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Earliest Video Game Memory?


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What is your earliest video game memory? I can remember going to garage sales with my parents and them buying me Atari 2600 games for $.50-$1. I can also remember playing Circus Atari with my dad. I also remember going over my friends house to play Mario Bros on the NES. I also remember the Christmas that I got my own NES, I shoveled snow for money....only made about $40....but my parents got me an NES with Legend of Zelda for Christmas. I took that $40 and bought Q*Bert and Gradius. I never really got into Mario Bros.....but Legend of Zelda was my game. I used to play for hours....and then save my game and go to bed. While laying in bed I would get worried that I didnt save my game....and I would refire back up the game to make sure my progress was saved. I would do this a few times a night while trying to go to bed. I only ever made it up to Death Mountain.....never beat it until last year!

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Earliest memories is mixed between using a Mac family in 97' playing @ "Les Guignols de L'info, Le jeu" (Parody of News in france) and F17 Pilot Simulation and Sim City 2000 and NES Playing in 97~2000 @ SMB1, Tetris or The Nintendo World Cup (Soccer), Aladdin, Simpsons Game (with Aliens) and SMB2 (i still have all the Cartridges !).

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Mine would be my brother buying an Atari 2600 at K-Mart for $30. I may have been around 5 years old. I didn't know what it was then. I was jealous because my brother got to play it and I didn't. Only after having it a while would he let me and only sporadically. I remember my favs were Pitfall, Combat, Eggomania, Pacman, and ET. But at that time, I only liked ET because I loved the movie and it was the first movie I ever saw in theaters and I was too young to know what a crapfest it was.

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I remember when I got my NES for my 4th birthday. I remember seeing the box, looking at it and how it looked, the previews of games on the back and the pictures of the system and the controllers. It came with Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt and had two controllers and the Zapper. Once it was hooked up my dad started playing it and he wouldn't let me play until he was done, haha. I don't really think my parents knew how obsessed I'd get with Nintendo and video games at that point..

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I don't remember how old I was I guess it had to have been 4 or possibly as young as 3.

But back when I was at home with my mom while my brothers were at school I was sitting in the living room in front of the TV playing our VCS specifically Pac-Man. And I beat the first board. I was so happy with my self and no one to share it with. My mom could care less about video games but I probably told her anyway since she would have been the only one around.

I also remember prior to doing that, that I had plugged up the toilet. Yeah you might thing that is a weird thing to remember but the reason for it was my older brother was always plugging up the toilet and of course he could beat more than the first stage. So I felt like I was older like my brother and if any of you are the baby of the family you know that kind of thing is important.

(not plugging toilets but it's important to be like your older siblings and get their approval).

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My memories don't go back nearly as far as some of yours in terms of videogames.

My first memories are probably from when I was about 8, playing the Commodore 64 at a friend's house. There were about 3-4 of us there.

Games included:

Midnight Resistance, Predator, and a Kung Fu scrolling beat em up where when you karate chopped people, they kinda got squished into things that looked like the shape of spinning tops.

I would really like to know what that game was called, cuz at one point, I got to what I thought was the last room, and somehow managed to "warp" through the wall, and came out in what seemed like a darker level, at this point my mate said "it's my turn", which it was. At this point, I was still playing, but these dudes were hard, and I got killed, and never found my way to this level again!

Any guesses what this game is?

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