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Finally, a good Wii game from Sega.

I bought this game on Wednesday, and finally found time to play it tonight, even if for only 40 minutes. Quite fun, and quite red. It's probably a good thing they made the game black and white, as it really dehumanizes the people you are cutting in half and impaling onto spikes in brutal fashion. Had they made the game look realistic, the gore probably wouldn't be as amusing or funny.

Anyone else pick this game up yet, or plan on picking it up? It's nice to get a game that isn't a party game compilation or a crap Sega title.

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Yeah I picked this one up to but I don't know if it's just because I'm such a huge Resident Evil fan and the fact that RE5 has taken over my gaming time...

I don't think Mad World deserves the ratings it's getting. I love the artsy style and I love it when a game company does something different from the norm as far as that goes but... This is like Mortal Kombat back in the day. You take away the blood and gore and you just have your self a every day run of the mill game. The game it self is not really very fun but it was fun seeing all the ways you could kill the opponents.

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Someone is forgetting HOTD Overkill.

Yes and as I said before I completely agree with this statement. Loved that game I just wish the hand cannons were release in the US. But I was using my Nintendo Crossbow or whatever it's called and found a really comfortable way of using it on that game.

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I heard the hand canons weren't that good though, seemed to have balancing issues.

I've bought 4 Nyko Perfect Shots, which I think should be released in the US as well.

The only thing you need to do is stick something sharp in the middle of the orange bar at the end, since you have the V thing to aim but it doesn't have a reference point at the end of the barrel.

I've taken the tip of a nail, since it's nicely round and sharp and glued it on there with a glue-gun. Works perfectly fine now. So strange that they didn't make them like that in the first place though.

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Got it yesterday and I'm loving it to bits.

Played for over 2.5 hours before I had to leave for work and nearly got there a bit too late as well.

These days it's hard to find a game that holds me captivated for such an amount of time before my mind starts to wonder off, but this one, I just can't get enough of.

The premise is indeed a simple one, but so were the ones for Streets of Rage and Final Fight. Just beat the crap out of everyone you see.

The thing that makes it so satisfying is the enormous amounts of interactivity with the locations in the way you can kill and maim people, as well as how the insane combo system works.

Do as much things to your enemies as possible before finishing them off and you'll get huge bonus points.

The game will probably not be for everyone, but neither are games like shmups or lightgun games, seeing as how HOTD Overkill gets some comments about how it's "only" 4 hours long and therefor only worth a rental. :rolleyes:

People that don't "get" these types of games probably shouldn't play them in the first place.

The goal of these isn't to get to the end of the game so you can say "I finished it". If you're playing it with that mentality, just move on.

Same thing was said about Crazy Taxi back in the day with it's limited replayability and all such nonsense, and guess what? 9 years later I'm still playing it on a monthly basis!

The commentary nearly had me rolling off the couch laughing yesterday. It's so good! :D

Things like: A doctor says to his patient: you really should stop masturbating.

The patient asks why, so the doctor replies: "because I can't examine you while you're doing it."

Just like in HOTD Overkill, it's so intentionally silly and stupid at times that it's just hilarious.

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