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Fat Loss And Motivation


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  • Retromags Curator

So its almost time for me to turn 30 years old, this milestone will happen on July 31st. My 20's have been gluttonous.....every month since I graduated Highscool, I have put on a half a pound. I refuse to live my 30's the same way, so I set out to drop 15lbs before my 30th B-day. I started this on June 3rd and so far have lost 8-10lbs. I have another 5-7lbs to knock off before July 31st and needed some motivation. Yes I have been losing at a good rate, but I know that it will not keep up. Most of my weight loss has come from cutting out soda, iced tea and iced coffee from my diet. I also cut out all fast food and have started going to the gym. So today I wanted some motivation, I do better with visuals than anything else.....so I googled "What a pound of fat looks like". I always knew that a pound of fat took up more space than a pound of muscle, but I had no idea that a pound of fat was this big.

What a pound of fat looks like


Where you can buy your own fake pound of fat


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Yeah over the last couple years I've put on a bit of weight and would like to get back to the 150-160 range again. I'm sure this move will do it to me but not on perpous. I'd rather work it off. Best way to get motivation is to work out with other people who are working out. WOWY.com is a place I used to hang out or the P90 website.

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  • Retromags Curator

If you lost 10 pounds in 15 days, you are losing it too quickly. in order to lose wieght and make it doesn't come back, you really shouldn't be losing more than 2 pounds a week.

If you don't care about that and want to lose weight as fast as possible, the best way is to have a contest to see how could lose the most in a month. It's a miserable month, but it's fun at the same time.

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  • Retromags Curator
If you lost 10 pounds in 15 days, you are losing it too quickly. in order to lose wieght and make it doesn't come back, you really shouldn't be losing more than 2 pounds a week.

If you don't care about that and want to lose weight as fast as possible, the best way is to have a contest to see how could lose the most in a month. It's a miserable month, but it's fun at the same time.

Yeah I know that I am losing too quickly, but I have only made minor changes.

Drink Just Water

No Fast Food

No Candy/Cake/Pie

Bowl of Cereal for Breakfast

Eat a 6 inch Subway Sandwich for Lunch

Normal Dinner

Gym Workout 3x per week (20 minutes of Cardio + 20 minutes of Weight Lifting)

Walking 7.5 Miles Per week

BMI states that for my height, I should be between 140-175lbs. Hell if I can see myself getting to that weight, but I want to drop from 258lbs to 200lbs. I figure most of this weight loss these past few weeks has been water weight. I expect I have another 2 weeks to lose at this rate before it slows down itself.

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  • Retromags Curator
At the rate you are working out, you will probably start gaining weight before 2 weeks is up.  You should start replacing fat with muscle soon if you keep it up.  Congrats on doing it though.  It is always a good thing to get in shape.

Yeah I have a body fat meter and am using it.....just in case I lose 1lb of fat and gain 1lbs of muscle the same week.

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If you have fun working out or being active, it helps keep you motivated, wanting to do thosefun activities more often than others. There was a point when all I did was sit around and play games(slowly happening again) but then I met a girl who enjoyed taking walks and things like that which were more active and she kind of gave me a new lifestyle. That kind of gave me a boost. I started remembering things I did outside as a kid and doing them again and actually having fun. Bike riding was one of them, swinging was another big one. I actually think swinging can be a decent workout if you get into it and pump hard with arms and legs.

Good luck, and glad to hear you're progressing!

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Philly, I think you said before you have an Ipod touch. Download and install the app "Lose It". It helps you track your calories and is a real wakeup call once you see how many calories certain things are.

I've lost 20 lbs since January and used to track calories using Google Docs, but "Lose It" is so much easier.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Retromags Curator

I have dropped from 258 to 244 in the month of June. I may have actually been 256....hard to say because I fluctuate 2lbs each day. I only have 1 more pound to lose before my Birthday on July 31st, then I am going to try and lose the next 15lbs by September 30th......and then another 15lbs by November 30th! I will be really happy though once I get back into the 225-230 range because that will bring me out of the size 40 waist.

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  • Retromags Curator

Through crash diet competitions with my friend in 2005 which included insane excercising, I was able to lose 20lbs in 28 days (February), and then lose another 12 lbs in April. I was a sexy 188.5 lbs, which was nice being 6'0" tall. However, it all slowly crept back on me over a year. If you don't maintain a diet, changed eating habits, exercise, or whatever you did t olose weight, it will come back as your body wants to be a certain weight.

I can basically eat however I want right now, and I will not go over the weight I am now. However, going below the weight I am now is a real challenge. The thing with me is that I am impatient. If I do not see results right away I become frustrated. I want to see more than 2 lbs a week; otherwise I don't think anything is happening. If I weigh myself every day and see a drop of 0.5 to 1 lb a day, I am happy and very motivated. Otherwise I get discouraged and stop being so disciplined. I know that 0.5 to 1 lb a day is too mch too quickly, but if I don't see it, then I feel the changes I am making are not doing anything.

Retromags should have a contest among members looking to become beautiful whereas the person who loses the most weight wins something. It would have to be an honour system, but it could still be fun.

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  • Retromags Curator

6 foot, and 230 lbs. I am not saying I can eat Burger King everyday or eat 2 pounds of candy a day. But I can eat without counting calories or worrying that my portions are too big. Not that I will continue to do this blindly.

Even 5 years ago, I didn't have to worry too much about what or how I was eating and I would never go above 220. Though time, age, and possibly my victorious dieting competitions caused my limit to go up by 10lbs.

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6 foot, and 230 lbs. I am not saying I can eat Burger King everyday or eat 2 pounds of candy a day. But I can eat without counting calories or worrying that my portions are too big. Not that I will continue to do this blindly.

Even 5 years ago, I didn't have to worry too much about what or how I was eating and I would never go above 220. Though time, age, and possibly my victorious dieting competitions caused my limit to go up by 10lbs.

I'm glad you mentioned Burger King. There is a guy at my work who eats Burger King almost every day. He, however, is probably only about 190 (5'11 or so). He claims to only do about 1.5 hours of cardio a week, so maybe he just has a gifted metabolism.

One thing that I noticed that if you eat at home, it is much easier to eat whatever you want and not pack on the pounds. It's when you eat out that it kills you. I could easily eat 1200 calories a meal if I at out for every meal.

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^^^ Everything he said is spot on. Eating 6 meals of 300-500 calories keeps the metabolism running full speed all day.

I also recommend getting a hobby that includes burning calories. I recently got back into BMX and it's not only a ton of fun, but burns calories like crazy. Exercising is also a hunger suppressant so when you are done, you don't feel like you need a 800 calorie burger to make up for the calories that were just burned.

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  • Retromags Curator

A couple years ago, I decided that I would take up running again. I ran track and cross-country when I was in high school, so I figured it would be good for me to get back into the routine just to be a little healthier. And literally, all it took for me to be able to eat whatever the heck I wanted and not worry about the calories was 30 minutes of jogging, three times a week, and some very simple crunches and sit-up reps.

Anybody who wants some simple information to get yourself started, just let me know. I'll get you in the best damn cardio shape of your life. :)



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I cut out soda and most junk food along with doing some minor weight training and went back to my usual lean 150lbs from 160. I don't do any cardio, I figure I get enough of that at work. But considering my job and my genes, it's not hard to lose weight. I'm probably lucky in this environment to be able to lose weight easily but if we were in a low food environment, I'd have the disadvantage.

Now I just mostly drink water and coffee or tea. Oddly enough, I look better, can't say I feel better though. I miss my sweets. I think somewhere inbetween is a nice balance.

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