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I got the day off work today. I will likely spend some of it scanning off my Street Fighter II guide for SNES. I love the artwork inside the mag and it's a very detailed guide, 150+ pages. I am currently doing a series of Game Player's but I'm not very disciplined at following a consistent order.


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Actually, I may have lied. I think EGM may be in bigger demand. I have a Dec 1991 issue I'm thinking of scanning with Zelda: LTTP, SF2 guide, Sonic 2, Megaman 4, TMNT3, etc. Problem is, the pages are scrambled. The mag is binded and the pages are in a numerical order, for the most part, it just has pages 1-64 or so in the back of the mag and in the middle some more out of order pages. It seems there's nothing to suggest it's a new section of the mag. Is my mag messed up from the factory? It was like this the day I bought it in '91. I haven't noticed it in any of the other few EGM's I've read of the time.

Is it like the screwed up coins, can I get more for it with such a malfunction? :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got done de-binding the December '91 issue of EGM so you can likely expect it at the end of the week or early next week.


btw, it's missing pages 125 & 126 so if anyone has a copy, a scan of those two pages will be much appreciated. I was into SF2 att and it was part of the SF2 guide.

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I can do those two pages. I have a few extra EGMs around the same time period that I'm thinking about de-binding for release.

I have it scanned, around 250 pages. I suppose with that many pages, the best thing I can do is drop down from 9 quality to 8. As far as progessive or baseline jpeg goes, anyone have a recommendation? I know the file sizes for my scans seem unusually large for the page count so maybe my scans could use some tuning. Also, nickerous, could you send me the two pages before the weekend?

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Baseline standard has the most compatibility for web browsers.

Baseline Optimized is smaller but less compatibility with old web browsers and Linux systems but not PDF readers.

Baseline progressive has the least compatibility but I'm not sure about that one.

When I save Jpegs with Photoshop I always choose 0 quality and optimized. A higher quality I believe is only necessary if you plan to re-edit the file.

These are 4 of the same scans I took. One is Baseline optimized quality 0, Two is Baseline Standard quality 12, 3 is optimized quality 12 and 4 is standard quality 0. I can't notice a difference in a PDF reader between Standard Quality 12 and Optimized quality 0. The only difference is optimized qualito 0 is 194 KB and Standard quality 12 is 5,290 KB.

coverfrontandback2.jpg Optimized Quality 12 4,994 KB

coverfrontandback.jpg Optimized quality 0 194 KB

coverfrontandback4.jpg Standard Quality 12 5,290 KB

coverfrontandback3.jpg Standard Quality 0 224 KB

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