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Games You Associate With Music Of The Times


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Since so much nostalgia is associated with retro gaming (for me at least), I think it's only natural that playing or thinking of games from our childhoods will also bring back associations with music of the times.

What games - or gaming moments - do you associate with what music?

For me it's:

Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny on Apple IIc - with Salt'n'Pepa's greatest hits (the first one)

Super Mario Bros 3, particularly world 2 - with Queen Latifah's Nature of a Sista

Faxanadu on NES - with The Tea Party's Edges of Twilight (from when I replayed the game in 1997)

And sadly, Fantasy Zone on SMS - with Ice Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice.

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Some of these aren't really from the time period, just something I was listening to while playing the game.

Final Fantasy III(VI) - Journey's Greatest Hits (was listening to it while I played it first time through)

EarthBound - Blues Traveler(Reminds me of the Runaway Five)

Super Mario World - AC/DC

Mario RPG - Doggystyle, Snoop Dogg

Ducktales - Under the Bridge by Red Hot Chili Peppers

Puggsy - Michael Jackson music

Michael Jackson's Moonwalker - duh?

I'm sure there are more. Good topic!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Funny you should mention this, but this has been at the back of my mind for a while.

When I had my SNES at Christmas '94, I was listening to Nirvana - Unplugged in New York.

When I bought my N64, circa '96, I was listening to Alice in Chains - Alice in Chains.

Dunno what I was listening to when I bought my Mega Drive or Playstation 1 though!?

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There are only two that come to mind, and promise you won't laugh...

Super Metroid with Jann Arden's album "Living Under June"

Secret of Mana with Jackyl's self-titled debut album

Do not ask me why... :)



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I know this isn't music of the times, but I do have very fond memories of listening to audio book cassettes while playing Street Fighter Alpha 2 on my SNES. I loved playing that game, but unless I was playing with someone else I'd get kind of bored (not bored enough to stop playing lol) so I would put on audio books that I took out from the library. Stephen King, Star Trek, even a Tony Hillerman book back before I even knew that Tony Hillerman had a whole series.

If I had to pick music of the time, I know I beat Donkey Kong Country 2 while listening to the original Jock Jams CD.

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  • Retromags Curator

Yeah, I know...I like the music, but man...it sure seems sacreligeous to be playing a game like "Secret of Mana" with the music muted in favour of "Dirty Little Mind" or "Lumberjack", doesn't it?

And yet...

Seriously, what the hell was I thinking?!



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This is probably sad and will get me lynched, but I remember playing Super Metroid with the TV volume down and Simon & Garfunkel's concert in central park blaring. Great duo, but I don't know why I picked super metroid to do it.

See, I'm down with that. Simon & Garfunkle go with just about anything in the retro days. Now that I think about it, I think I played Micro Machines on the SNES with Simon & Garfunkle's Greatest Hits going on the stereo. :)



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  • 3 months later...

I always associate the early NHL Hockey game's and Madden game's on the Mega Drive with Pearl Jam's c.d. Ten and the Beastie Boy's c.d. Check Your Head. I used to listen to both of them a lot while playing these game's. They just kind of went together.



There are many point and click game's that I associate with the following ladies. They always put me in a good mood when I'm trying to figure out how to progress in Monkey Island or Broken Sword or whatever the game is.


Nina Simone


Billie Holiday


Ella Fitzgerald

I always think of the King's of Leon when I play Virtua Fighter 5 as I had their music on in the background a lot when I first got the game for my 360.


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1080 Avalanche for Nintendo Gamecube sticks out with an awesome soundtrack.

Cauterize - Killing Me

Cauterize - Choke


Finger Eleven - "Good Times", "Other Light", "Conversations"

BOYSETSFIRE - "Handful of Redemption", "Rookie"

Seether - "Fine Again"

Socketzero - "Point A", "Friendly Fire", "Pretty Neat", "Slurp Slurp", "Yuiop", "Pear Spawn", "Drop", "Gated Baby"

Squidd - "A Matter of Time", "Small Drift", "Don't Stop Now", "Slip Away", "7 8 9", "Just Like That", "At the Kiosk", "Ten Men", "Girls's Got a Gun"

B711 - "Hoax", "Re; Union", "GFDs", "Never Even Knew", "Kill Kill Kill", "Beat Me Beat Me", "Ocho"

JP - "Buttah", "Nachos!", "Osmo", "Get Off", "Freeze", "Thumpr"

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Man, you guys have given me so many new ideas of albums to listen to while I play certain games. I never would've mixed these in a hundred years. Simon & Garfunkel + Super Metroid? That's amazing. atik, I'm digging your choices as well! Nina and Ella, I never would've thought to listen to them with games!

The mention of 1080 Avalanche made me think of this game I used to play on PSX, Street Sk8r. That game had SUCH a good punk/ska soundtrack, it gave me a lot of bands to listen to in my teen years. Stuff like Less Than Jake, Rancid, etc.

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