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Arcade Perfect Ports Of Yesterdays Arcade Classics


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I touched upon this in a reply a made to the New Sega console thread in Current Gen, and just thought I'd expand on it.

Would anyone else be interested in playing arcade perfect home ports of arcade games from the last 10-15 years?

Though I don't own a current gen console (PS2 is the latest), I'd still relish the opportunity to be able to own a Sega game package that inlcuded arcade perfect ports of Daytona USA, Virtua Racing, Sega Rally, Virtua Fighter 1-4, etc.

The same goes for a Namco collection with arcade perfect ports of Ridge Racer, Rave Racer...

Something that's just occurred to me, given the online capabilities of today's consoles, is the ability, within something like Playstation Home to enter virtual arcades and pay a small amount to play these games. Or has this been tried?

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What I would like to have is a game compilation for the Wii of old Nintendo Arcade games that would be compiled in a similar fashion of the original Namco Museum collection. Games would be included:

Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong Jr

Konkey Kong 3

Mario Bros

Super Mario Bros

Radar Scope


Punch Out!!

Super Punch Out!!

Arm Wrestling

So nothing from the Nintendo top 10 or Vs systems. Just the Nintendo games with dedicated cabs.

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Our best bets are XBOX Live Arcade and Wii Virtual Console. XBOX Arcade has quite a few old arcade ports which are perfect. Virual Console is mainly console games, Im not sure if they've put out any arcade games yet or if they will at all.

As far as Dreamcast/Saturn era arcade ports, once again, XBOX Arcade has a few including Virtual On! Oratorio Tangram. I haven't yet played it on the system so I have no feedback on how it looks or plays.

So to answer your question, two next gen systems in fact have older games available. I have no clue on PS3 though, I don't have one yet.

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Would I? If only you saw my game collection...I'm the biggest sucker in the world for compilation packages.

Midway Arcade Treasures 1, 2, and 3, Namco Museum 50th Anniversary, Fatal Fury Battle Archives vol. 1, Sonic's Genesis Classics Collection, Taito Legends 1 & 2, Capcom Classics vol. 2, Activision Anthology...you name it, I've either got it or I want it something fierce. I'd love to see a Sega Arcade Classics with Golden Axe, Sega Ninja, My Hero, Outrun and so forth (Altered Beast is on the Genesis Classics collection). A Nintendo Arcade with Mario Bros., Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr. and others would be fabulous.

Do I want it? Heck yes I want it! :)



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A few months ago I played some supposed "ports" packs collections for PS2, and it was a really bad time :angry: Those packs have some magnificent retro titles, but they weren't original versions :o Instead, they were very bad ported games that in reality are an offece to the original ones <_<

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With regard to the ones available on Xbox Live Arcade, do you happen to know if they are conversions of the original arcade games, or conversions of the console ports?

Also, there is a compilation available for the PS2, which has a version of Virtua Racing on it.

I've considered purchasing it purely for this. Can anyone vouch for the quality of the VR conversion?

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  • Retromags Curator
  MacGruber said:
A few months ago I played some supposed "ports" packs collections for PS2, and it was a really bad time :angry: Those packs have some magnificent retro titles, but they weren't original versions :o Instead, they were very bad ported games that in reality are an offece to the original ones <_<

I assume you are talking about the "Sega Classics Collection" on the PS2. And yeah, they were a horrible affront to everything that made the classics...well, classic. :)



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With regard to the ones available on Xbox Live Arcade, do you happen to know if they are conversions of the original arcade games, or conversions of the console ports?

They are arcade perfect ports, not emulated or anything like that on most compilations. The graphics and sound are good, etc. There's nothing added or taken away from them, for sure.

Most compilations I've played disappointed me too, so I gave up on them.

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