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Videogame Or Video Game?


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Yeah and google sure does not like videogame they alway want to break it up. But yeah... I'm actually working on a new site *if it ever becomes an actual online site I really don't know at this point. But I wanted to build a Videogame Database. Covering all consoles and games. Quite the project but I think it's something that's needed. I have seen other people attempt this but the way they have done it is just not very good and well... I want to do it myself.

Well not myself because I have a friend that I have been working with at trying to get this done and doing it stricktly HTML will not work so we are looking into finding some kind of database software or even something simular to what is used here at retromags.

That is why I'm wondering what other peple thought about the question.

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Yeah and google sure does not like videogame they alway want to break it up. But yeah... I'm actually working on a new site *if it ever becomes an actual online site I really don't know at this point. But I wanted to build a Videogame Database. Covering all consoles and games. Quite the project but I think it's something that's needed. I have seen other people attempt this but the way they have done it is just not very good and well... I want to do it myself.

Well not myself because I have a friend that I have been working with at trying to get this done and doing it stricktly HTML will not work so we are looking into finding some kind of database software or even something simular to what is used here at retromags.

That is why I'm wondering what other peple thought about the question.

As far as search key words, just use both versions, but on your site, you might want to explain why you use the one you do. Which that could be a bad thing, since Google uses one, and it index's pages, it may be better to use "video game" to get more exposure with them.

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  • Retromags Curator
Yeah and google sure does not like videogame they alway want to break it up. But yeah... I'm actually working on a new site *if it ever becomes an actual online site I really don't know at this point. But I wanted to build a Videogame Database. Covering all consoles and games. Quite the project but I think it's something that's needed. I have seen other people attempt this but the way they have done it is just not very good and well... I want to do it myself.

Well not myself because I have a friend that I have been working with at trying to get this done and doing it stricktly HTML will not work so we are looking into finding some kind of database software or even something simular to what is used here at retromags.

That is why I'm wondering what other peple thought about the question.

Yeah I gave up on VideoGame-Database, While the idea was nice.....the cost was going to kill me this month for the domain renewals......









Plus the fact that Retromags was expiring also....




The total from Godaddy was going to be $150, because I have the privacy filter on those domains also.......so I nixed the one site.

I figure that if I really really want to get into creating a Video Game Wiki.....that I can implement it right into the Retromags wiki.....that way the indexed magazines can link directly to the games in question. Not sure if I want to do that yet....but it is a possibility in the future..

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Yeah I gave up on VideoGame-Database, While the idea was nice.....the cost was going to kill me this month for the domain renewals......









Plus the fact that Retromags was expiring also....




The total from Godaddy was going to be $150, because I have the privacy filter on those domains also.......so I nixed the one site.

I figure that if I really really want to get into creating a Video Game Wiki.....that I can implement it right into the Retromags wiki.....that way the indexed magazines can link directly to the games in question. Not sure if I want to do that yet....but it is a possibility in the future..

I thought I remember you doing something like that but then I thought maybe I was just remembering wrong.

So that was just this past month when you nixed the idea? Wow that's a strange.

I don't know if this idea that we are working will ever take friut but... it's gives us something to do. I love building new sites. But I've got 2 weeks left to finish packing before the move now so I won't be doing a whole lot on this now anyway. It's mostly just talk.

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yes, i recently had a discussion about our rapidly morphing language. As a compound word videogame would be perfectly aacceptable, especially in this time of the English language (as I am sure other languages, but I have no proof) is changing. Words are getting shorter, correct spelling seems less relevant to simply getting the point across. I do believe that video game is correct, however videogame is also perfectly acceptable "in the parlance of our times" (thanks Lebowski). I mean c'mon, the word pwned was created because of a misspelling... or so the myth goes, and that word is used and abused all over the frikkin place

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  • Retromags Curator
yes, i recently had a discussion about our rapidly morphing language. As a compound word videogame would be perfectly aacceptable, especially in this time of the English language (as I am sure other languages, but I have no proof) is changing. Words are getting shorter, correct spelling seems less relevant to simply getting the point across. I do believe that video game is correct, however videogame is also perfectly acceptable "in the parlance of our times" (thanks Lebowski). I mean c'mon, the word pwned was created because of a misspelling... or so the myth goes, and that word is used and abused all over the frikkin place

That because people using the internet are too stupid and/or lazy to spell words correctly and to use proper grammar. I still do my best to use internet "terms" like "IMO", "BRB", etc, because I'm not that lazy. The only time you see this piss poor grammar and spelling is online.

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