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First Video Game Console You Bought?


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  Phillyman said:
Lets see how old everyone is, what was the very first video game console you owned? Mine was the Atari 2600....followed by a 5200, 7800 and then the Nintendo Entertainment System.

What about everyone else?

I guess technically the first home game console I owned was a Pong system, though that was really my father's. The first actual console that I myself owned was an Atari 2600, and after that an NES.



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The first one was Dynacom, I think it was an atari clon; then a "Family Computer", again a clon (NES). After that, an original one, sega genesis with some original games, but with cloned games too. Then a n64, with all original (and expensive) games, although some times I rented a few cloned ones (mario 64, f-zero x , etc). And finally a PS2 ;)

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First console I had was NES, when I turned 4 my parents bought it. I still remember it all vividly.. lol. The box, the house, the controllers and Zapper. It changed my life.

I had my NES forever then I wanted a Genesis badly, so that was #2.

The first system I ever bought by myself though, was an SNES. Bought it for $45 in 1994 from my friend. He gave me LttP and SMW with it, I was in heaven!

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Well the first system "My parents bought for me and my brothers" was the VCS. But the first system I actually bought for myself was the SNES. Before that my parents also bought us the SMS and I won a original Gameboy through a Captain Crunch contest.

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Like a lot of people in Europe my first gaming experience's came from home computer's rather than the less popular console's of the time, such as the NES and Sega Master System.

The first console I bought was the SNES and from that day on I never even thought of another computer.

The SNES was such a great console, totally dedicated to playing games, unlike the computer's I had grown up with.

After that I bought a Mega Drive so I could play Madden, N.H.L. Hockey and the other sport games which allways seemed better on Sega's machine.

I've bought at least one console from every new generation that has come out since. Currently I have a 360 and a Wii but the two console's that I first bought (SNES and Mega Drive) are my favourite's. :)

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My parents bought a 5200, but we never played it all that much. I do remember losing to my Dad in football every time we played. My sister and I split the cost of the NES. We couldn't find the Super Mario bundle, so we got the first one we found...the R.O.B. set. I loved Duck Hunt, but absolutely hated Gyromite. I was able to hook ROB up and get it to work with Gyromite, but it was such a hassle. I remember we bought Castlevania very soon after.

The first console that I bought all by myself was the Super Nintendo. I remember having both the SNES and the NES hooked up to one TV. My Mom wouldn't let me put one in my bedroom when I got a tv, so both had to be in the living room. I also remember saving my allowance in order to buy a subscription to Nintendo Power when it first started. I was pissed because they were going to start charging for this new magazine when the Fun Club News was free. Once I received that first issue as the tryout issue, I was hooked. Nintendo really knew what they were doing with that giveaway.

Oh, and my Dad and I only played 1 game of Tecmo Super Bowl on the NES. I showed no mercy. Maybe that's why we only played one.

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The very first system I "owned" was a Space Invaders arcade cabinet.

Now let me explain, I grew up in a café which my mom owned every since my deadbeat father left her when she was 3 months pregnant with me.

So while I didn't exactly own the arcade cabinet in there, it sure felt like it. ;)

The very first one that was mine would have to be a Popeye Game&Watch in '83.

I played the 2600, C64 and especially the Oddysey at a friend's house all the time but the first actual console I owned was the NES, which came out on September 1st 1986 in Europe and I got mine for my good grades somewhere in December. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 7/15/2009 at 10:55 PM, Phillyman said:

Lets see how old everyone is, what was the very first video game console you owned? Mine was the Atari 2600....followed by a 5200, 7800 and then the Nintendo Entertainment System.

What about everyone else?

Odyssey II. I know it was before my time, but I got that and a Coleceovision at a garage sale when I was a kid. Got me hooked hard. So hard that my parents bought me an Atari 2600 when it came out.

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The first video game console we had, like many other families at the time was one of the Pong units that plugged into the TV. We got an Atari 2600 in 1978. The whole family played it though me and my brothers played it until we received "Atari Thumbs", a soreness that occurred between the thumb and pointer finger.

I loved to read about all the games and consoles. All other consoles were represented in my neighborhood as we enter the early 1980s. I coveted the ColecoVision but never owned one. I bought an Intellivision with 30 games off a friend who tired of it.

I became primarily a computer user after the crash and had a RadioShack MC-10, C-64 and Amiga from 1984 into 1990s.

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  On 8/16/2009 at 3:27 AM, Crookedmouth said:

The first video game console we had, like many other families at the time was one of the Pong units that plugged into the TV. We got an Atari 2600 in 1978. The whole family played it though me and my brothers played it until we received "Atari Thumbs", a soreness that occurred between the thumb and pointer finger.

I loved to read about all the games and consoles. All other consoles were represented in my neighborhood as we enter the early 1980s. I coveted the ColecoVision but never owned one. I bought an Intellivision with 30 games off a friend who tired of it.

I became primarily a computer user after the crash and had a RadioShack MC-10, C-64 and Amiga from 1984 into 1990s.

I miss my Commadore 64. I first learned how to code on one of those. You had to know how to code just to get "Jumpman" to run on that thing.

And yes, I still get Atari Thumb in my right hand from playing that silly thing. Especially Kangaroo...I loved that game.

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  On 8/16/2009 at 4:18 AM, Hidinger said:

I miss my Commadore 64. I first learned how to code on one of those. You had to know how to code just to get "Jumpman" to run on that thing.

And yes, I still get Atari Thumb in my right hand from playing that silly thing. Especially Kangaroo...I loved that game.

The Commodore 64 is the computer that gives me the most nostalgia next to the Atari 2600. I too did my first BASIC programming on the C64 and as I recall it was a bit harder then the Apple or Atari versions of BASIC. Seemed like you had to use a PEEK or POKE every other line but on the plus side you could use the "arrow keys" to edit your screen text!

I was lucky enough to have a disk drive and I'm wondering did you also have to do the "1541 tap" to get some games to load as your system advanced in years?

I knew that any Atari 2600 user would know what Atari thumb was but I placed the definition in for those "Gamepad Whippersnappers" :)

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  On 8/16/2009 at 5:17 AM, Crookedmouth said:

The Commodore 64 is the computer that gives me the most nostalgia next to the Atari 2600. I too did my first BASIC programming on the C64 and as I recall it was a bit harder then the Apple or Atari versions of BASIC. Seemed like you had to use a PEEK or POKE every other line but on the plus side you could use the "arrow keys" to edit your screen text!

I was lucky enough to have a disk drive and I'm wondering did you also have to do the "1541 tap" to get some games to load as your system advanced in years?

I knew that any Atari 2600 user would know what Atari thumb was but I placed the definition in for those "Gamepad Whippersnappers" :)

Seriously, kids do not know how easy they have it. That joint between your thumb and index finger would ache to no end after about 30 minutes of playing with that joytsick.

For later C64 stuff you HAD to tap. There was no other option.

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