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What Awesome Retro Games Have You Not Played Yet?


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  • Retromags Curator

What Awesome Retro Games have you not played yet? I only got a few games a year as a kid....So I have quite a backlog of retro games that I should have played by now......

Super Mario RPG

Final Fantasy 1-6 / 7-9 / 11-13

Nights into Dreams

Kid Icarus

Golden Eye 007

Super Metroid


Tomb Raider = any of them

Soul Calibur

Perfect Dark

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  • 1 month later...

I've never played any Final Fantasy game's. There I've said it. It actually feel's kind of good to finally admit it. It's weird that I never got around to playing any of them because I do like RPG's. I never owned a NES and I wasn't that aware of the series when I had a Super Nintendo, so maybe that's why I never got into them.

I almost bought Final Fantasy 7 when it was getting so much coverage in all the game mag's, and I nearly got Final Fantasy 12 for the Ps2 but didn't for some reason. I am definitely going to play one eventually but there have been so many game's in the Final Fantasy series now, that I'm not sure which one's I should consider.

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  • Retromags Curator

If I was going to suggest which one to play first, I'd tell most people to start with Final Fantasy IV (or Final Fantasy II US) on the Super Nintendo, and follow that up with Final Fantasy VI (or Final Fantasy III US) also on the SNES. Those are the two best entries in the series, and both of them involve a minimum of level grinding and/or item hunting in order to progress through the game. In addition, FF VI is considered by myself and many other gamers who grew up in the 16-bit generation to be the best in the series.

Playing the first one now on the NES is probably an exercise in frustration for most gamers, as it lacks so many of the conventions that have become standard over time as RPGs evolved. You have to know how to time your attacks so as not to waste them, you have spell slots instead of MP, and level grinding is practically mandatory, especially in the endgame before you start taking on the huge boss characters. The remakes that can be found on the Game Boy Advance and Playstation 1 alleviate some of these problems, which makes them a little easier than the NES version. It's worth playing for the storyline though, which is fairly convoluted but kinda works itself out in the end. :)

After that, go to it in any order you like; they're all self-contained with the exceptions of the FFIV "sequel" story on the Wii, and Final Fantasy X-2 on the PS2 (well, and FF XI, but that's an MMORPG and should be avoided for that reason alone). And while it isn't a true Final Fantasy title, "The Final Fantasy Legend 2" on the original Game Boy is the best RPG on that platform, and really needs to be experienced by any RPG fan.



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Not counting games I have no intention of EVER playing (i.e. Final Fantasy II, Super Mario RPG, etc) here are some acclaimed retro games I have yet to play:

Super Mario 64

Both N64 Zelda games

Kirby's Dreamland 2

All 2D Castlevania games for the Gameboy Advance

Crystalis (NES)

A Boy & His Blob 2 (Gameboy)

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  • 4 weeks later...

There are no games I would never play, just some I would have trouble playing so have put off attempting yet, others I never had a chance to play.

Super Mario 64 ( Never had the right console but will try it on the DS eventually)

Final Fantasy games (Like watching others play them, love the FMV's, not that fond of RPG's)

Crash Bandicoot games (will get around to them eventually)

I usually play new games now, and what time I have when I feel up to playing games gets shorter and shorter, but I still occasionally play PS1 games. Odds are I will eventually play at least one Crash Bandicoot and Final Fantasy game, not in any hurry though.

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  • 3 months later...

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