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Your Favourite 8 Bit,16 Bit, 32/64 Bit Games


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As it says on the tin, discuss.

Reading the post about the completion of the Zelda III: A Link tto he Past, I was gonna ask what everyone's favourite Zelda game was, but decided to ask this broader question instead.

So here are my picks:

8 bit

I didn't play much in the way of 8 bit games, but having played Super Mario Bros. 3 as part of Super Mario All-Stars, Im gonna go with that, for the NES.

16 bit

Undoubtedly Zelda III (SNES).

Special mention must go to Super Castlevania IV (SNES), Quackshot (MD/Genesis), and Starwing (SNES), however.

32/64 bit

Probably Gran Turismo 1 & 2 on the PSone, but it could well be one of the following:

Doom (PSone), i only ever played this version, and it blew me away, and creeped me out.

Tekken 2/3, utterly brilliant.

Silent Hill, so atmospheric and downright terrifying.

Tomb Raider 2, I much preferred this to the original, as there weren't any "bang your head against the wall in frustration" puzzles.

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8-Bit:  Um, not sure, I am going to go with Robo Warrior by Jaleco (in the US).

16-Bit:  I bought a Genesis for Strider (and discovered Quackshot for free since the store had it in a bin of free games).  Loved both games, still play them too.  Then I got Phantasy Star IV years later that is simply awesome (toss up between those three).

32-Bit:  I really got hooked on the 3D action adventures with games like Tomb Raider and Spyro here.  All time game for this genre would have to be Guardian Heroes on Saturn though (ended up getting divorced over that game-do I regret it?  Nope, regret selling the Saturn more than the divorce).

64-Bit: Pretty much just Dreamcast here and that goes to Record of Lodoss War.

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8 bit: Super Mario 3

16 bit: FFIII

32 bit: Metal Gear Solid

64 bit: Not sure. So many DC games come to mind. I'm not a big RPG fan but I did enjoy Skies of Arcadia.

For me, it's not really a cut and dry choice. It's really hard choosing a favorite game of any genre or system.

Edit: I'll have to keep editing if you guys pick any more good ones I've forgotten about. It's the way it is with these lists for me.

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No way I can choose just one for each era...


Kid Icarus

Legend of Zelda

Super Mario 3


Super Metroid

Super Punch-Out!!

Final Fantasy III (6)

Chrono Trigger

32 bit:

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Final Fantasy 8

Metal Gear Solid


Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Super Mario 64

I guess if I had to choose 1 for each, it would be Kid Icarus, Super Metroid, Castlevania: SOTN, and Zelda: OoT. Really, though, all of these listed are neck and neck for the top spot.

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Oh, Sonic 2 on the Mega Drive was good also.

I played Super Metroid and Actraiser via Snes9x and they were both very good.

Does anyone know what the hell the name Actraiser means?

For some reason, whilst I enjoyed Mario 64 and Metal Gear Solid, they didn't change my life.

Ocarina of Time, I just couldn't get into.

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The reason I bought an N64, trading in my Playstation in the process, was for Ocarina of Time, I was most disappointed.

Within about a year I wished I'd stuck with the Playstation.

I've also played Gunstar Heroes for the first time recently, and it is very good, though I dunno if it would be in my top games.

Replayed Streets of Rage 2 as well, and it's enjoyable, though harder than I remember it being!Unless I completed it on easy first time around :)

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I had the same problem, which nobody could understand back then. I loved A Link to the Past for years and I found Ocarina just didn't feel like a good Zelda game at all.

I'm with you all the way, Mattapooh. After the SNES, the Zelda games on the home systems just started to lose the charm and magic they had. Fortunately, the 2D entries on the GB, GBC and GBA more than made up for this problem; Link's Awakening is just a fabulous game in every respect.

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Well, here I leave you my fav games (at least those I remember right now):

8 bits era:

Regarding the 8 bit consoles, I can tell you that by far practically the only and most used 8 bits console where I live was the NES; although it wasn't the real deal (all the consoles were a plenty of clones from Asian manufacturers) I had really good gaming experiences.

Double Dragon II: The Revenge

Snow Bros


Ghost 'n' Goblins

Mario Bros 3

Juju dentsetsu (Toki)

Goal series

Kunnio Kun series


Sega Genesis:

Sonic 3: The Hedgegod

Street Fighters 2: Champions Ed.

Mortal Kombat 2, 3, Ultimate 3.

Streets of Rage series.




Nintendo 64:

Respect this one, sadly I only played a few games, because they were something expensive to adquire ( e.g. at least u$s 99 bucks to buy a "player choice" game like super mario bros) and they were hard to find too :angry: .

Super Mario 64 (surely the best plataform game ever)

Zelda: Ocarina of Times

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empires.

Mortal Kombat 4 and Trilogy


Maybe someone will think many of these games aren't good at all, but I really had blilliant experiences playing it.

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Because I am a huge, nerdy, nerdy, nerd, I made extensive lists of my favorite NES and SNES games. I feel that they will fit here. Enjoy:

Top 50 NES games, all-time

1. River City Ransom

2. Super Mario Bros. 3

3. Tecmo Super Bowl

4. Super Dodge Ball

5. The Legend of Zelda

6. Bionic Commando

7. Little Nemo: The Dream Master

8. Rygar

9. Contra

10. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!

11. TMNT II: The Arcade Game

12. Metroid

13. Wizards & Warriors

14. Castlevania

15. Solstice

16. Ninja Gaiden

17. Megaman 2

18. Solomon's Key

19. Final Fantasy

20. Goonies II

21. Adventure Island II

22. Super Mario Brothers

23. TMNT III: The Manhatten Project

24. Shadowgate

25. A Boy and his Blob (The first game I ever played on an emulator)

26. Kirby's Adventure

27. Star Tropics

28. Dragon Warrior III

29. Blades of Steel

30. Excitebike

31. Dr. Mario

32. Ducktales

33. Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse

34. Maniac Mansion

35. Crystalis

36. Kid Icarus

37. Super Mario Brothers 2

38. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

39. Megaman 3

40. Metal Gear

41. Battletoads

42. Blaster Master

43. Major League Baseball

44. RC Pro-Am

45. Duck Hunt

46. Kung Fu

47. Legendary Wings

48. Megaman

49. Deja Vu

50. Batman

Top 25 SNES games, all-time:

1. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

2. Chrono Trigger

3. Final Fantasy III

4. Super Mario World

5. Super Metroid

6. Actraiser

7. Super Mario RPG

8. Star Fox

9. Kirby Super Star

10. Earthbound

11. Donkey Kong Country

12. Super Mario Kart

13. Stree Fighter II Turbo

14. Super Punch-Out!!!

15. Super Castlevania IV

16. Contra III: The Alien Wars

17. TMNT IV: Turtles in Time

18. Earthworm Jim 2

19. Pilotwings

20. F-Zero

21. Soul Blazer

22. Ogre Battle

23. Secret of Mana

24. Mega Man X

25. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

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  • 2 months later...

Here are some of my favourites

8 Bit


Knight Lore, ZX Spectrum 48k

16 Bit


Street Fighter 2, Snes


Super Metroid, Snes


Zelda, a link to the past, Snes


Super Mario World, Snes


Sonic the Hedgehog, Mega Drive


Madden 93, Mega Drive

32/64 Bit


Zelda, Ocarina of Time, N64


Super Mario 64, N64

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Zelda II is one of my favorites, right behind the original. I understand why most people don't like it, but it's an awesome game if you get used to it and give it a chance. Challenging, too.

I've been thinking.. and I don't know if I much cared for the newer Zelda titles after Ocarina of Time. I liked Wind Waker and the DS version a lot, though.

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There are many for each but I will only list my top three for each era.

8bit: Kid Icarus(nes)

Legend of Zelda(nes)

Mega Man II(nes)

16bit: Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past(snes)

Dracula X(PC Engine CD)

Super Metroid(snes)

32/64bit: Lunar the Silver Star Story(PSONE)

Star Fox 64(N64)

Super Mario 64(N64)

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Zelda II is one of my favorites, right behind the original. I understand why most people don't like it, but it's an awesome game if you get used to it and give it a chance. Challenging, too.

I've been thinking.. and I don't know if I much cared for the newer Zelda titles after Ocarina of Time. I liked Wind Waker and the DS version a lot, though.

Yeah I'm prob gonna give it another shot someday, it'll just take a while gettin used to the way it's laid out seems almost as if they took out a viewpoint which really killed the motivation of myself back then to even bother gettin into the first few levels... Tho I'm hoping to be able to get all of the Zelda games playable on the Game cube. Wish there was a DS Player for the Cube like they did for the :gbasp2::sad:

Twilight Princess was sweet, never got to finish it tho! Just snapped back up a Game cube copy the other day :D Trying to get my kids glued to 8bit gamin' and work their way up :lol: I've spoiled em too much w/ current gen consoles!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Gah! I completely forgot about this place... damn school distracted me away over a year ago.

8Bit: Tecmo Super Bowl, Castlevania, Castlevania II: Simon's Quest, Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse

16Bit: ActRaiser, Street Fighter II Turbo, Shining Force, Shining Force II, Castle of Illusion, World of Illusion, Super Castlevania IV, Castlevania: Dracula X, NHL 94

32Bit: Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy VII, Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Resident Evil: Code Veronica X

64Bit: Super Mario Kart, Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey

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  • 2 months later...




Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (NES).

Honorable mention: Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES).




Super Metroid (SNES).

Honorable mention: Sonic The Hedgehog 1 (Genny).




Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS1).

Honorable mention: Metal Gear Solid (PS1).




Super Mario 64 (N64).

Honorable mention: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64).




Grand Theft Auto III / Vice City / San Andreas (PS2 / Xbox).

Honorable mention: Red Faction 1 (PS2).

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