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Dedicating Myself To The Wiki


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  • Retromags Curator

OK, trying something new. :) I figured since we just got SNES Buyer's Guide 1 scanned and uploaded, I'd make a section for it on the Wiki.

Questions, comments, edits and corrections all gratefully welcome. I struck out on my own a bit, and there's all sorts of things I could have or should have done differently. Please feel free to make suggestions! :)

Super NES Buyer's Guide Issue 1



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Retromags Curator

Was cleaning and ran across an issue of Game Buyer magazine that I didn't remember having, so I added minor update to the Wiki about how Ultra Game Players became Game Buyer briefly before finally being cancelled by Imagine back in 1998.

Also, Akator has very graciously offered to cover shipping of a nice load of things to be scanned and uploaded to the site as donated by me. Akator, my brother has them now, and he said expect them to be shipped out within the next week or so after he gets paid.

My apologies for scant work lately; we're in the process of trying to do a lot of cleaning in preparation for a move that may happen within the next year, and so most of my free time has been focused on that. In another month or so, though, I may have another box of goodies ready to be shipped to someone, either for sale on Chasethechuckwagon or else for scanning if they aren't already in our archives. We'll see what my frenzy uncovers next! :)



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  • 2 months later...
  • Retromags Curator

Since it's been like 3 months since I did anything significant with the Wiki, I figured it was time to add another drop in our bucket. And since it's a Dreamcast anniversary, I thought I'd find a magazine that dealt with a bunch of Dreamcast reviews/previews. To wit:

Game Informer 78 has now been drained of its pitiful Stub status and fully indexed! Any comments or questions, you know where to direct 'em. :)

Edit: now Game Informer 84 has been indexed as well. It's hard to stop once you've started. :)



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I noticed that the flow of titles changed from Preview to review & then got mixed up. I could have found what I was looking for sooner if all of the reviews & Previews were grouped together. Start with Features then list all of the Previews. The underlying grid is just fine but the order of headings could be different.

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  • Retromags Curator

I noticed that the flow of titles changed from Preview to review & then got mixed up. I could have found what I was looking for sooner if all of the reviews & Previews were grouped together. Start with Features then list all of the Previews. The underlying grid is just fine but the order of headings could be different.

I think I understand what you're saying here, which is to have all previews, regardless of system, lumped together in one category and then, likewise, all reviews put together in one category? Or do you mean rather that they should be broken down as, say, Arcade Previews, then Game Boy Previews, Nintendo 64 Previews, etc... and then later on have Arcade Reviews, then Game Boy Reviews, Nintendo 64 Reviews, etc...?

My intention in doing it the way I did was simple alphabetical order according to system, so that it would be very easy to find all the Nintendo 64 stuff right together and then broken down into whether or not it is a preview or review, and those sections further arranged alphabetically by title. Thus, if somebody was looking to see if, say, Final Fantasy VII was featured in a given issue of GI (and didn't want to use the Wiki search function for some reason), you could click on the article link, scroll down to Playstation, and very quickly look to see if any Final Fantasy titles occured in either the previews or reviews and then move on without having to jump all over the page willy-nilly looking for them in multiple sections. This way, anybody who knows their alphabet can very quickly find the system they want, then the game. Alphabetical order also removes any possibility for accusation of bias (putting Playstation first and Dreamcast all the way at the bottom if I'm a Sega hater, for instance). :)

What does everyone else think? Is Jake's suggestion more logical than alphabetical order? I'm fine either way; we want it to be easy to use, after all...a wiki isn't a vanity project. :)



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I think I understand what you're saying here, which is to have all previews, regardless of system, lumped together in one category and then, likewise, all reviews put together in one category? Or do you mean rather that they should be broken down as, say, Arcade Previews, then Game Boy Previews, Nintendo 64 Previews, etc... and then later on have Arcade Reviews, then Game Boy Reviews, Nintendo 64 Reviews, etc...?

My intention in doing it the way I did was simple alphabetical order according to system, so that it would be very easy to find all the Nintendo 64 stuff right together and then broken down into whether or not it is a preview or review, and those sections further arranged alphabetically by title. Thus, if somebody was looking to see if, say, Final Fantasy VII was featured in a given issue of GI (and didn't want to use the Wiki search function for some reason), you could click on the article link, scroll down to Playstation, and very quickly look to see if any Final Fantasy titles occured in either the previews or reviews and then move on without having to jump all over the page willy-nilly looking for them in multiple sections. This way, anybody who knows their alphabet can very quickly find the system they want, then the game. Alphabetical order also removes any possibility for accusation of bias (putting Playstation first and Dreamcast all the way at the bottom if I'm a Sega hater, for instance). :)

What does everyone else think? Is Jake's suggestion more logical than alphabetical order? I'm fine either way; we want it to be easy to use, after all...a wiki isn't a vanity project. :)



Personally, I always find it logical for all N64 things to be in the "N64 category" and Psx in the "PSX category". From inside that category it seems like Alphabetical order of magazine title and then numberical based on release of that issue seems best. Does that help you at all Areala?

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  • Retromags Curator

Personally, I always find it logical for all N64 things to be in the "N64 category" and Psx in the "PSX category". From inside that category it seems like Alphabetical order of magazine title and then numberical based on release of that issue seems best. Does that help you at all Areala?

It's a very good suggestion, but it's not what our Wiki is currently being used for. What we're talking about is the information within the section for each issue of the magazine, basically what games they covered and how those were covered (review, in-depth feature, preview, etc...). :)

Jake: You don't have to retract anything. The beauty of a wiki is that ANYBODY can play with it. The important thing, in my mind, is to get the information in there. If someone else wants to switch up the layout, use three columns instead of two, or re-arrange the information later, that's perfectly fine. As far as I'm concerned, once the information itself is in the page where somebody can do a search and find it, the design of the page itself is simple dressing and I'm only good at writing; designing awesome page layouts isn't a skill I possess, so I always solicit feedback and encourage others to improve on the bare-bones. :)



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  • Retromags Curator

What's the permissions set on the wiki? I tried editing something on a page that was a stub, and my account was not allowed to.

As far as I know, it doesn't require more than an account on our Wiki to be able to edit. Anonymous edits are disabled by default, and some pages are protected at editor level, but all you need to do is sign up with an account at the wiki (use the same name you use here on the forums), and you'll have permission to edit virtually everything over there. :)



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s1500, are you signed up on the Retromags wiki? I believe you have to sign up over there separate from the main site.

I signed up on the wiki as the same username.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Retromags Curator

I had to take a break from the Wiki for a while what with all the packing and moving and stuff. Now, all of my magazines that I was using for reference are currently boxed up, so it may be a while before I can get back at them. I'll keep working on getting a place set up for them though so I can get back on track. :)



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