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The Nintendo Wii?


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I thin it's terrible and I will be embarrassed to buy something like that. Please write to Nintendo if you can, you can find the email at www.nintendo.com Some people over at IGN started a petition to keep Revolution. http://www.petitiononline.com/vplchin/petition-sign.html?

Please sign it if you don't agree, or if you don't care sign it to help those who do. :D Thanks.

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OK, so it's a really weird name. I'm such a Nintendo fanboy that I would buy it no matter what they called it. I'll still be in line on launch day to proudly pick up my Wii.

With a funky name like that, however, I wouldn't be surprised if people just called it a "Nintendo" like everyone used to do back in the days of the NES. You didn't "play your NES" or "play your Nintendo Entertainment System", you "played Nintendo". This got to be confusing wit the release of multiple Nintendo systems (Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo, & Nintendo 64). The last system was named Gamecube and most people call it Gamecube. With the Wii, you can say "playing Nintendo" and people will know what you are talking about. Just calling the Wii "a Nintendo" will be especially clear given the fact that the Wii's virtual console will support all past generations of Nintendo games. If you're playing the original Super Mario Kart on the Wii are you playing Wii? Kind of. Are you playing Super Nintendo? Not exactly. Are you playing Nintendo? Hell yeah! And now you're playing with power! (fanboy love surges through my veins) :D

What's in a name?

"Gameboy" and "DS" are pretty weird names too if you think about it but Nintendo has dominated the handheld market for decades (if you count the Game & Watch).

In an odd way Wii is descriptive of the system itself in that it's so small compared to the PS3 and XBOX 360. In Scotland they'll likely say that the Wii is quite wee. :P

Call it what you will, it's still probably going to be a hell of a lot of fun to play and that's the only thing that really matters if you ask me. :)

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Are you people serious? I mean, sure it's an unconventional name but would you really let that stop you from buying it if it's a quality system? Don't be so superficial! :P

Perhaps one of the reasons that Nintendo chose the name Wii was to get people's attention. If that was the aim, it worked like a charm. People are now paying attention to the system. Sure, a lot of them are pissed about the name but now people are going to say "What the hell is up with this weird "Wii" thing? I have to check this out and see what all the fuss is about. I've never heard of anything called a Wii before."

Yeah, "Revolution" sounded way cooler than "Wii" but you really have to admit that "Wii" catches your attention, which is what Nintendo is probably trying to do.

I may be alone here but I think that the name may very well be a stroke of marketing genious. :)

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MBJ, I am with you. While I'm pretty mild on the name change, what's gonna matter is what it does and how it plays, the name will become secondary.

I'm still in line for my Nintendo Wii on Day One.

(Truthfully, I'm more miffed about the possible exclusion of HDTV functions)

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