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Want To Help Get Some Magazines Online


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I am willing to buy a large collection of magazines to help upload to this site (new scanner and laptop so I need a project) which issues out of these would be needed/wanted and how often would I need to get them up by:

Guy also has a complete collection of nintendo power for 220 (I won't buy those) name is tholly over on digitalpress forums

GamePro Volume 5 Number 3 - $1

GamePro 158 - $1

GamePro 159 - $1

GamePro 160 - $1

GamePro 161 - $1

GamePro 162 - $1

GamePro 163 - $1

GamePro 164 - $1

GamePro 165 - $1

GamePro 166 - $1

GamePro 167 - $1

GamePro 168 - $1

GamePro 169 - $1

GamePro 170 - $1

GamePro 171 - $1

GamePro 177 - $1

GamePro 184 - $1

GamePro 185 - $1

GamePro 186 - $1

GamePro 187 - $1

GamePro 188 - $1

GamePro 189 - $1

GamePro 190 - $1

GamePro 191 - $1

GamePro 192 - $1

GamePro 193 - $1

GamePro 194 - $1

GamePro 195 - $1

Electronic Gaming Monthly 109 - $1

Electronic Gaming Monthly 110 - $1

Electronic Gaming Monthly 117 - $1

Electronic Gaming Monthly 119 - $1

Electronic Gaming Monthly 120 - $1

Electronic Gaming Monthly 121 - $1

Electronic Gaming Monthly 205 - $1

Electronic Gaming Monthly 206 - $1

Electronic Gaming Monthly 207 - $1

Electronic Gaming Monthly 208 - $1

Electronic Gaming Monthly 209 - $1

Electronic Gaming Monthly 210 - $1

Electronic Gaming Monthly 211 - $1

Electronic Gaming Monthly 212 - $1

Electronic Gaming Monthly 213 - $1

Electronic Gaming Monthly 214 - $1

Electronic Gaming Monthly 215 - $1

Electronic Gaming Monthly 216 - $1

Electronic Gaming Monthly 230 - $1

Electronic Gaming Monthly 231 - $1

Electronic Gaming Monthly 232 - $1

Electronic Gaming Monthly 233 - $1

Electronic Gaming Monthly 234 - $1

Xbox Nation 17 - $1

Xbox Nation 18 - $1

Xbox Nation 19 - $1

Xbox Nation 20 - $1

Xbox Nation 21 - $1

Xbox Nation 22 - $1

Xbox Nation 23 - $1

EGM's Unnoffical Gamecube Guide - $5

Tips & Tricks 46 - $1

Tips & Tricks 70 - $1

Tips & Tricks 120 - $1

Tips & Tricks 132 - $1

Sega Visions June / July 1993 - $2

Sega Visions August / September 1993 - $2

Sega Visions October / November 1993 - $2

Sega Visions December / January 1994 - $2

Sega Visions February / March 1994 - $2

Sega Visions April / May 1994 - $2

Sega Visions June / July 1994 - $2

Sega Visions August / September 1994 - $2

Sega Visions November / December 1994 - $2

Official U.S. Playstation Magazine 40 - $1

Official U.S. Playstation Magazine 55 - $1

Official U.S. Playstation Magazine 91 - $1

Expert Gamer 70 - $1

Expert Gamer 73 - $1

Video Games: The Ultimate Gaming Magazine 1 - $1

Video Games: The Ultimate Gaming Magazine 2 - $1

Video Games: The Ultimate Gaming Magazine 3 - $1

Video Games: The Ultimate Gaming Magazine 4 - $1

Video Games: The Ultimate Gaming Magazine 5 - $1

Video Games: The Ultimate Gaming Magazine 6 - $1

Video Games: The Ultimate Gaming Magazine 7 - $1

Video Games: The Ultimate Gaming Magazine 8 - $1

Video Games: The Ultimate Gaming Magazine 9 - $1

PSM 113 - $1

PSM 128 - $1

PSM 129 - $1

PSM 130 - $1

Playstation: The Official Magazine 1 - $1

Playstation: The Official Magazine 2 - $1

Playstation: The Official Magazine 3 - $1

Playstation: The Official Magazine 4 - $1

Playstation: The Official Magazine 5 - $1

Playstation: The Official Magazine 6 - $1

Playstation: The Official Magazine 7 - $1

Playstation: The Official Magazine 8 - $1

Playstation: The Official Magazine 9 - $1

Game Informer 161 - $1

Game Informer 162 - $1

Game Informer 163 - $1

Game Informer 164 - $1

Game Informer 165 - $1

Game Informer 167 - $1

Game Informer 168 - $1

Game Informer 169 - $1

Game Informer 170 - $1

Game Informer 171 - $1

Game Informer 172 - $1

Game Informer 173 - $1

Game Informer 174 - $1

Game Informer 175 -

Game Informer 176 -

Game Informer 177 -

Game Informer 178 -

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All of the Gamepros are not eligible at this time with the oldest being GamePro 158 - $1 Nov 2001.

The EGM's #205 and up are too new for Retromags at this time.

Xbox Nation is too new also.

Not sure about Tips and Tricks.

Official U.S. Playstation Magazine 91 is probably too new.

Expert Gamer 70 and Expert Gamer 73 are too new.

The PSM's are too new.

Playstation: The Official Magazine issues are also too new.

Game Informer issues are too new also.

These are already available here:

Electronic Gaming Monthly 109

Electronic Gaming Monthly 110

Electronic Gaming Monthly 117

Electronic Gaming Monthly 119

Electronic Gaming Monthly 120

Electronic Gaming Monthly 121

These don't appear to be available here yet:

Sega Visions November / December 1994 (I believe that is issue #21, the first 20 are available already)

These are iffy, can you get the month and date on them?

Official U.S. Playstation Magazine 40

Official U.S. Playstation Magazine 55

The Video Games: The Ultimate Gaming Magazine issues, not sure on them.

What it amounts to is, if the issue is printed after Decemeber 1999 then it is too new at this time.

I would suggest to either grab some just for interest sake or practice, or to have if and when the date rule changes. Or, save the extra money and watch ebay for deals on issues that are elibigible.

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