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Gamepro Fund?


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I'm sure there's info somewhere, but I've searched and couldn't find anything.

Just wanted more info on the Gamepro fundraiser on the main page. What issues is it for? Where are they coming from? Just want to get some more info before I throw down some cash.

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I just donated $10. I figured I might as well do it now instead of wait.

I have nothing to scan, so perhaps when you get them you can send a couple to me for scanning (I'll pay shipping).

I really need to get on the ball with sending out some GamePros to you then. Any idea how much it cost last time someone sent some out?

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  • Retromags Curator
I really need to get on the ball with sending out some GamePros to you then. Any idea how much it cost last time someone sent some out?

No one has sent me anything to scan yet. Triverse was going to send me some EGMs, but the cost was insane (fat issues and all).

I have plenty to edit, but it's not as enjoyable as editing something I have scanned. But it will keep me busy until I get something to scan.

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They nail you on the customs charges for it crossing national borders.

Ouch...that is just awful. Heck, I was combing through my boxes earlier to see if there was anything he'd want until I saw that cross-border stuff. Stupid customs...

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Ouch...that is just awful. Heck, I was combing through my boxes earlier to see if there was anything he'd want until I saw that cross-border stuff. Stupid customs...

After customs and shipping it comes down to about $5 or so per pound to be shipped across the border to Canada with the USPS. You can try other shipping like USP, FedEx and DHL but they are about the same (FedEX I think was cheaper but the receiver ends up paying customs on the items so it still comes out high).

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Not only would I pay customs, but FedEX/UPS/any courier would charge me an additional $20 for the "convenience" of them taking care of things at the border for me. Hence why I never buy stuff on eBay that is shipped by Courier.

It is amazing the amount of 'conveniences' that people get charged for nowadays. It is rediculously out of hand honestly.

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It is amazing the amount of 'conveniences' that people get charged for nowadays. It is rediculously out of hand honestly.

Yeah I work for TicketB@$tards....the "King of Convienance Charges".....hence why I'll probably never go to a concert or sporting event unless I can buy direct from the stadium...

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Yeah I work for TicketB@$tards....the "King of Convienance Charges".....hence why I'll probably never go to a concert or sporting event unless I can buy direct from the stadium...

That is why I like living here in Arkansas, sure they have the option of Ticketmaster at most of the major events they have but they always put it either louder or in bigger print, you can buy tickets at the stadium. I know it is not an exclusive or anything but it is nice to be reminded that Ticketmasters is not the only option (though for some reason, people still go out of their way to order from them).

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