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Promoting Retromags


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First up, do you have a link? While no official word has ever been made, I am sure there are some base lines as to where we would prefer not to be promoted. Stuff like "adult" sites, rom sites stuff like that (we are trying our best to build bridges and it is hard when we have associations with stuff like that going on (course we can't stop someone from doing what they want on their site).

Go ahead and post a link here, you won't get in trouble, I am asking for one.


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Its fairly new, and I have no intention of making it anything non-family friendly. I am attempting to make something that will stand the test of time and have a professional atmosphere. I discovered your site and was really excited about what your guys are doing here. I would like to spread the word and grow the retro gaming community.

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I was going to just post an article about how awesome this project is and try to get people into it. If you DO have somebody make a graphic for the site I would be more than happy to put it along the side bar of page as a permanent link button. Just have them make it about the same size as the buttons already on there.

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First of all, I forgot to mention something earlier. Thank you for coming and asking about it first, while it isn't required by any means, it is greatly appreciated when someone lets us know they are promoting RM, it helps us all work together towards a common goal. We have another blogger here, Count_Zero who does a regular blog post based on his reading of various mags and he has a pretty good thing going there.

It is great to see quality promotion like what you and CZ are doing, it really is appreciated.

The article you posted on your blog looks great, I am glad that you mentioned that it is not a requirement to donate or even join (a lot of people think we are forcing members to do stuff here to access files-that is not the case, any road blocks in place are purely on the shoulders of the download services available like Rapidshare and MegaUpload).

I look forward to reading more on your blog.

By the way, make sure to put a link to your blog in your signature so more people may see it and visit it.

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