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Help Identifying A Mag?


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Hey guys, first post! And this one's a total stab in teh dark, so please bear with me, and if nobody has an answer, I understand. But I can not stress enough how crazy I'm getting to find this mag.

Anyways, I grew up, as I bet most of you did, during the heyday of retro gaming. The first Christmas present I can remember was an NES. Me and my friends had a passion for games, and gaming magazines, to the point where we even got our parents to drive us five hours to visit an in-mall EGM Expo and play 3DO games for five minutes. I amassed a good sized collection, mostly Nintendo Powers dating back to the first issue and a box of various assorted ones (GamePro, EGM, and others) I bought off a friend of mine. For me, the height of "video game magazine" culture came with the era of Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter, and most of my retromag memories stem from around that time, from '93 until about '96. Unfortunately, I lost my entire collection by the tme I hit high school, and since nobody seemed to care much abut the bygone era of arcades and bits less than my age, I figured they were lost forever.

Needless to say, I was pretty stoked when I stumbled on this site, and I've been lurking, downloading, etc, to my heart's content. I've found a couple old mags I used to love, a few that I missed, but one is eluding me, and unfortunately it's my favorite one- I carried it around till it got dog-eared in my backpack to and from elementary school. To make matters worse, I can't for the life of me recall what month it was released, or even what magazine it was!!!

Here's what I remember: it was one of the earlier ones to feature Mortal Kombat II. MKII wasn't on any home systems yet, but IIRC it was at least a couple months after the game got released to arcades. I'd like to say it was released sometime between March and June of '94, probably closer to March or April. It had a few pages of moves lists for MKII, not a full and exhaustive moves list, but select moves and fatalities for each character, as well as two or three photos for each. Don't ask how I remember this, but it had a bunch of screenshots of Kitana getting beaten up- Johnny Cage doing his torso rip on her, Lui Kang doing his Dragon Snack on her, and Jax doing some other stuff, regular moves I think. The torso rip pic was also on the table of contents. I THOUGHT it was GamePro, but I've checked the GamePro titles uploaded here so far and it's none of the issues in '94 (unless it's one of the missing ones). Likewise with the EGM, EGM2, and others uploaded here for the aprrorpiate dates. I've extened my search out to late summer of '94 and December of '93, still with no luck. It COULD have been a less well known magazine- I know for a fact I had some issues of this mag:


including the one in the picture (not the one I'm looking for right now, BTW) and I'm wondering if it could be an issue of this one, too. Maybe the March issue? But again, this is a stab in the dark.

So if anyone has an idea of what this could be, or could point me in the direction of one who might know, I'd be eternally (and by eternally, I do mean eternally) grateful. Actual downloads would be prefereable, but if I've got to snag it off ebay and upload it here then so be it. A name is all I need!


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First of all, welcome to Retromags.  I must say, you probably win the contest for the longest (without spamming) first post.

Um, do you remember any specifics about the mag other than the ones listed?  Like maybe the art style or something?  

Thanks, and no, sadly enough. Most of my retromag related memories are just jumbles anyways- I even forgot about all those "envelope art" showcases they had in the mags, which is doubly sad because I contributed to some of them! (never got featured, tho...)

I know, I know, it's not very helpful, and I must admit I'm not betting on anyone being able to help me with this. But there can't be THAT many early '94 mags focusing on MKII arcade with torso rip screen shots, right? Right? :(

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I am thinking it is either Gamefan or EGM that featured it.  Gamefan was known for going overboard with pics.  If you knew it had a yellow background then I would know exactly what issue it is in (I have it).  I will check in a bit when I have some free time to make sure (I will try to throw a scan up to see if it helps).

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Yeah man, I had this issue.. it was Tips and Tricks! I have the MK pages.. I ripped them out like a jerk, so I could bring them along with me to play... I'll scan them when I go through my stuff next. Hopefully I can find them all.. that mag is destroyed! >:(

here's a preview, is this it?


Edit: On a second reading of your post, I don't think this is the one. This issue is from Jan. 1997 and it has lists for all the home systems. Probably not it. I went all out for nothing! Oh well, I had fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, sorry it took so long to respond! Busy at work and all that.

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who replied. Unfortunately, no, none of those were the issue I was looking for, but thanks for trying anyways! Guess I'll just have to keep looking. If I ever find it, I'll be sure to upload it here.

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