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Square Enix Shuts Down Fanmade Chrono Trigger Game


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The five-year-long project, based on the original Chrono Trigger Super Nintendo ROM was due to be released later this month. But according to a cease and desist letter posted by Chrono series site Chrono Compendium, Square Enix's legal staff has claimed copyright infringement. The timing of that request may have been due to the project actually nearing release and not necessarily a last minute change of heart from the publisher.

Chrono Compendium indicates that the source of that fan-made game has been "destroyed" in compliance with the Square Enix's requests. The Chrono fan site also writes that it has also removed additional fan projects, hoping to avoid the "expenses and burdens of litigation.

Thanks to Kotaku for the news.

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I think the game looks kinda dumb anyways. I see spelling and grammar errors everywhere, and a lot of the artwork isn't that great. It's better than I could do, but still.. c'maaan. I don't see why people can't just do this stuff in their spare time and not spread the word around. This game isn't really anything to be impressed with.

Now, Chrono Resurrection, that was a worthwhile game.

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It's a fan made thing. What a great way to ruin it for the fans. It shouldn't be illegal if they are not making money from it. What's next, square enix lawsuit agains fans who make cloud fan art? Even if the game sucks, who cares, it's fan, let them have their fun.

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Well some companies don't care about fan made things other do. Take for instance Doctor Who. My brother produced a fan made movie of Doctor Who which has been named one of the best fan made Doctor Who episodes ever and has even had a documentary made out of it. But the BBC never came after him or any other fans that make movies.

Or how about my project. http://cardfighterproject.com

SNK and Capcom never cared about that. And it's been featured in many blogs and a UK magazine. So maybe they don't know about it but... what ever.

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I think it is a matter of who is in charge at what time. I mean, some people that are in charge look at fan made stuff as a homage, something to be proud of, others (Nintendo sometimes, Square Enix more recently) view it as something to squash and have eradicated-can't let the fans have some fun and bolster support for your product.

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I agree with some posters here. If it is simply a fan made thing, no money

involved at all, then go for it. Now, if you are trying to make/remake

something that is not yours for earning some cash and you don't have the

owner's authorization, then, too bad for you.

By the way, I'm pretty much satisfied with the original. Time cannot hurt

a game as good as CT.

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  • 2 weeks later...

yes, i noticed that CT was just recently re-released for the DS... that probably has something to do with it. Although, I do believe that it is truly inane. Lets punish creativity.

dont get me started.

i am currently teaching myself programming so that I can create an Avalon Hill board game for my own private use... i dont plan on releasing it to the public at all, right now...just me and my dad. i think using some one elses model is a great way to cut your teeth on programming games... kinda like tracing pictures out of comic books when i was trying to draw super heroes as a kid...

i'll be scouring the torrents for this one in the near future

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It's a fan made thing. What a great way to ruin it for the fans. It shouldn't be illegal if they are not making money from it. What's next, square enix lawsuit agains fans who make cloud fan art? Even if the game sucks, who cares, it's fan, let them have their fun.

To offer up something, they do claim rather extreme copyrights on their characters and all related screenshots/artwork now. Awhile back I asked them what their take was on the pirate FFVII NES game and got handed a C&D as if the game was my work. o_O

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To offer up something, they do claim rather extreme copyrights on their characters and all related screenshots/artwork now. Awhile back I asked them what their take was on the pirate FFVII NES game and got handed a C&D as if the game was my work. o_O

That is funny about getting a C&D just for asking about a game. It is a shame that companies are litigation happy though. I wonder how long id Software would lasted if they sued everyone for making levels using their artwork from the game (the engine fine, the level editor, fine but make your own textures type attitude)?

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