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How About A Timeline In The Wiki?

Guest s1500

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Guest s1500

It would be interesting to see a timeline comparison against all the magazines on a time line. Also, it would be a nice way to index magazines by the times they were published. You could find the longest run mags, shortest runs, times with the most amount of magazines in publication, the least, etc.

I've seen timelines for car makes & models on wikipedia before, so a template should easily exist.

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Great, now I know we have to work on security around here.  lol  

On a serious note, that does sound like a good idea, do you have an example or two?  It is interesting and I would like to see it but I am not sure how well that would fit in with the current amount of work being performed on the wiki.

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Guest s1500

Look at the bottom of this wikipedia entry, and you will see the timeline of various GM cars.


Might not need the "type" listed on the left, for I can't think of an equivical category for magazines. I'm sure there's some sort of common template in the wiki world as I see that same timeline for tons of makes & models of cars.

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The templates I found for the wiki are nothing like that one.  It would be great if someone could find a free template like that one that we could use as that would be interesting to have available (especially after seeing a version in use).

Maybe when E-Day or someone else that is knowledgeable in the wiki stuff could make something like it in excel or whatever is being used to make the magazine boxes at the bottom of the pages.

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Guest s1500

I am by no means a wiki expert. I have one at home running on my linux server, and I couldn't even set the logo graphic(wg_logo?) right after numerous tries. Fixed it eventually by just overwriting the logo.png file.

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I am far from knowledgeable in that strange wiki code. I just took an existing table and changed it for the indexes. I have no idea how to build a timeline like that, though I could use that one and modify it. I have been so short on time lately that I have done no work on this site :(. I am trying to get some other things done first so I can go back to scanning and doing wiki crap. Having an actual life gets in the way of a lot of things!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Look at the bottom of this wikipedia entry, and you will see the timeline of various GM cars.


Might not need the "type" listed on the left, for I can't think of an equivical category for magazines. I'm sure there's some sort of common template in the wiki world as I see that same timeline for tons of makes & models of cars.

It's not a bad idea, but you'd need some logical way to choose the magazines for the timeline. Listing every single title in one timeline would just be insane. In a few cases you could do it by system/company (e.g. PlayStation/PS2/PS3), but who else besides Nintendo Power has been dedicated to their consoles? (Well, I guess there were those international versions.) Maybe one for all house organs like NP and Sega Visions.

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