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Let's See Where Twitter Is Now...


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A lot of people are on twitter now, I am on it, Phillyman is on it, Areala is on it, Steve Harris is on it, Andy Eddy(former Editor in Chief of VG&CE) and there are undoubtedly many many more "interesting" people on it.  Seemingly though, Twitter is getting around about as much as the variety of people that use it would attest that it could (there are rumors that it is coming to Wii and XBox 360 soon), you can get it on your cell phone and of course your PC/Mac computer.  Is there anywhere Twitter hasn't invaded yet?  What's that?  I think I heard someone from the back say something about Commodore 64/128 computers not having Twitter.  Until now anyhow. 


That is a pic of a Twitter client for Commodore 64/128 computers.  Here is a quote about it from Van Den Brande's site:

BREADBOX64 is a twitter client for the C64/128 which allows you to tweet from a real C64 and show your friends timeline. It uses Contiki, a very nice embedded OS, and the MMC Replay cartridge with the RR-Net add on for the physical connection to the net.

Here is a vid on youtube (skip to about 2:30 for the fun part, unless you like watching video of a C64 loading a game-and people thought they had long load times with Sega CD and early 32-Bit systems)

Check it out, it is interesting and quite a unique program.

This article was started from a link found at Retro Things, why not head over and check out their site, forums and all and tell em, Retromags sent you.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  E-Day said:
You have to have quite the ego to think that people want to know what you are doing throughout your day :P

Well, yeah, I agree with you E-Day, and personally I think this new place twitter is going is a little passed that mentality.

Introducing, TweetCraft.



TweetCraft is an in-game Twitter client for World of Warcraft. TweetCraft can: 

Send/receive Tweets in-game (Immediate sending reloads your UI)

Queue Tweets to send when it's more convenient for you

Upload in-game screenshots using TwitPic

AutoTweet when you log in, enter an instance or get an achievement

Extensible so that AddOn authors can register messages or events to AutoTweet

Thanks to Tweetcraft for the pic and quote.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, we know you can access twitter from in World of Worldcraft and even on your old Commodore 64 but who are some of the people you may be needing to keep tabs on?

How about, Leon and Claire from the Resident Evil franchise?  They are following each other on twitter and right now there is about a 100 follower difference with Leon in the lead.

What do they talk about?  RE stuff of course.

Thanks to Kotaku for the news scoop on this.

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