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Urge To Buy Retro Consoles


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  • Retromags Curator

I have been getting stronger and stronger urges to buy retro consoles and handhelds. I keep telling myself that I will never get up the $677 for a PS3 if I keep letting these urges take over. I have no idea why but I really want to own an Atari Jaguar, Panasonic 3DO, Phillips CD-i, Atari Lynx and Sega Nomad. I am wondering if any of the rest of you guys suffer from this too :lol:

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  • Retromags Curator

I am suffering the opposite, and am wanting to sell my retro consoles, which I am. I am only keeping my Master System, Genesis, Sega CD, and Super NES. Everything else I am unloading. No room, and no time to play them, considering all the games coming out now that I want to play, and all the current games I am backlogged on.

Though I do not understand why you want those consoles. 3 of the 4 are crap, and the Nomad is rather useless. I don't know many people that have 20 AA batteries lying around for one device :P

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The 3DO is pretty good for the FMV games (clearer than Sega CD but not quite as good as the DOS versions). The CD-I versions of the FMV games is the closest to the arcade that you can get at home (get the Digital Video card and you are good to go). Also on 3DO worth getting are the games:

Star Fighter (I prefer this version to the one Acclaim released on PSOne and Saturn later)

Captain Quazar (why that wasn't ported I will never understand, overhead isometric action game with a funny presentation)

Gex (some claim the PSOne and Saturn versions are better based solely on the FMV cinemas)

Ice Breaker (it is on DOS too if you can't find one affordably on 3DO-it is a shooter puzzle type game, think something like Kickle Cubicle on NES)

Bladeforce (another why wasn't it ported game, 3D flying through a pretty good cityscape and hard as nails)

Killing Time (also on DOS but this version blows that one out of the water-horror based 1st person shooter that had a pretty darn good story)

Dragon Tales (I believe this was the name, it was released by Mindscape and is kind of a FMV based RPG with real time fight scenes, most of the game plays like Myst)

Brain Dead 13 (animated FMV like Dragon's Lair but funnier and entertaining)

Hell: A Cyberpunk Thriller (FMV adventure game, fun little game I thought, just rather stilted animation-worse than Strider 2)

If you are into softcore Adult games, the 3DO is the system of choice here too-Snow Job is one that treads the line but is a good adventure game.

The Nomad is interesting if you play at home a lot but can't access the big screen TV for your Genesis gaming for whatever reason (or are just wanting to beat that level of Sonic or something before bed while in bed).

Jaguar, get these:

Aliens vs Predator

Tempest 2000


Wolfenstein 3D

That is about it for Jaguar, it was heavy on 1st person shooters, at least the worthwhile games are in that genre.

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4 extra controllers and 120$ for 2 PS3 games? Are they completely crazy?

Who in their right mind pays $60 for games these days?

With all the online deals that you can find, at least here in Europe, I'd be crazy to pay the local shops 60-80€ for Motorstorm Pacific Rift for instance when I can buy it brand new online for €30 or less.

Same goes for just about any game.

Even street Fighter 4 is only €34 at this point, as if Resident Evil 5 and Valkyria Chronicles.

And when you count the goodies that can be found on the PSN store that only cost between $5-15, you'd be surprised how long not too much money will keep you entertained for a looooooooooooooooong time.

I've had my PS3 for what now? 3-4 weeks?

I have about 16 retail games I think and besides WipEout HD, Stardust HD and Lumines on PSN, I have only played Virtua Fighter 4 and Sega Rally for a couple of hours. Even though I have all those others sitting there in shrinkwrap waiting to be played. I just don't need them atm.

Oh and even though everyone knows how much I love retro games, I couldn't honestly recommend picking up those systems you've mentioned.

But as I see it, all those combined will have a very hard time to entertain you as much as a single current gen console.

Unless you don't have a MegaDrive, then the Nomad is certainly worth getting.

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  • Retromags Curator
4 extra controllers and 120$ for 2 PS3 games? Are they completely crazy?

Who in their right mind pays $60 for games these days?

With all the online deals that you can find, at least here in Europe, I'd be crazy to pay the local shops 60-80€ for Motorstorm Pacific Rift for instance when I can buy it brand new online for €30 or less.

Same goes for just about any game.

Even street Fighter 4 is only €34 at this point, as if Resident Evil 5 and Valkyria Chronicles.

And when you count the goodies that can be found on the PSN store that only cost between $5-15, you'd be surprised how long not too much money will keep you entertained for a looooooooooooooooong time.

I've had my PS3 for what now? 3-4 weeks?

I have about 16 retail games I think and besides WipEout HD, Stardust HD and Lumines on PSN, I have only played Virtua Fighter 4 and Sega Rally for a couple of hours. Even though I have all those others sitting there in shrinkwrap waiting to be played. I just don't need them atm.

Oh and even though everyone knows how much I love retro games, I couldn't honestly recommend picking up those systems you've mentioned.

But as I see it, all those combined will have a very hard time to entertain you as much as a single current gen console.

Unless you don't have a MegaDrive, then the Nomad is certainly worth getting.

I have a compulsion to fulfill my childhood wants from the early 90's. I couldn't afford a Atari Lynx or 3DO back then.....but now I can. So its sort of an obligation for me to own those systems. I already told the girl that when we get married, I am taking over the basement and it will be a video game room with a pinball machine and a full size MAME arcade cabinet. B)

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Hehe, that's probably a good thing to get those dreams out in the open from day one so there doesn't need to be lots and lots of bargaining and compromise to get a game room.

That's the one thing that is great about being single. :)

Off course there are serious downsides as well, but lets not go there. Don't want to go do bed feeling depressed.

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It happens to me all the time but I try not to act on impulse. Then I think about how I already have enough stuff and most of those games are playable through other means. But I won't lie to you, the urge to buy is quite strong at times.

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  • Retromags Curator
The 3DO is pretty good for the FMV games (clearer than Sega CD but not quite as good as the DOS versions). The CD-I versions of the FMV games is the closest to the arcade that you can get at home (get the Digital Video card and you are good to go).

You forget that FMV games suck. Except maybe for Tomcat Alley.

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You forget that FMV games suck. Except maybe for Tomcat Alley.

Sure, but that is half the fun. I mean, it is fun to get these games now for next to nothing, knowing that in another 10 years or so, with people trashing them like they are that they may eventually be viewed as rare (not good, but at least rare).

Besides, Brain Dead 13 is just great in my eyes. Not too sure about Plumbers Don't Wear Ties though, that one is a little sad...

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I've got a Nomad that I'm not using.....

I don't feel the need to buy consoles that much anymore, I just try and concentrate on software for the consoles I have. NES, SNES, GB, GBC, GBA, PS1, PS2, PSP, PS3, and the Wii. That's enough consoles for me at the moment. I would like to get a Saturn at some point. I've even got Nights for it, but still don't own the console.

My backlog of games is decades old. Currently, I'm working on Zelda: The Age of Seasons for the GBC. Pretty awesome so far.

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I have suffered from it and then I got over it by getting rid of most of my stuff. And I had a lot. But this is all that I've got left

Nintendo System:

Gameboy, Gameboy Pocket, Gameboy Advance SP, Gameboy Micro, DS Lite, DSi, Virtual Boy, N64, Gamecube w/ Gameboy player, and Wii

Sega Systems

Genesis w/ Power Base Converter, Saturn, 2 Dreamcasts




Xbox, Xbox 360, CD-i, 3DO, Jaguar, Turbo Grafx, Neo-Geo AES, Neo-Geo Pocket Color, Game.com

And I think that's it. And yes that is a down grade from what I used to have. You could just about name a system and I had it which included many of the Japanese counterparts. The only ones off the top of my head that I did not have were some of the more obscure ones like any knock off systems (actually I had a few knock-offs) and the really old systems like Odyssey, original Pong (I had the sears knock-off).

You know the thing is I thought I would be upset at my self for getting rid of my enormous collection but I really don't care anymore. But the ones that I listed above that I still own I just can't bring my self to getting rid of them. I do want my Sega CD back though.

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  • Retromags Curator
I would like to get a Saturn at some point. I've even got Nights for it, but still don't own the console.

I had one up on eBay that ended tonight. You should have bid on it. Some Russian won it, even though the auctions says I ship to the US and Canada; so now someone else has a second chance offer.

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I hear ya! I feel the SAME way! I have my own money now, so I can buy all the old systems or games I couldn't back then. Of course, I like to play them beforehand and make sure they're actually gonna be fun.

I'm big on collecting old consoles/boardgames/etc. but only at excellent prices.

I don't like to order them over the net even if they're supposed to be "brand new" or "in box" etc. Just doesn't make me feel the same as happening upon a model 1 sega genesis with a crappy 32x hooked up to it for $7. I mean, it's few and far between, but that keeps things seeded out a bit for me.

I'm glad I live in an area where nobody knows the online value of some of the things they're selling. >:)

Good luck, buddy!

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I collect too but I limit myself to consoles with games I want to play. Nomad is an ok choice if you want a portable Gen. The rest, in agreement with others, aren't that hot.

A PS3 will run nowhere near that much. You can get the console on Dell.com for near $300 when their specials are running. Games can be had for much less if you shop around or purchase used.

Don't even get me started on backlog. I have a lot of classics I haven't finished and lots of games I collected but haven't played. When it comes to my current backlog I have 15 PS2 games (some of which I don't know that I'll ever get into), 14 Wii games, 24 PS3 games, and at least 11 DS games. More titles are coming soon too I'll want to pick up. The way I see it is I'll never have a dry spell during the year, I'll get to all the games in due time. Of course this means certain games wait a while. I just beat Mario Galaxy this past Xmas along with Zelda Phantom Hourglass, and I have yet to start GTA4 and MGS4. FFX2 has been on my PS2 stack for a number of years, I can't get into RPG's for some reason right now. I think I'd rather work through more shorter games first.

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I'm looking into getting a philips CD-I so i can finally play the horrible Zelda and Link games that were released for it. unfortunately i cant get the cd-i emulators to work. I have all my old systems and they will not be leaving my side, ever.

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I'm looking into getting a philips CD-I so i can finally play the horrible Zelda and Link games that were released for it. unfortunately i cant get the cd-i emulators to work. I have all my old systems and they will not be leaving my side, ever.

You will be rewarded so much more if you play the games on the actual hardware than an emulator. Keep an eye on ebay, there have been systems with plenty of games go for around $50 to $100 (although I have yet to see one have the digital video cartridge at that price).

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