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Looking For Old Video Game Posters


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This is my first post, and first of all i would like to say to the mods an the users congrats because you have here an awsome site, and for me a video game colector that was to young to apreciate such things like the good NES now i can actualy see how were the magazines in the late 80's and early 90'. Now for the actual question, as you well know geting old video game posters is a pain in th but, i own some brochores and some original posters, but getting even more so i can fill my game room walls with it is nearly impossible for me, so i looked and looked on the net for digital recriations or scan, but or i find a smal resolution screen or a "non what was like", so when i found out this site i imediatly started downloading some magazines hoping to find scans of the posters in it, but i found none i downloaded some mags of nintendo power, and none had the posters, i looked on the forum and saw some old post that once actually ad some posters but the links were death and even the post was closed, so i ask if someone can get me old videogame posters, in this site or anyother one im looking im particular for poster os the most emblematic games on the NES, SNES and Mega drive games.

Thank you in advance.

PS: i know it was big text sorry about that. :lol: :lol:

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Actually that's a good Q. Do any of the scans this site hosts have the posters? I'm pretty sure I have a folder laying around with a ton of them. What condition they're in I can't say I also have no idea what issue they were from unless it's printed on the bottom. It was tough tearing them out of the mags (yes, scissors would have been smart), they were once folded in the mag, and I hung them with small bits of tape. I'm sure if they were scanned they could be cleaned up without much effort.

Ya know, they would make nifty BG's too.

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Actually that's a good Q. Do any of the scans this site hosts have the posters? I'm pretty sure I have a folder laying around with a ton of them. What condition they're in I can't say I also have no idea what issue they were from unless it's printed on the bottom. It was tough tearing them out of the mags (yes, scissors would have been smart), they were once folded in the mag, and I hung them with small bits of tape. I'm sure if they were scanned they could be cleaned up without much effort.

Ya know, they would make nifty BG's too.

i actualy now downloaded nintendo power issue 11, and luckly it had the poster, the "Super C" one, (i have that on GAMEBOY, lol), so i guess that some magazines have others dont, but if is that so, the site could open a new area, only for the posters. im going to download more magazines to see if i find more, maybe i get premium. anyway the original question stands.

PS: the SUper C poster is in exelent quality it as the full poster divided in 4 A4 pages and edited thogether, very good

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Can someone with better knowledge of the files let us know? I found my folder. I see maybe 10 or 15 posters from various issues. I thought there might have been more but it seems the majority of the folder is lost pages or covers from NP's, strategy guides, and a few other random things. Nothing really fancy though, I saw a poster of Faceball, Taz Mania, Lost Vikings, etc. Probably not what people were looking for, but if they'd help complete an issue...

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