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Favourite Mario Game?


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I'm going to split these up between consoles and handhelds.

HANDHELD (mainly GB monochrome)

Side-scroller - Super Mario Land

Other - tie between Dr. Mario & Yoshi's Cookie


Side-scroller - tied between SMB and SMW, honestly.

Other - Mario Tennis (N64)


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  • 5 weeks later...

That's a hard one to decide.

Mine would have to be a draw between...

Super Mario Bros - Super Mario Land - Super Mario Bros 2 (USA)

Some may complain and say well SMB2 is not a Mario game at all but back when the game came out you couldn't say that in the US. So yes it is.

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SM3. MARIO! MARIO! MARIO! Remember the commercial? It got me so hyped for it and when I finally got it for xmas, you couldn't pry it out of my hands with a crowbar. SMB is a close second. And let's not dare mention that bastard of a game, SM2. Oops!

I believe this is the commercial you're talking about... :)

Always loved that one myself.



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  • 1 month later...

Super Mario World is my favourite Mario game of all time. It was also the first Mario game that I ever played. Before that I was getting my gameing fix's from computer games and when I got a Snes and Super Mario World, well it blew my mind.

I love every thing about this game; the graphic's are so beautiful and colourful, the catchy music, the amazing level design which ensure's that if you loose a life in the game it is allway's your own fault and never the game's. I could go on and on.

I know many people who really love SMB 3 and that is a great game too but for me Super Mario World is my favourite Mario game and one of the best game's ever made. Can't wait till the next time I play it. :D

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SM3. MARIO! MARIO! MARIO! Remember the commercial? It got me so hyped for it and when I finally got it for xmas, you couldn't pry it out of my hands with a crowbar. SMB is a close second. And let's not dare mention that bastard of a game, SM2. Oops!

Heck yeah, that was an awesome commercial! I always loved the slogan of the time as well, "Nintendo, now you're playing with power." For me it is a toss up between SMB3 and SMW--they were both great, IMHO. I did however purchase the SNES because I thought SMW was totally awesome!

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To me, that always means 'time to play.'

That's one of the reasons I started playing Phantasy Star II. The intro music and that other piece when they are giving you the mission is awesome. Those are some game tunes that I just can't shake from my head.

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Super Mario World for me. It is one of the few games I enjoy playing as much today as I did back in 1992. Also in my top three are Super Mario Bros. 3 and New Super Mario Bros.

It's funny how those older 8bit and 16bit games age better than N64 or Playstation ones. Has anyone noticed that? Games like Chrono Trigger, Mario, Sonic and others still look beautiful even with big pixels.

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