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Was There Ever An Official Genesis Magazine


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So, as part of my thing on my blog, as a companion to reviewing issues of Nintendo Power, I've also been reviewing games from old issues of Nintendo Power (selecting one game per issue) and determining if the game was worth buying or not (my Quality Control columns, for those reading the blog) - I've been branching out to video with audio commentary of those, but I digress.

Anyway, I'd like to expand to Sega Genesis games for my column once my Nintendo Power coverage starts running into the Genesis era (I'm getting there, but I'm not quite there yet. So, were there any "Official" Sega Genesis magazines out there. Not just stuff like Mega Play, or other magazines that exclusively covered the Genesis, but ones that were officially sanctioned by Sega or anything like that. Any answers would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Retromags Curator
So, as part of my thing on my blog, as a companion to reviewing issues of Nintendo Power, I've also been reviewing games from old issues of Nintendo Power (selecting one game per issue) and determining if the game was worth buying or not (my Quality Control columns, for those reading the blog) - I've been branching out to video with audio commentary of those, but I digress.

Anyway, I'd like to expand to Sega Genesis games for my column once my Nintendo Power coverage starts running into the Genesis era (I'm getting there, but I'm not quite there yet. So, were there any "Official" Sega Genesis magazines out there. Not just stuff like Mega Play, or other magazines that exclusively covered the Genesis, but ones that were officially sanctioned by Sega or anything like that. Any answers would be greatly appreciated.

I believe the closest thing was the Team Sega Newsletter and Sega Visions.....pretty sure that Sega Visions covered the majority of the Genesis years.....1990-1995

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You are pretty much limited to stuff like Mega Play and Sega Visions.  Sega never really had a version of Nintendo Power (a mag that covered everything from the early days up to the newer systems).  For some reason they kept dropping mags and starting new ones instead (really showed a lack of support in my opinion in the face of Nintendo backing Nintendo Power through thick and thin).

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You are pretty much limited to stuff like Mega Play and Sega Visions.  Sega never really had a version of Nintendo Power (a mag that covered everything from the early days up to the newer systems).  For some reason they kept dropping mags and starting new ones instead (really showed a lack of support in my opinion in the face of Nintendo backing Nintendo Power through thick and thin).

Thank you!

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Sega didn't keep dropping magazines. They had Sega Visions, which, while it sometimes didn't come out on a regular schedule, stayed Sega Visions for its whole run. Before that, they had their small Sega Challenge newsletter thingy. I remember getting a couple of those, one with Altered Beast on the cover. I am surprised they are not available on here.

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Man, I have dupe copies of like 4 of my Sega Visions mags because they kept sending me the same ones over and over again for a few months! I think they were trying hard to get rid of them or something.

My Sega Visions order came with my Genesis, if I remember correctly. A free year or so.

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