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Virtual Console + Wiiware Set Free


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Nintendo has just released a new firmware update for the Wii which allows games on an SD card to be played virtually straight from the SD card without having to copy it to the internal memory.

The new update gives you a new SD card button on the main page which acts like the regular channel interface but for all the channels that are saved on the SD card.

The only thing you need to make sure of is that there is enough internal memory on the Wii itself available to load the games as the game you select gets loaded into the Wii memory before it boots up.

This is pretty much the update on which we've all been waiting for.

Not exactly the "play games directly from an SD card option", but as close as you can ever get without unlocking the SD card fully and set the door wide open to piracy.

The load times for even the biggest games are only a couple of seconds as well. Just tested it out myself.

Oh and just confirmed by Iwata:

Nintendo Wii supports high capacity cards, up to 32 GB

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Nintendo has just released a new firmware update for the Wii which allows games on an SD card to be played virtually straight from the SD card without having to copy it to the internal memory.

The new update gives you a new SD card button on the main page which acts like the regular channel interface but for all the channels that are saved on the SD card.

The only thing you need to make sure of is that there is enough internal memory on the Wii itself available to load the games as the game you select gets loaded into the Wii memory before it boots up.

This is pretty much the update on which we've all been waiting for.

Not exactly the "play games directly from an SD card option", but as close as you can ever get without unlocking the SD card fully and set the door wide open to piracy.

The load times for even the biggest games are only a couple of seconds as well. Just tested it out myself.

Oh and just confirmed by Iwata:

Nintendo Wii supports high capacity cards, up to 32 GB

I may just have to get another Wii now.... ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...
I may just have to get another Wii now.... ;)

Without going into too much detail, there is no reason to get above a 4gb card. The only way you'd come close to taking up all 3.8gb(after initial format) is if you put every WiiWare, Neo-Geo and N64 game (I mention those because they are the "memory hogs") and even if you filled up the rest of the channel slots (there's a total of 240 channel slots available-20 pages of 12 slots each) you'd still have about 5000 blocks left. You'll fill up the channels way b4 filling up the card. Still nice, but no reason going massive on the cards just yet.

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I wouldn't mind checking out a couple Wiiware games, but it's a hassle to hook up my wii to the net and buy/download them. I have 1 wiiware game on my wii. Mega Man 9. I got that using points I bought when I got the system in 2007. I've been online with the Wii/PS3 a grand total of 3 times. Just a hassle. I want to play games with my game machines, not connect to the internet. I have a computer for that.

If they'd let me buy it from my computer, download it to a SD card, and load it onto my system that way, I'd purchase more stuff.

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