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Games You Played Years Ago, But Only Recently Beat


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What is a game that you played back in the day, but only recently beat? I would have to say mine is Legend of Zelda for the NES. I played it religiously when I was 8-9 years old.....But I only beat it a few months ago. To be honest I did not beat the NES version, but the NES Clone for the Gameboy Advance. Funny thing is that as much as I loved "The Legend of Zelda" I beat "Link to the Past" before I beat the original. I never owned LTTP....but I picked it up for the GameBoy advance a few months back. Another classic that I used to play back when I was a kid....was Super Mario Bros 2......I beat the remake for the Gameboy Advance back in 2002? I believe those are the only two NES games I have ever beaten.

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I played Starwing on the SNES, and could never get passed the last boss, and gave up.

I completed Lylat Wars (N64 UK naming off Starfox 64) without too much trouble, then a few years ago played Starwing on the SNES again, and beat it without that much trouble, albeit taking the easiest course.

I know that the end boss was the same regardless of the route, but the levels were harder. Was the boss harder as well though?

I honestly think that is the only one I've played and then replayed and completed.

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This would have been a few years ago but Adventure of Link. I beat it back in the day but only by cheating. After it was released on VC I finally beat it on my own. Oh and thanks a lot Philly I have to go play some Zelda now.

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It always irked me that I was able to beat Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 on the actual NES, but never could beat 3. I finally finished 3 a few months ago, but that was with game genie codes.

I just started playing through Super Mario 64 and Zelda:OoT on the Wii's VC. So far, I've gotten 10 stars on SM64, but only just arrived at Hyrule Castle on OoT. I've never finished either of these games. Come to think of it, I've never beaten ANY N64 game...

I'm going to get Majora's Mask on VC, but would like to finish OoT first. I own MM, but never opened it since I never finished OoT. Is a sealed Collector's edition MM worth anything?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I finally... finally beat Final Fantasy I. What gave me that final push to beat it was my reviews on my blog. I'd hit Nintendo Power's either 3rd or 4th year, where they were alternating standard issues with strategy guide special issues. So, I was reviewing the featured games in the strategy guides, and I'd hit the Final Fantasy strategy guide. Thus, I knuckled down and in the course of 2 days, finally beat the game (I was almost done anyway, but I didn't know how close I was to the ending.)

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Ok got a new one. Been playing Ys on the virtual console lately.

This is probably the oldest RPG that I've ever played and I finally beat it. I've played this on many consoles SMS, TG16, DS, and an old VGA computer (which was my first). The version I just beat was for TG16 and now I'm starting on the 2nd game.

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  On 9/4/2009 at 2:39 AM, Darydrus said:

Two games stick out here, when i was young i couldn't for the life of me beat Mega man 1 or TMNT on nes, and i have tried off and on for many years. Only recently a couple months ago i beat TMNT (on nes) and i beat Mega man 1 (the anniversary edition, ps2) as well. After all these years i have to say i hate TMNT 1.

Still to this day the only way I can beat the first TMNT on the NES is by cheating. I just can't beat that game. It's so hard.

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  • 1 year later...

This list is a long one for me... my older brother would borrow NES and SNES games from friends with larger collections than ours when I was growing up, yet they were typically far too difficult for me to make any progress in as a kid. The games I've beaten today that I couldn't beat as a child are:

- Super Metroid

- Super Mario World

- Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

- Ducktales

- Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers

- Megaman X

- Megaman 2

- Megaman 3

- Jackal

- Contra

- Kid Icarus

I'm sure there are others...

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