB Micro's.

Playing GBA games on the DSL was much worse since the DSL is so bad for doing diagonals.

What I don't understand is all the whining about the crappy camera's in the DSi.

The resolution of the camera's is already twice as much as the resolution of the DS screen itself, so why would there be a need for a higher resolution camera if it's just in there to play games with. It's not meant to replace your digital camera...

The big reasons why I'm getting a DSi on launch even though I wasn't excited about it when they first announced the system are the following.

-Bigger screen: It's not a huge difference, but then again once you see it in person and you've been playing the DSL for several years, it's very noticeable.

-better D-pad and buttons: Huge deal for me since the mushy buttons on the DSL and the horrible diagonals on the D-pad were the only negatives of the system. So now that they fixed that it's a necessity for me to get one.

-downloadable games: Might not be too big at first. Dr.Mario, Mini Puzzle De Pon, etc. But you can be sure that there will be a host of must have games on this in the future. And with the inevitable Virtual Portable that we'll see in the future it will be all the sweeter.

Game&Watch games for 500 points Woooooooooo! ;)

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Considering how NINTENDO managed to screw things up with the LITE version,

I'd stay away from the DSI. And what about the brillant idea of removing the

GBA port?

The SNES is probably my favourite cosole for quite a while. In the matter of fact,

the reason I've found this site was because of older EGMs. And guess what I wanted

to see in those? Yes, NES and SNES games.

When I first heard about the GBA I was so disappointed. Nintendo finally had the

oportunity of releasing a portable SNES but they decided to remove the X and Y

buttons... Thus I kept waiting.

Then, the DS came to life. Starting the current Nintendo trend of releasing the

exact same things they did 20 years ago they've designed a portable console

that was exactly like that orange Donkey Kong playing thingy my neighbour had

(was that from Nintendo too?). But, hey, what have we here? A portable with

all SNES buttons??? YES, finally I'd be able to walk everywhere with my SNES!!!

It had the capability of plaing GBA games, and several SNES classics had already

seen the light again on the GBA so, even if they decided to drop with the ports,

I could still play some games and leave the rest for the great brains behind the

emulators that would eventually follow. That was it, I had to buy one of those.

Unfortunatelly I don't live on the US. In the matter of fact I live on a country

where the president is outgraded by Bart Simpson, so you can see my situation.

When I was finally able to put my hands on a DS, the original was were gone

and you couldn't find one anywhere. All one could find was the Lite versions.

I was afraid at first, since I had only touched the original version and it seemed

so good. Would that (a little bit) smaller version be as good? Well, let's find out.

One month later (that how fast my postal system works), it arrived. And all my

fears were gone. They were replaced anger and disapointment...

You know, my N64 joystick is still here. Probably one of the best ever made.

Confortable, beautifull, perfect sensitivity... simply perfect. The SNES one,

intact, perfect for every game ever released. The NES's, kind of unconfortable

but did the job (tragically killed by Track And Field. RIP might warrior). But what

have Nintendo done with the DS? I held them so high, always laughing at the

Sega and Sony controllers and then, after so many years, they sell me something

that is simply unable to execute diagonal moves... My portable SNES could not

register two directions at the same time... How would Mario be able to walk on

SMRPG? How would Fox be able to avoid those polly laser shots? How would Ryu

be able to perform a Haduken? And how, for heavens sake, would he be able to

jump forward through one fired at him???? Tell me how?!

Things got so patetic that when they did a Bleach game, since the players would

not be able to jump forward without pratically breaking their DSs, they gave the

characters the ability to jump UP and then move FORWARD. Am I the only one

seeing the problem here?

I don't wanna to poke the screen. I wanna Zangief to execute a God Damn SPD!

Summing up: Nintendo was the only one I respected. Unfortunatelly it died after

releasing the original Nintendo DS. May it rest in peace.

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Well I've not used the DSi but I'd have to say DSi. It has several functions that are on par with the PSP. The only thing that I dont like is there is no GBA port but... I've got GBA, GBA SP, GBA Micro, GBA Player, and original DS so I can play my GBA games when ever I want anyway.

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I personally see no point on having a camera if its going to be .3 mp. What's the use for that? I've seen Fisher-Price cameras with better quality.

:Yahooo: Scortch! Pow! :Yahooo:

Sorry you got them there I just had to do that.

But when I picked up my RE5 I did reserve my DSi even though I was going to wait a while before picking it up.

I'm really interested in the downloadable games.

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Well lets see first off the one that I've already mentioned. Being able to download games like with the Wii and just about every system now a days that the DS missed out on. Because anyone who knows me knows that I'm a Nintendo fan boy (I mean how many people own almost all of the issues of Nintendo Power). Internet browser (which I've got an iPod Touch so that's not so important). It's got larger screens. The system is smaller. The mat finish is more appealing to me than glossy. And did I mention I'm a Nintendo fanboy. If Shigeru Miyamoto took a crap gave it a name and slapped a label on it. I would be first in line to buy it I've been a loyal owner of Nintendo products since 1984 and will continue to enjoy and buy them until either the end of my days or until the end of their days.

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Well lets see first off the one that I've already mentioned. Being able to download games like with the Wii and just about every system now a days that the DS missed out on. Because anyone who knows me knows that I'm a Nintendo fan boy (I mean how many people own almost all of the issues of Nintendo Power). Internet browser (which I've got an iPod Touch so that's not so important). It's got larger screens. The system is smaller. The mat finish is more appealing to me than glossy. And did I mention I'm a Nintendo fanboy. If Shigeru Miyamoto took a crap gave it a name and slapped a label on it. I would be first in line to buy it I've been a loyal owner of Nintendo products since 1984 and will continue to enjoy and buy them until either the end of my days or until the end of their days.

Eh... just buy flash and put roms on it and play whatever DS game you want, that's what I am doing. And I would like to have a friend which is Nintendo fan boy, as I like Nintendo too, and could borrow Nintendo Power because I didn't own any of it :), as there are none selling here.

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Funny you should mention that I've already got a iTouchDS which is a really cheap flash card and very good. I love using it to read my CBR files and and all the great homebrew that you can run on this thing is amazing. But from what I understand these don't work on the DSi but I've not seen any reports of anyone trying the iTouch yet so I'm hoping that it will still work... if not. Oh well I really don't mind since I'm keeping my current DS anyway. (I need 2 of them so I can transfer Pokemon ;))

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Eh... just buy flash and put roms on it and play whatever DS game you want, that's what I am doing. And I would like to have a friend which is Nintendo fan boy, as I like Nintendo too, and could borrow Nintendo Power because I didn't own any of it :), as there are none selling here.

Eum, just a quick heads up before things get out of hand.

Condoning or encouraging piracy will get you in trouble on here and rather quickly too, if I might add.

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