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Crash Commando Psn

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What do you do on a boring Sunday afternoon?

Well, I started downloading a bunch of demos of of PSN to keep myself busy between editing sessions.

Tried Infamous which I quite liked. Not a must buy for me, but at the right price this might be a fun game.

Tried Killzone 2 which is probably the most beautiful game I've ever seen. Not in the sense of art choice or anything like that as it's pretty bland actually, but for sheer "wow look at all that stuff" effect, this sure is on the top of the list.

Too bad the controls are too sluggish and slow for me which is probably why the game made me motion sick by the time I had played the demo.

Didn't feel like playing anything else really, but then I decided to give Crash Commando a go since it's a small game of which I didn't know anything until I installed it and booted it up.

To my surprise this is basically a FPS deathmatch game in the same vein as HalfLife DM or Team Fortress, of pretty much any standard team dm FPS out there.

The only twist is that the whole game has been transformed into a 2D game, while keeping the original gameplay elements all in tact.

The left stick controls you character and the right one aims your weapons.

You also have a jetpac with limited flight range and can use vehicles on some stages, but since this was just the demo, I didn't get to see that last part.

I'm so getting this game next time when I'm in the mood for some online competition. :)

It's just so much fun! What an incredible surprise.

I hadn't been following the releases on XBLA or PSN since I didn't have the systems at the time, so several of these games totally flew underneath my radar.

Stardust HD being another one of them. I actually like it better than Geometry Wars and the multiplayer modes are so much fun!

Anyway, if you've never heard of either these games, be sure to check out the respective demo's because if you have the same taste in games as me, you're missing out if you don't have these. ;)

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I was desperate for some games on PSN and when I heard about this the videos looked cool. I heard a reference saying it's like UT mixed with Contra so I had to have it. And it was a GREAT surprise, awesome game. I played it for a couple weeks until I had my fill then had to move on. I hope a patch comes along so I have a reason to jump back into it. And before I left I was in the top 10 boot camp scores, no idea if I'm still up that high.

I also want Infamous. Demo was good but I don't know if the game will work. I haven't updated my PS3 past 2.6 because I'm tired of the hassle and BS features. Stardust is a great shooter, if you like that one try Blast Factor. As well as Soldner X or Astro Tripper.

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Well, I ended up buying the game that same evening and playing until way past midnight.

The day after that I must have played for 6 hours or so, it's just too addictive.

Got my buddy to try it out as well even though he's normally not into this type of games.

Ended up loving it just as much as me and playing it every single minute that his wife is at work or asleep. :D

Online play is soooooooooooo addictive, can't wait to get back tonight and have another session.

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Yeah, I'm actually surprised at how much of a gold mine PSN turned out to be for a retrogamer like myself.

Crash Commando for instance isn't the prettiest game around, and it isn't polished like games from Nintendo or Capcom usually are for instance.

There are a couple of flaws, but none are game breaking at all.

It's just a simple idea done very well.

Take a FPS deathmatch and team deathmatch setup, convert it to 2D in both the way the game is viewed as well as played and build the levels to those strengths.

I have actually played much more on my downloaded PSN games than I have on my retail games, which is a huge surprise for me.

WipEout was the standout title for me on PSN, ad it still is. But the other games on there have made me a huge fan of the service, be it with Lumines or Outrun, Super Stardust HD or Zen Pinball.

I've had so much fun with these. :)

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