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Anyone Remember Gamepro's Tv Show?

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I remember that show vaguely. Didn't JD Roth get around back in the day? I mean, recently he was the host for the first season on Solitary or whatever Fox called it where the contestants were in an old missile silo and and to decide 100% to give the money to one person. The catch being that as time went by, the amount of money decreased.

How many episodes do you have of it?

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I loved that show! End of the show, the winners would run through something that looks like a McDonalds Playland grabbing games boxes that were velcroed on, off....good times....

Edit: Wait? that's not it, but he hosted another video game show like that....

Edit Again:

Found it, but it wasn't hosted by Roth. Show is called Video Power....

(gotta turn your speakers up on this one)

Some clips of the show....

Old days of gaming are soooo much more fun...

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I remember he hosted Fun House for awhile before Gamepro which had the twin cheerleader co-hosts. Gamepro was a video version of the magazine at the time. It had SWAT, Pro Reviews, and Hot at the Arcade segments. I have about 6 hours worth of episodes minus an episode of Dragon's Lair and Pac Man... so about 5 hours of eps. I could rip them to ipod (mp4) without much hassle if anyone wanted to see them.

It was a little too silly at times, and the dialogue was embarrassingly aimed at kids, but the format was very in line with what G4 does now with Xplay. Nice bit of nostalgia. Every time I watch it, I think again how I never played Maniac Mansion and how I keep meaning to do that someday.

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greenlantern32, that would be cool if you had time to do it. I definitely would go for a download of it (if you are looking for a decent place to put the files without having to worry about them being deleted you could try www.adrive.com).

If you get around to trying Maniac Mansion, there is a fan remake called Maniac Mansion Deluxe that you may want to try after the original one. You can get it pretty cheap on ebay, or at least you could-just checked, around $15 is average for cart only after shipping for the NES version.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd love to get these on dvd. Any chance we could trade? I started collecting video game shows a while back. Currently, I have a number of Icons/Game Maker shows from G4 and some history of gaming type shows from different places like the history channel, G4, MSNBC, etc. I've also got a good bit of the "I love ..." series from VH1. At least 1 of the I love the 80's has a NES segment.

Anyone else collect tv shows? I've got tons. Not just videogaming related. Mostly College Football and pro wrestling.

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Now your talking my language, watch out for meppi and me to start asking about what you have! So, um, what do you have in the prowrestling department?

I'll pm you a list. Way to much to put in a post. Unfortunetly, I think of wrestling like gaming. The current stuff stinks.

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I'll pm you a list. Way to much to put in a post. Unfortunetly, I think of wrestling like gaming. The current stuff stinks.

Have you watched TNA in the last month or so? It has gotten way better, much better than the 'Entertainment' that WWE has put on. We can continue this in PM's or another thread as we are on the verge of hijacking this one...:)

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PMed ya with a couple links (wasn't sure about posting them)

Thank you, message replied.

Yeah, I am not too sure about those links either, better to take the safer route. There are a couple that aren't allowed here anymore (as far as I know, none of the links you sent me are bad). :)

It would be awesome if someone could gather up the videos and make them available (certainly out of the question for here not only because of it being out of the scope of RM but the size issues are also a concern).

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I'll pm you a list. Way to much to put in a post. Unfortunetly, I think of wrestling like gaming. The current stuff stinks.

Can you private message the list to me as well. I love the old stuff that I grew up with. Back when the wrestling storylines actually made sense to the "sport" :)

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