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Ghostbusters Reviewed

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I wish I had the money to pick up my preordered copy right now, but I don't! I'm on the edge of my seat!

I've played the Wii version and it's pretty fun, but I can tell the 360 version is going to be killer and it's tearing me up not having it yet!!

Thanks for sharing this, all I keep hearing about this game is good and I'm glad I'm going to have it soon!

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Kotaku.com has a review of the new Ghostbusters game for those sitting on the fence about it.


I've played the Wii version, and it was OK. Tried out the PS3 demo, and...well...about all I can say is that aside from the graphics which are eye-popping and the great character likenesses and voices which are perfect, the controls are not that great and your rookie moves entirely too slowly when he's not running, and entirely too fast when he is. One thing I really missed from the Wii version was the option to play as a female Ghostbuster on the PS3. I mean, c'mon, you're telling me that the Wii could handle a second character model as a player character and co-op campaign play, but the PS3 can't? Multi-player that doesn't let you play through the campaign mode together is just a waste of time in my book. Let my friends all play too, hmmm?

Oh well...it's not the first time gals have been given the short end of the stick in this regard.



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