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3d-realms Officialy Says Goodbye

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I know there is another topic on this idea, but I thought something like 3D Realms finally throwing in the towel deserves its own post.



Sadly it leaves a bad taste in my mouth as after all these years of waiting for DN:Forever all we get is like 8 words.

Grrr...I guess now is a good time to get my $5.00 back from EB Games...after what 10 years?

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I know there is another topic on this idea, but I thought something like 3D Realms finally throwing in the towel deserves its own post.



Sadly it leaves a bad taste in my mouth as after all these years of waiting for DN:Forever all we get is like 8 words.

Grrr...I guess now is a good time to get my $5.00 back from EB Games...after what 10 years?

Get the interest on it too! At about 2.5% that is around $6.25 they owe you now. I wouldn't settle for less than at least a EB Games/Gamestop roll of toilet paper. Oh wait, they probably already gave that to you when you got your voucher...

Seriously, it is sad to see that DNF is finally done. Have you seen the videos and screenshots that are posted here and there on the net?

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So now it's official :( :cry:

Yeah. Sadly it is official. The longest "in development" game is now no more. I will seriously cry over this. I loved Duke Nukem 3D and use to play that online all the time.

As for the videos. I think the link I posted had a place for the video. It was actually looking awesome.

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Here is some info from Kotaku about it: NSFW


Gameplay footage: NSFW


According to the link below, Take 2 owns the rights to publishing Duke Nukem Forever.


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I so want to click on those links right now but I'm at work so I'll only have to assume that they are pretty bad. Or at least bad enough.

The NFSW ones are fairly safe, the video, the NFSW material pops up about 1 or 2 minutes into it and only for a few seconds (just long enough to get in trouble if the boss walks by). The first link has the NFSW material as a small thumbnail you have to click it to get a bigger pic. Just so you know.

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And the rollercoaster ride we are on with 3D Realms starts to climb another hill with what appears to be a nasty corkscrew on the other side.

Now 3D Realms claims they are not closing. They just released the team that was working on Duke Nukem Forever and will still venture to publish games about Duke in the future:

[3D Realms] did confirm that the DNF team has been let go, but expressed a desire to "co-create" games based on the character in the future.
Despite rumors and statements to the contrary, 3D Realms (3DR) has not closed and is not closing. 3DR retains ownership of the Duke Nukem franchise. Due to lack of funding, however, we are saddened to confirm that we let the Duke Nukem Forever (DNF) development team go on May 6th, while we regroup as a company. While 3DR is a much smaller studio now, we will continue to operate as a company and continue to license and co-create games based upon the Duke Nukem franchise.

There is more just click the link here. Thanks kotaku for the info.

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