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Resident Evil Director's Cut On Psn Dated!

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Via twitter, then off to Capcom-Unity, Resident Evil Directo's Cut for PSN has been dated for May 28th!

$10 ain't too bad, higher than mos PSOne releases on the PSN though.

$10 might be higher, but the cheaper games have mostly been Sony imprints (Spyro, etc...) where there's no need to pay a secondary company money to publish them on the network. You'll note games like Rampage and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night were more than $6 because of the requirement to pay Midway and Konami money to get the rights to distribute them via the PSN. Since Capcom is a third-party developer, it doesn't surprise me to see them releasing RE:DC for a bit more cash. And it's still a heck of a steal when you consider the pain of trying to find a used copy in decent enough shape to play for many parts of the world. :)

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I still havent decided if I'm going to buy that or not. I've got so many different versions of Resident Evil that I don't think it really matters. I don't even really remember the difference between the original and directors cut except that the game is harder.

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I still havent decided if I'm going to buy that or not. I've got so many different versions of Resident Evil that I don't think it really matters. I don't even really remember the difference between the original and directors cut except that the game is harder.

The big difference for me was playing in Arrange mode and having some scenes re-rendered from different angles and new item placement and I believe enemies were moved around to change it up. To help out here is a bit of info on the Director's Cut.

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So it's bascially like the DS game w/o the 1st person scenes I believe. Maybe a bit different.

That link didn't seem to work but I looked it up elsewhere.

Never played the DS version. I do know that there is no 1st person gameplay in the original Director's Cut.

The link works fine for me. Wonder what is wrong with it.

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  • 1 month later...
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Has anyone purchased RE:DC for PSP yet? How is it if you have. Did they change anything?

Since I own the disc version, I haven't downloaded it. A friend has, however, and according to him it's a straight-up port of the US Director's Cut. Nothing added or removed.



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Since I own the disc version, I haven't downloaded it. A friend has, however, and according to him it's a straight-up port of the US Director's Cut. Nothing added or removed.



I may still get it. I didn't even realize that it's out now. Then again my PS3 is still packed.

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