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Final Fantasy 7 On Psn.......in Japan. Aagghh

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There's a multitude of reasons why you should have a PS3 already. As for this game they would need to add some things to it for me to spend money on it again. I still have my PS1 black-label copy and I try to avoid buying straight out remakes of games I own.

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The one game that's calling me to buy a PS3 is WipEout HD.

How can I refuse this:

Besides that there aren't many games that I'd would be interested in.

Virtua Fighter 5, Sega Rally, Motorstorm, King Of Fighters 12, Street Fighter 4, Ridge Racer 7. Perhaps a couple more like RE5 and MGS4.

If it had games like the Cave shooters and Raiden Fighters that are out on the 360 as well as things like PacMan CE and Galaga Legions and similar titles then it would make the decision to get one much easier.

Perhaps if Studio Liverpool finally releases a full on retail WipEout game, maybe then I wouldn't be able to hold back anymore.

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Wipeout is great. PSN also has shooters like SSD, Blast Factor, and Soldner X. So there's really nothing on 360 you can't get here. With everything being multiplatform it boils down to choosing 360's plain FPS 's or PS3's variety of exclusives. Uncharted, God of War, R&C, there's a bunch more.

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The day they redo the graphics and sound for Final Fantasy 7, and release it on the PS3......is the day I buy a PS3!

There were 2 games I wanted for the PS3 (and of course I wanted a Blu Ray player) but the 3rd game was FF7 with new graphics. I'm still hoping for it but in the mean time I guess they had better release this in the US I know I'd buy it. Maybe they are just doing this as a test to see how many people are still interested in Final Fantasy 7 and they will actually release the remake. I doubt it though.

Oh and meppi yes that is a great game. I didn't buy my PS3 for but it was a definite bonus.

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Wipeout is great. PSN also has shooters like SSD, Blast Factor, and Soldner X. So there's really nothing on 360 you can't get here. With everything being multiplatform it boils down to choosing 360's plain FPS 's or PS3's variety of exclusives. Uncharted, God of War, R&C, there's a bunch more.

Eeeeew, FPS games are certainly not for me. Not in the way they have been coming out for the last 5 years though.

I love Portal and Half-Life and Halo 1 was great, 2 was good as well. But I don't have much love for other FPS games besides the original Perfect Dark and GoldenEye 007.

Checked out those shooters you mentioned, but they don't seem to be anything special. Doesn't mean they look bad, just that they don't grab me in any way.

And compared to the 360 games like Raiden Fighters Collection, Otomedius, Dodonpachi Daioujou Black Label and especially Ketsui those games aren't even worth a look.

The biggest problem is that those 360 games are region protected so that would mean buying a Japanese 360, and with the questionable reliability of the hardware I just don't want to risk it. Especially since MS Europe refuses to repair systems from other regions.

I normally don't mind buying Japanese systems as I have just about everything from an AV Famicom to a Japanese PS2, but this time, I'm not seeing the benefit, especially with the limited games I'm interested in.

1942 Joint Strike looks quite nice on PSN though, as does Everyday Shooter.

Flow and Flower might be something that I'm interested in.

GTI Club is something I want to get back into ever since I played it in the arcade many years ago.

Outrun is a must buy for me even though I own both the XBOX version as well as the PS2 and PSP versions also.

Super Puzzle Fighter II is another must have here.

Maybe Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix.

Possibly Worms if it turns out to be a good version.

Pixeljunk Eden looks intriguing even though I have no idea what the point of the game is and how it plays. :lol:

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Eeeeew, FPS games are certainly not for me. Not in the way they have been coming out for the last 5 years though.

I love Portal and Half-Life and Halo 1 was great, 2 was good as well. But I don't have much love for other FPS games besides the original Perfect Dark and GoldenEye 007.

Checked out those shooters you mentioned, but they don't seem to be anything special. Doesn't mean they look bad, just that they don't grab me in any way.

And compared to the 360 games like Raiden Fighters Collection, Otomedius, Dodonpachi Daioujou Black Label and especially Ketsui those games aren't even worth a look.

The biggest problem is that those 360 games are region protected so that would mean buying a Japanese 360, and with the questionable reliability of the hardware I just don't want to risk it. Especially since MS Europe refuses to repair systems from other regions.

I normally don't mind buying Japanese systems as I have just about everything from an AV Famicom to a Japanese PS2, but this time, I'm not seeing the benefit, especially with the limited games I'm interested in.

1942 Joint Strike looks quite nice on PSN though, as does Everyday Shooter.

Flow and Flower might be something that I'm interested in.

GTI Club is something I want to get back into ever since I played it in the arcade many years ago.

Outrun is a must buy for me even though I own both the XBOX version as well as the PS2 and PSP versions also.

Super Puzzle Fighter II is another must have here.

Maybe Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix.

Possibly Worms if it turns out to be a good version.

Pixeljunk Eden looks intriguing even though I have no idea what the point of the game is and how it plays. :lol:

I hear ya. I won't touch 'em unless they support M/KB or just offer small doses like MGS, GTA, and the like. Only on PC for me. Unfortunately due to DRM and all I haven't touched many recent FPS's.

They're good shooters, I liked 'em. Soldner is the only one to resemble an arcade style shooter. Being that I have most of those others on MAME or another console I'm fine. PSN has the same issue, a lot of the better games are on the Japan sections and not in the US store. I don't usually bother with Jap consoles so I don't get locked into paying import prices. Either I'll wait for a localized copy or hold off until emulation helps me out. I mean if I can't buy it then what choice do I have?

There are more, yeah. I would try 1942 if I see it on sale. Dunno about Everyday Shooter. Flow and Flower aren't really 'games' if you ask me so I avoided them. GTI Club is ok. Tried the demo but not the full game. Outrun felt too basic for me when I played it on MAME, but if the price is right I might play around with it. Puzzle Fighter is great, but I didn't buy this one since I have it on PS1. Worms is cool, I played that for a while before the latest update kept me from playing online. It doesn't have everything the PC versions have though, not sure if that matters to you. No idea on the last one, not a fan of Pixeljunk games as too many turned out to be crappy TD-style games.

What else... Echochrome is neat if you like puzzles. Megaman 9 and Bionic Commando Rearmed are must-buys. Poker and Bowling were ok since I got them cheap, just don't expect a really deep game. Not sure what more I could suggest. I prefer buying disc games so I don't simply purchase everything that appears on PSN.

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Final Fantasy 7 was like most Europeans one of the earliest true RPGs I got to play and at the time it blew me away.

Loved it so much, but since then when I look back at it now, for some reason I'm not too fond of it anymore.

Perhaps my tastes have changed, but I think that there are many RPGs out there that are so much better.

I do love the game for one thing though, and that is to open the doors for other RPGs to be released in Europe as we didn't get much back in the day, besides a couple of games on Sega systems.

DPsx7, I believe you're thinking about the wrong Outrun.

This is the one that's being released soon:

I've got Megaman 9 on VC so I wouldn't be getting it again on PSN, Bionic Commando sounds awesome though.

I'm also not a big fan of downloadable only games, I even wish WipEout would have been released as a retail game, but I'll take what I can get.

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I know they updated it but it's still pretty much the same. And I got more than enough other racers that Outrun isn't high on my list.

Ah, ok. BC:R was great if you liked the original.

Yup. While I'll get disc versions to save space and have a physical copy for the collection, if DL'ing is the only option then so be it. Tough to say if MM9 would have had a chance as a retail release. Since I was a fan of the series I wasn't going to let a DL keep me from a new sequel.

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Many people think Final Fantasy VII is great because it's the first one they played. If they had played VI they wouldn't have thought that highly of the game, I mean it's a good game but far from being the best Final Fantasy.

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  • Retromags Curator
Many people think Final Fantasy VII is great because it's the first one they played. If they had played VI they wouldn't have thought that highly of the game, I mean it's a good game but far from being the best Final Fantasy.

Yes. FFVII was good, and at the time very impressive. But as soon as I played VIII, and then IX, VII wasn't that great anymore. It was good, but not nearly as good as the overhyping of it suggests.

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Count me in the "unimpressed by FF7" camp. I played it, and I beat it. Aside from someone dying (name omitted just in case there's folks who don't know who died) and the main bad guy, I can't remember much at all about the story.

FF6 on the other hand....best in the series for me. I enjoyed 8 better than 7 as well. Never finished 9 or 10, and never played any of the others except for 1.

I will say that 7 had some of the best music in the series. The piano collections for 7 were way better than 8, 9, and 10. I'd have to say that 6 is the best game and the best soundtrack overall.

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I always end up buying remakes or when they release a game again. First example Zelda... These are the versions I own, I separated games from compilations to give a hint of what I mean about rebuying things LOL.

The Legend of Zelda - Nes

The Legend of Zelda - The Adventure of Link - Nes

The Legend of Zelda - Collectors Edition GC

The Legend of Zelda - The Adventure of Link - Collectors Edition GC

The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time - Collectors Editon GC

The Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask - Collectors Edition GC

The Legend of Zelda - The Windwaker - GC

The Legend of Zelda - Four Swords Adventure - GC

The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time - Bonus Disc - GC

The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time Master's Quest - Bonus Disc - GC

The Legend of Zelda - Wii Virtual Console

The Legend of Zelda - The Adventure of Link - Wii Virtual Console

The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past - Wii Virtual Console

The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time - Wii Virtual Console

The Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask - Wii Virtual Console

The Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess - Wii

Waiting for Majora's Mask on the VC, I will buy it ASAP when it's released :D

Oh I almost forgot... The Legend of Zelda - Animal Crossing Disc

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