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Dedicating Myself To The Wiki


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  • Retromags Curator

Well, my original plan was to come here and scan a bunch of nifty stuff, but now I've been playing around with my scanner and it's kind of giving me some troubles, so I'm putting scans on hold for the time being until I can figure out what's up with my hardware.

Instead, I've noticed there's this big, huge Wiki with all these empty and stub-class entries for the Magazine Indexing Project...so I'm going to officially dedicate myself to dusting off my boxes of classic mags and start dumping complete index information into that lovely, virginal Wiki-space while everyone else plays with their scanning equipment. I'll use this thread as my own little "work in progress" area so that I've got a list of what I've done so far and what I'm working on at any given time if that's OK with the rest of you. Maybe one day I'll be worthy of a sticky, but until that day comes, I'll just update it whenever something new or interesting is going on over there. :)

So, as my first sources of pride and joy to be released on the site, I give you the complete indexes for Nintendo Power, issues 059 and 062. Feel free to check my work and make suggestions/corrections/repairs as needed, ye great and powerful moderators. :)

Nintendo Power 059 Index

Nintendo Power 062 Index

(4/16/09): Index work for issue 072 has been completed!

Nintendo Power 072 Index



Edited by Areala
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  • Retromags Curator

Very awesome! :D

Many people may assume that the only way they can help is by scanning or editing......but the truth is that the Wiki is something that EVERYONE can help with. Just to let you know, you may notice that when uploading covers to the Wiki......that you can only do 1 at a time. But if you have the need to upload multiple images.....we do have a way to mass import images into the Wiki :)

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  • Retromags Curator
Very awesome! :D

Many people may assume that the only way they can help is by scanning or editing......but the truth is that the Wiki is something that EVERYONE can help with. Just to let you know, you may notice that when uploading covers to the Wiki......that you can only do 1 at a time. But if you have the need to upload multiple images.....we do have a way to mass import images into the Wiki :)

Yeah, you admins get all the fun toys... :)

Thankfully, it seems like somebody has done a fairly thorough job of uploading Nintendo Power covers, so I haven't had to bust out the scanner yet.

Also, one other thing I wanted to let everyone know: I work in a bookstore that buys and sells used magazines as well as books. I try my best to grab up every old gaming magazine that comes in, especially if they are non-US publications. If there are any certain issues of any certain magazines that you want me to be on the lookout for, don't hesitate to let me know. They don't come in very often, but when they do, I can get them at absolutely unbeatable prices. It's entirely possible that I could help be a resource for mass-donations to the site in the future for very little-to-no money out of pocket save postage costs. :)



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That sounds awesome! :D

And while doing that you are actually helping out me and Triverse as well behind the scenes, but enough of that for now. ;)

I hope you don't mind, but as you can see underneath your name, I have just updated your profile so you can more easily grab a couple of magazines of the site itself as well.

Hope you don't mind. :)

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  • Retromags Curator
That sounds awesome! :D

And while doing that you are actually helping out me and Triverse as well behind the scenes, but enough of that for now. ;)

I hope you don't mind, but as you can see underneath your name, I have just updated your profile so you can more easily grab a couple of magazines of the site itself as well.

Hope you don't mind. :)

*SQUEE!!* I'm a Princess!! Ummm...what exactly does that mean? :)

I was wondering about that...I didn't think I did anything, and all of a sudden there's this new forum I hadn't seen before. But then, I didn't notice the shoutbox before either, so I figured maybe I just needed new glasses or something...

Glad to be of service. This is so much fun! :)



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It's a custom title like contributor or super contributor, to give back to the people who help out on the site.

Just like the Premium membership you can now download 7.5GIG every 30 days (if I didn't mess up any settings... :unsure: )

Besides being a custom title that very, very few people have (there was this one guy once that got this title for a bit, but that was for a completely different reason :P ), it gives you access to a couple more sections of the site as you've already mentioned.

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  • Retromags Curator
Besides being a custom title that very, very few people have (there was this one guy once that got this title for a bit, but that was for a completely different reason :P ), it gives you access to a couple more sections of the site as you've already mentioned.


I'm not even gonna ask what he did to deserve that... :)

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I'm not even gonna ask what he did to deserve that... :)

Congrats on the new membership there Areala. Thank you very very much for doing what you are doing with the wiki, as meppi said, it is a tremendous help to us.

Custom title and everything, nice. Oh don't worry, that other GUY that had that membership really worked at getting it.

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  • Retromags Curator
Congrats on the new membership there Areala. Thank you very very much for doing what you are doing with the wiki, as meppi said, it is a tremendous help to us.

Custom title and everything, nice. Oh don't worry, that other GUY that had that membership really worked at getting it.

He worked even harder to get the Banned Title :P

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  • Retromags Curator

Hey Areala,

Do me a favor and hold back on the Nintendo Power section for a day or so, I thought we had fixed this issue....but I must have been mistaken. Way back about a year ago.....we ended up with 2 Nintendo Power sections.....it seems as though we still have 2..


You just did an Index for Nintendo Power Issue 72


and over here we have another one....


I am going to get on top of fixing this today and tomorrow.....

In the mean time.....we do need a bit of help with stubbing out certain magazines on the wiki






All that you need to do is click on any of the issues that do not exist at this time, and add this code to the page and hit save

{{Index Stub}}

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GamePro and EGM2 now have logos on the index wiki page. I am going to work on getting logos for other magazines up, as well as getting nicer versions of other logos already up (the Gamefan one hurts the eyes).

I didn't know colors could be that bright, especially after clicking through from here. Maybe we need to put an epilepsy warning up till that logo gets changed or something.

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  • Retromags Curator

Official XBox Magazine fully stubbed. Now for breakfast... :)

Awesome! I would stay clear of anything on the Wiki that has any of the following....

  • Preceeding Zeros on two digit numbers in title
  • Country codes in title
  • Date in title

This next example has all three of the above criteria....


Those are the old style links....that we are trying to get rid of......that link should be

http://www.retromags.com/wiki/Gamers_Republic_Issue _3

The reason why we are straying away from those old links.....is because people don't go to Google and type

"GamePro Issue 003"

They go and search for GamePro Issue 3......thus we are changing the links to new ones. You may notice that the Download section has 3 digit numbers, but that is because its the only way to get the issues to display in order

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  • Retromags Curator
Awesome! I would stay clear of anything on the Wiki that has any of the following....

  • Preceeding Zeros on two digit numbers in title
  • Country codes in title
  • Date in title

This next example has all three of the above criteria....


Those are the old style links....that we are trying to get rid of......that link should be

http://www.retromags.com/wiki/Gamers_Republic_Issue _3

The reason why we are straying away from those old links.....is because people don't go to Google and type

"GamePro Issue 003"

They go and search for GamePro Issue 3......thus we are changing the links to new ones. You may notice that the Download section has 3 digit numbers, but that is because its the only way to get the issues to display in order

Alrighty! Nix all the country codes, preceeding zeroes, and dates in the titles...that's simple enough to remember. :) Seems like it'll make for a huge amount of moving or redirecting for you guys though...sorry for the extra work. :(

Hey, can I add the little infobox for the magazine image and whatnot on the pages I am stubbing too? It might make it easier for anyone else to come along and update the information and the magazine scan, but if you want me to stick to just the basics, that's cool too. :)

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  • Retromags Curator
Alrighty! Nix all the country codes, preceeding zeroes, and dates in the titles...that's simple enough to remember. :) Seems like it'll make for a huge amount of moving or redirecting for you guys though...sorry for the extra work. :(

Hey, can I add the little infobox for the magazine image and whatnot on the pages I am stubbing too? It might make it easier for anyone else to come along and update the information and the magazine scan, but if you want me to stick to just the basics, that's cool too. :)

Well I had started you off with the easiest stuff....but if you want to jump to the next step :D

Lets take the Xbox Magazines you just placed stubs inside of.....if you want to create the infobox....just add the following below your stub entry....

|title=[[Official Xbox Magazine Issue 11]]
|image=Official xbox issue 011.jpg
|date=October 2002
|publisher=Future Publishing

You can see all the Covers that have already been uploaded by going to the following link.....and you can search for items like Xbox or PSM


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Sorry I'm in a bit of a hurry so I did not look over the entire topic. But I just wanted to let you know the page numbers are not necissary so you don't have to do that and it saves you time if you don't put them in there. But The first thing listed on the wiki page for Nintendo Power should be systems covered. So if in the magazine they talk about rumors to a new Nintendo system or anything like that just put a reference in there about it. But wow this is great thank you so much for the help.

See http://www.retromags.com/wiki/Nintendo_Pow..._feb_1992_(USA) as an example as the way I'm configuring those now if you don't mind. I kinda am trying to keep them all uniform.

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  • Retromags Curator
Well I had started you off with the easiest stuff....but if you want to jump to the next step :D

Lets take the Xbox Magazines you just placed stubs inside of.....if you want to create the infobox....just add the following below your stub entry....

|title=[[Official Xbox Magazine Issue 11]]
|image=Official xbox issue 011.jpg
|date=October 2002
|publisher=Future Publishing

You can see all the Covers that have already been uploaded by going to the following link.....and you can search for items like Xbox or PSM


Sweet! I've added the infobox to the first 23 issues of the magazine, and I'll work on getting the rest in there in the next day or two. I was out of town for most of the day today, so not a whole lot of work done, but a few more baby steps for our Wiki! :)

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  • Retromags Curator
I didn't know colors could be that bright, especially after clicking through from here. Maybe we need to put an epilepsy warning up till that logo gets changed or something.

I just changed it :)

I also added/changed logos for Atari Age, VG&CE, Mega Play, Nintendo Power.

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  • Retromags Curator

Going out on my own a bit here, but we'll see what y'all think. I found a couple of my old PSM magazines, and I threw together an index for issue 18. Check it out, let me know if there's anything I need to improve, and if not, I've got one or two more I can index. :)

PSM Issue 18



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  • Retromags Curator
I think it looks perfect.

I agree, looks great

By the way, I just redid the Super Play section, I am working my way through changing everything to "pretty urls"

Super Play 011 - sep 1993 (UK)


Super Play Issue 11

But....the first link still exists as a redirect to the pretty url :)

Soon everything will be like this....and the wiki will be one step closer to taking over the world as "THE SOURCE" for magazine information :D

Big thanks to everyone who is lending a hand!

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