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Super Street Fighter II


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I never did like the 4 new additions to Super but Fei Long sure did grow on me as with Cammy. But T-Hawk and Deejay can just dissapear into nothingness. I on the other hand was such a SF fan that I bought all the versions that came out (except the Turbo Grafx one I'm still wanting it though). Oh and I even wasted money on Fighting Street for the TG-16 CD before I even owned a TG-16 CD System.

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Man, I really loved this game on the Snes and the Mega Drive. I really liked Fei Long and Cammy. Mmmmmm Cammy :D . And even Deejay has started to grow on me a little, after all these years. T-Hawk of course still suck's as bad as he ever did and allways will.

I never really liked this advert for the game. Why have some nondescript guy with just the name of the game on the back of his jacket when there was so much great Capcom character art to work with. Even just putting the four new character's on the page would have been better.

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I never really liked this advert for the game. Why have some nondescript guy with just the name of the game on the back of his jacket when there was so much great Capcom character art to work with. Even just putting the four new character's on the page would have been better.

My guess is that it was some sort of "gang" thing with the leather jacket ("We own the streets this summer," and all that).

As to its effectiveness...well, all it really needed to say was Super Street Fighter II. If you didn't know what that was, you had obviously never set foot in an arcade. :)



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Yeah, you're absolutely right about the "gang" thing. I think the main reason why I didn't like the ad. much was because back then I was a big Street Fighter fan and I naturally wanted the game to do well but felt the advert didn't really grab the attention needed.

I remember at the time, the growing consensus was that Capcom had released too many version's of the game which were only slightly updated each time, and that they should have been concentrating on delivering Street Fighter 3. Of course I didn't feel this way and was disappointed that the advert didn't do enough to show how good the game was.

I'm still a huge Street Fighter fan, and even though I really suck at the game, I know I'll be still playing it when I'm old and grey. :)

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Sorry man, can't do it. Trust me though, I'm doing you a favour. Playing against me would be way too easy and in my embarrassment I'd probably just keep rage quitting on you. The weird thing is though that even though I really suck at the game, Street Fighter is still probably my favourite game of all time.

So thank's for the offer but I'm going to have to wuss out. I do play Street Fighter 4 against my friend's and also against an ex girl friend who is really good but we always play in the same room. To be honest I've never played anyone online as there always seems to be someone in the next room or across the hall who is ready for another game.

Thank's for the offer though. By the way, what character do you usually fight as, in Street Fighter 4? I play as Ken even though some people slag me off because they think he's kind of cheap. :)

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I've been playing a lot of the girls. I love their kick moves and I can make combos pretty easily with them. Also Blanka, Fei-Long, Guile, and I'm trying to get better with the newer characters and Dhalsim, Vega and Gen. Mainly people I never really picked up enough before to get good with. To me this is the best SF game yet, and I say that as a long time fan of SSFIIT and SFA3.

I played Ryu and Ken for a long time.. a few years. They're probably a couple of the most well rounded characters. Yeah, people get annoyed if you play as them a lot.. but a lot of the times you have to play as them just to keep up with some of these people online who either play all the time or are tournament players.

I kind of started phasing out of the shotoclones as I started getting better with them. It got to where I knew their kick, punch, sweep and attack ranges and animations really well. They're definitely a good starting point, but be sure not to give up on the other characters altogether, because they're all surprisingly good if you learn how to use them.

Still, feel free to add me if you want we don't have to play SF, I just like having friends on there. I only have 5, I think. I also have Halo 3 and Ghostbusters if anyone else plays those. I'm looking to expand my online games soon, I just set up a 12 month Live account.

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Hey, you really play with a good range of different character's. I think your right about me sticking with the shota character's. I find it kind of difficult if I don't pick them. It's interesting that you think SF4 is the best game in the series. I'm beginning to hear that more and more from people I know too. My favourite's are still the original SF and SSF2, I guess because there kind of slow. SSF2T was a little too quick for me and I kind of felt I had to button mash too much for my liking when I played it, just to survive.

A lot of people I know really like SF3 Third Strike. I like the great animation but the character's don't do a lot for me, I guess I miss the original character's from the previous games.

Thank's for the invite to play SF man, but I actually only have the basic package, the silver one. I think I had the gold account for about a month for free when I first got my 360 but that elapsed a while ago. If I ever do pay for the gold account though, I'll definitely look you up. You sound like you love the game as much as me, and I know I'd have a lot of fun even if I got my ass kicked a few time's. :)

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