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Retromags Proudly Presents Electronic Games #1


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It has happened. The one event many have stated that could never come to pass, has. One of the most coveted magazines in gaming history, looked upon with bother reverence for it's place in history and for some, fear for the fact that they may never see it in any form without spending a lot of money to acquire it. Ladies and gentleman, Retromags with the hard work and effort of Kitsune is proud to present to you:


Electronic Games Magazine, Winter 1981, Premiere Issue!

Yes, that is the first issue of Electronic Games, from almost 28 years ago. Think about that, for most of us here that is almost as old as we are, and for some, it is older than us. Here is the interview that kitsune has given us covering the trials and tribulations of acquiring this issue, for more, please follow the link at the bottom:

It all started with this auction:


The user wanted almost $1200 for all of them which is reasonable when you consider only the usual price per issue was being asked for, and #1 tends to fetch $200 minimum. I tried offering $400, but the “Best Offer” was immediately rejected, so I tried again with $500, which put it down to about $14.70 an issue, which I was sure wasn’t going to fly. But, the offer was submitted and in less than an hour, the offer was accepted, which I was very surprised to get. Happy, but surprised.

I sent off my payment as soon as I could and in just a couple of days, the box arrived. What can I say? It was like touching the Ark of the Covenant (very carefully!), Christmas and birthday all at the same time, with the excitement of the first drop on a roller-coaster. There they were, and there IT was. The first issue of EG. It was the first magazine I purchased with my own money back in 1981. I checked to see if there were any tell-tale signs that maybe it was the exact same one I had bought. Nope. That would have been freaky!

I went about checking the contents for any missing issues. They were all there. Although the condition of the first issue isn’t the greatest, that’s not the point. The point is that I was able to get the first issue at a great price (admittedly it was one steep sum for all of them, but it was still a great price). And most importantly I was able to do something I have wanted to do for the community for a long time: Release the first issue of Electronic Games.

For more of kitsunes coverage of the release of Electronic Games #1, please go here.

Edited by triverse
fixed the ebay link
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Awesome man.. and thanks for scanning. It's good to see the EG's (or heck, any of the early 80's gaming scene mags) start to make a show. My favorites are the ones once they start hitting 1982 and up until the crash era. Heck, I might just start scanning some myself.. :)

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Awesome man.. and thanks for scanning. It's good to see the EG's (or heck, any of the early 80's gaming scene mags) start to make a show. My favorites are the ones once they start hitting 1982 and up until the crash era. Heck, I might just start scanning some myself.. :)

We would appreciate any mags that you are willing to scan. I have the first several issues of Videogaming Illustrated that I am editing for s1500 and he is sending me more. Kitsune and Waremonger have a pretty good, nearly complete set of Electronic Games that they are working on.

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