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Megaman 2


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First Mega Man game I ever played... Being 7 years old at the time (Wow its been 20 years since then..) this game was pretty difficult... Four words: THOSE DAMN FORCE BEAMS!!!!!!! I love how on the cover it looks like Mega Man is just some random dude in a blue spandex suit wearing a motor cycle helmet lol.. Overall awesome game if i must say so.

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I remember the first time I played Mega Man (the first one) a buddy of mine had it and man I thought the game was cool but I didn't get very far in it. Then again back then since I didn't own an NES (our parents bought us a SMS) I had to play it at all my other friends homes and several of them their parents wouldn't allow them to play very much so I didn't get to play MM but maybe for a half hour at a time, if that. But yeah such a great series.

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I'm still surprised that the Mega Man series got off the ground with the lame first two box covers. Their efforts at making him look "realistic" failed majorly. They even have him holding a pistol instead of showing the much cooler cannon built into his arm! Good thing the excellent game play (and Nintendo Power?) helped overcome the likely lack of impulse buys based on the cover art.

I still didn't get around to renting a MM game until part three though.

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You know Schloss...I bet Nintendo Power helped sell allot of games.

Am I the only one that used to call the Nintendo Hint/Assistance line?

For me those were the days, many late nights delving into the cart. that was currently challenging me/my mind, my patience.

Hell console's and the games got me into much credit card debt, if you remember they were NOT cheap!


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