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Video Game Themed Wedding Cakes


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OK, for those of you not in my inner circle of buddies here, I am getting married on October 3rd of this year. With that in mind, my fiancee has found some very interesting gaming themed cakes. Has anyone else found one of interest? I will start this thread off with:


Thanks to Kotaku.com for the pic

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Let me first congratulate you on getting engaged. I was married July 2008. Not sure if you are stressed yet, but the last 3 months before the wedding are crazy busy.

You have a really cool fiancee to even mention that kinda cake. Mine would have had a fit if I had even mentioned it. I would imagine they are expensive though? Everything at our wedding was double what we anticipated so the cake was the last thing on my mind and I was glad we chose a simple one.

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Let me first congratulate you on getting engaged. I was married July 2008. Not sure if you are stressed yet, but the last 3 months before the wedding are crazy busy.

You have a really cool fiancee to even mention that kinda cake. Mine would have had a fit if I had even mentioned it. I would imagine they are expensive though? Everything at our wedding was double what we anticipated so the cake was the last thing on my mind and I was glad we chose a simple one.

Thank you kbf. She is a wonderful lady. She has done all kinds of things for me that I really probably didn't deserve (she spent countless hours scanning pages till she was able to get the scanner settings just right so the pages would come out better-she did this while I was at work). She scours ebay for various deals on magazines (the ones that get mentioned and referenced as possible deals are mostly her recommendations). She was trying at one point to put everything in a spreadsheet but abandoned that after realizing it was such a big amount of information and not being able to find a favorable way of doing it with all of the releases (also she saw that E-Day was doing something similar and with better results). She is a wonderful woman.

Here is the cake that I found on the computer:


She told me, after seeing that I saw it, that she was going to have that, or at least one close, at the wedding as a surprise for me (she wanted that to be our wedding cake). As you can probably tell, she is a big Mario fan.

Here is another nice gaming themed wedding cake (anyone got any without Mario?):


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You found a real gem! I am fortunate to have a wife that loves the old school games, but she isn't as hardcore. Of course, I don't consider myself as hardcore as most of you on the site either, so we make a good match in that department. I think of retro games as more of a fond memory that I will always cherish, but I just don't have the time like I used to.

One of my favorite retro memories is loading up Super Mario 3 on my laptop and playing it with my wife (gf at the time) at a drive-in theater an hour before the movies started. She also wants a wii, but we don't have the $ for it right now, but that's a different story.

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She would be happy with a Wii and the VC, from what you have said.

I am getting her a Pink DSi as a wedding gift (would do it for her birthday but that is on October 13th and I have something else already arranged) with Nintendogs and New Super Mario Bros and some other games that she is interested in. She also wants a Wii pretty badly (she hasn't really expressed interest in any particular game though-just a blanket look around the Wii section and "look at all of the games I like").

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