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Impressions Of Re5

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Well I'm only a few hours into it and I do enjoy the game. My only problem it does not feel like Resident Evil. When RE4 came out I was fearing that game was so far off the formula from the series that I didn't think I was going to like it. But I liked it so much I bought the game twice (Wii and GCN). I figured this game would at least play like RE4 which it does but it still feels so different. I don't know if it's just because of the extra character that runs around with you or what it is just yet. Like I said I'm enjoying it but... it's not RE.

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Well now that I'm at the very end of the game I just wanted to add that the game is great. There is a bit of the RE feel towards the end but it's not the same. Still worth a buy if your a fan of the series or if your into those games like Gears of War it's a good play.

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Ouch, are you saying it's closer to GOW?

Not that GOW is a bad game or anything, but it certainly isn't a RE4.

Heard from several people that the inclusion of a partner actually makes the game less enjoyable for some reason.

Perhaps like you said, it just isn't pure RE. Well RE4 that is.

I loved the old style RE games and didn't have a problem with the new approach in RE4, it's one of the best games of the past generation in my book.

Bought it again on Wii and liked it even moreso with the new controls.

So weird that Capcom would screw things up a bit with 5. Perhaps Shinji Mikami is much more important in making a top RE game than they thought...

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I've been playing RE since PS1 and the series failed with part 4. It's not RE, it's another mindless console shooter now with zombies. And as we all know console shooters suck because they never support M/KB. I played and beat 4 on the GC but it really wasn't fun compared to the originals. I said elsewhere that Capcom probably had no choice but to overhaul the game. SH and Fatal Frame took over the survival horror genre. Sad to see it go, but other companies such as EA have been either running their games into the ground or changing them so drastically they lose what made them great so it's not a surprise another game ran out of steam. I may give this one a try anyway when I find it used for $20, but I dunno.

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