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Microsoft Easing Away From Xbox Titles

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Seems that Microsoft is dropping support for Xbox titles being released on their Live service.  What?  You didn't know they were even doing it in the first place?  The games were being released under the heading of XBox Originals and they are now moved and placed in a new section called "Games on Demand."  No word on the chances of any more original XBox titles being released (there is supposedly one more release scheduled and everyone is pointing at Halo 2 for that spot).  Could it just be that Microsoft got tired of pumping money into working on backwards compatibility for these titles vs the return on sales?  Kotaku.com broke the story.

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I think part of the problem is that Microsoft has gotten mostly extremely popular titles for this service that most people either have or can acquire a hard copy for cheaper or at the same price as the digital download.  If they would have gotten games that people wanted but couldn't afford or missed the first time around they may have done better business here.  Course that may the problem, they weren't getting big enough returns for the amount of money involved in working out the BC problems for each game that went up.

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