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Nintendo Revolution

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I was watching this Morgan Spurlock documentary called What Would Jesus Buy?

(which by the way is rather boring.)

But they asked some kids what they wanted for Christmas and one of them said Nintendo Revolution. I was kind of shocked to actually hear that name. I remember when Nintendo first announced the name Wii how much I hated that name and how much I thought Revolution sounded so much better. But as I'm thinking about it now the name Wii is much better than Revolution. I mean that name does not sound like the name of a console even. Then again before Sega Genesis came around the name Genesis was either a band or a book in the Bible. But normally when I hear it now I automatically think of Sega.

My point though is the name Wii really has grown on me and well just really worked out for them.

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I feel the same way. I first thought the name Wii was very odd and a bad choice. But it turns out that it was a good choice. Plus everyone knows what you are talking about when you mention Wii. Not sure that would have happened with the name Revolution.

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I feel the same way. I first thought the name Wii was very odd and a bad choice. But it turns out that it was a good choice. Plus everyone knows what you are talking about when you mention Wii. Not sure that would have happened with the name Revolution.

The only bad thing about naming it the "Wii" was this contest......

A preliminary autopsy states that a woman died of "water intoxication" following a water drinking contest for a Nintendo Wii. News10 in Sacramento reports Station 107.9 The End's "Hold your wee for a Wii" contest had contestants doing exactly what the title says. The winner was the person who didn't release their bladder the longest. According to the woman's co-worker, after the contest, "She said to one of our supervisors that she was on her way home and her head was hurting her real bad ... she was crying and that was the last that anyone had heard from her." The co-workers contacted the woman's mother later on to check up how she was doing and she discovered the body. No word yet on how much water the woman consumed.


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Off topic but here back in 1999, or was it 2000, when that Furby thing was big at Christmas a radio station had a contest where whoever stood outside on the frozen pavement, barefoot and in their underwear, the longest got the toy of the season. The winner ended up having to have a foot amputated I believe, there was a big lawsuit over it (he signed the necessary release forms along with the other contestants and ended up only getting a very small settlement for some unrelated to the contest injury he suffered at the station). What people will do for a toy.

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The only bad thing about naming it the "Wii" was this contest......


Yeah I remember that hold your wee for a wii. That just sucked. A mom trying to get it for her kids.

But that furby thing I had never heard of. People seem like they are willing to do anything to get the "new in thing".

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Yeah I remember that hold your wee for a wii. That just sucked. A mom trying to get it for her kids.

But that furby thing I had never heard of. People seem like they are willing to do anything to get the "new in thing".

The furby thing was more of a local fiasco, it never got out I guess to the nation wide media. It was sad but stupid too, I mean, the guy was an executive at some national company here, he made plenty of money, he was just cheap.

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I actually sent an email to Nintendo saying it was a silly name, and that I didn't like it at all. They replied nicely that it was a good name because it was like saying "WE" as all of us play or something. And that they were sad I didn't like it.

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