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Think Your Man Enough To Be Duke?


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Apogee is conducting a nationwide, internet enabled, search for a live person to play Duke Nukem. Yep, the winner will get to travel and promote the new upcoming Duke Nukem Trilogy.


Following the closure of Duke Nukem Forever developer 3D Realms last week, Apogee's Chief Operating Officer Terry Nagy teased an impending Duke announcement via Twitter, leading many to believe the company had plans to pick up the dropped ball. Instead, Apogee and Deep Silver have announced that they are increasing the scope of their search for a live action Duke from a three-city search to a nationwide, internet-based operation. Fans can visit www.dukeisback.com and upload their audition video for consideration. The winner will travel around the world promoting the upcoming Duke Nukem Trilogy and generally making a fool of themselves.
Thanks to kotaku.com for the quote.
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I could do it. I'm totally buff like that! Anyone else might think otherwise but in my mind I could totally do it. At a towering 5'10" 165lbs :lol: Though that would be cool (to be Duke not huge).

I had a Drill Instructor in Marine Boot that could totally pull off being Duke, muscles and all (but he was only barely 5'2" or so, he was just a hair over the minimum to be a Marine).

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I had a Drill Instructor in Marine Boot that could totally pull off being Duke, muscles and all (but he was only barely 5'2" or so, he was just a hair over the minimum to be a Marine).

Ha sounds like my old Tae Qwon Do instructor. He was around 5'6" but built like a brick house. I was sparring with him once and caught a roundhouse to the head and was dizzy for 3 hrs. Sure didn't help that I moved right into it, I looked something like this :blink:

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Ha sounds like my old Tae Qwon Do instructor. He was around 5'6" but built like a brick house. I was sparring with him once and caught a roundhouse to the head and was dizzy for 3 hrs. Sure didn't help that I moved right into it, I looked something like this :blink:

I have a dent in my head from that Drill Instructor-you might say, he, well the butt of his rifle, is in my head a little bit. <_<

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No matter who they cast as the body, we all know that this will fail unless they get John St. John to voice the man himself.

"Damn! Those alien bastards are gonna pay for shooting up my ride!"

Best FPS opening ever. :)

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