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What Virtual Console Games Have You Downloaded?

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I honestly don't think I could list them all. I had called Nintendo for some reason and the representative even commented on how many games I had downloaded. The last game that I bought though was Mega Man 9 (sure not VC but close).

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • Retromags Curator

Strictly VC, I have downloaded Balloon Fight, Excite Bike, Ice Climbers, Kirby's Adventure, Alex Kidd in Miracle World, Bonk's Adventure, Bonk's Revenge, Mario Golf 64, Kirby's Dream Land 3..I think that is all of them. I think the WiiWare list of what I downloaded is longer.

I've been tempted to download Super Mario World, even though I own it. But downloading it so I can play when the urge comes over me is mucho easier than digging out my Super NES and the game.

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So far...

Super Mario Bros. (Nes)

Super Mario Bros. 2 (Nes)

Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels (Famicom)

Super Mario Bros. 3 (Nes)

Super Mario World (Snes)

Super Mario 64 (N64)

Paper Mario (N64)

Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (Snes)

The Legend Of Zelda (Nes)

The Legend Of Zelda - The Adventure Of Link (Nes)

The Legend Of Zelda - A Link To The Past (Snes)

The Legend Of Zelda - Ocarina Of Time (N64)

The Legend Of Zelda - Majora's Mask (N64)

Star Fox 64 (N64)

Mario Kart 64 (N64)

Yoshi's Story (N64)

Metroid (Nes)

Super Metroid (Snes)

F-Zero (Snes)

F-Zero X (N64)

Wave Race 64 (N64)

Phantasy Star II (Genesis)

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I've downloaded every Street Fighter 2 game for the Snes and Mega Drive, just because I love that game so much.

The only Neo Geo game that I've downloaded is Samurai Shodown which is really good, allthough I recently had a long conversation with a friend about why he think's Samurai Shodown 2 is so much better so I will probably get that game too.

I haven't downloaded any Pc Engine games yet as they don't really interest me too much at the moment. Where's Outrun and After Burner 2 for instance? As I'm such a SF 2 junkie I would love it if they made Street Fighter 2 Champion Edition available for download. The only Pc Engine game which I might get in the future is Devil's Crush which I remember having a lot of fun with back in the day.

Apart from the games mentioned above, I've also downloaded the following classic Snes and N64 games...

Super Mario World

Legend of Zelda, a link to the past

Super Mario 64

Mario kart 64

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I can't wait for Mario Kart, Smash Brothers, Donkey Kong 64 and Yoshi's Island to be released. I would buy those right away.

Isn't Smash Bros out already on the N64? I could have sworn it was released, at least in Europe. :unsure:

Haven't bought many VC games as of late. Been disappointed with how few VC Arcade games have come out. I thought we'd get one a week at least.

That being said, I'll buy Mario Kart and Yoshi's Island whenever they show up.

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I bought the Legend of Zelda (first one) the moment it came out. I believe that is the 7th incarnation of that game that I have bought. I am a firm believer you should buy things that you would like to see more of...even if it is a retro game like the original LoZ.

I also got Kirby's Adventure (first one). I loved that game back on the NES but sadly my NES cartridge broke...so it was nice to get to play through it again. I was surprised how many of the secret exits I remembered by reflex.

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I am a firm believer you should buy things that you would like to see more of...even if it is a retro game like the original LoZ.

Indeed, that's what I've been saying from the start of the VC. Bought Sin & Punishment even though I own the Japanese N64 game. and now we're getting a sequel thanks to it's sales.

Bought every single NeoGeo game even though I already had them on AES, and we also got the SNK Arcade Collection which included even Shock Troopers and Neo Turf Masters. Which I also have on as conversion on AES, but it's nice to have an official version as well even though the conversion carts were made from all official parts.

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  • 1 month later...

I have nothing against supporting any videogame manufacturer but I can't understand why professional or old school gamers download old Super Nintendo games from Nintendo. Is this kinda like a cell phone where if your sim card gets wiped you lose all your ringtones? With all the emulators out you could have 100 or more Super Nintendo games selectable on a memory stick or game disc. Again, I believe you should own these already but even if you didn't...

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Reasons: You can delete and download again anything you have already bought. You can back them up on sd cards. I owned these games at some point in my life but I don't anymore so the Wii does a great job. Graphics look sharper. Everything is in a console no need to power up a pc or configure an emu. You can actually say you own the games. It's great at parties, emus are still sorta awkward to some people. Love the look of the channels lined up with series like Zelda. The prices are not very high on some games that extremely expensive in their original forms.

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It's great at parties, emus are still sorta awkward to some people. Love the look of the channels lined up with series like Zelda. The prices are not very high on some games that extremely expensive in their original forms.

Any amount of money they get for a download is all profit too. No expensive cartridges and manufacturing plants. I wonder how they divide up the profits with the copyright owners?

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  • Retromags Curator

I have nothing against supporting any videogame manufacturer but I can't understand why professional or old school gamers download old Super Nintendo games from Nintendo. Is this kinda like a cell phone where if your sim card gets wiped you lose all your ringtones? With all the emulators out you could have 100 or more Super Nintendo games selectable on a memory stick or game disc. Again, I believe you should own these already but even if you didn't...

For most people who aren't terribly emulator savy, it's a simple choice: pay $5 or so for the VC version of the game, or else dig around in the basement/attic/storage unit for the old NES/SNES/Genesis/TG-16/NeoGeo/Nintendo 64 and the cartridge that hopefully you didn't sell or trade in order to get money towards the "next" generation of video game units that were coming out. Also, nothing beats playing a console game made to be played on your TV actually on your TV as opposed to a computer monitor. :) For anybody who sold their system and games a long time ago, it's a great, fast and relatively inexpensive way to experience a favorite game all over again, and it's especially great at parties to pull out a multi-player game like Contra or Super Mario Bros. and have a go with a classic and a few friends.

Also Nintendo keeps track of your purchases, so if your system gets wonky and crashes, you can quickly re-download anything you've purchased already without having to pay again. Sony's PSN operates the same way, keeping track of your downloads so you can get them again if something happens. Thank goodness for this. :)



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Also, nothing beats playing a console game made to be played on your TV actually on your TV as opposed to a computer monitor. :) For anybody who sold their system and games a long time ago, it's a great, fast and relatively inexpensive way to experience a favorite game all over again, and it's especially great at parties to pull out a multi-player game like Contra or Super Mario Bros. and have a go with a classic and a few friends.

Also Nintendo keeps track of your purchases, so if your system gets wonky and crashes, you can quickly re-download anything you've purchased already without having to pay again. Sony's PSN operates the same way, keeping track of your downloads so you can get them again if something happens. Thank goodness for this. :)



There is no difference between monitors and televisions nowadays. Most Tv's sold have the same output you would use for a monitor. What makes the difference between a Television and a monitor is a television always has a tuner.

So say you have a Nintendo Wii (or Sega Dreamcast, Playstation 2), you plug this into what you call a television (even if you use forks), and an emulator can run any old cartridge game like it was on the original. Maybe some people don't want to learn how or take the time to learn but lots of people do it.

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  • Retromags Curator

Unless you use your computer via the comfort of your nice overstuffed sofa in front of your 55" 16:9 widescreen TV, the difference between playing on an emulator and playing it on your TV is monumental. :)

I also like using the original controllers (especially my baby, the NES Advantage joystick), and that won't work with my PC unless I send it off to get it modded for USB support, and then I can't use it with my real NES. :)



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On another thing the Wii runs N64 games at 640x480 when the N64 ran them at 320 x 240, Ocarina of time and Mario 64 are a clear example.


Also the composite output makes it really nice like I mentioned it before. There are many reasons to say emulators are better, but it's just not the same. There's something different when playing on the computer than an actual console. The Wii also saves your progress on most of the consoles even if the feature was not available at the time it was released.

So if you take original consoles vs vc there is an improvement.

Screen Comparison

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  • Retromags Curator

I like using the the original controllers too but in recent years these same controllers have been remade into USB.

You can also buy adapters to make old controllers fit new consoles.




Now THAT is what I'm talking about! Last time I looked, these guys only had the option for you to buy new controllers, or send yours in to be modified. With the ability to buy a port for USB though...mmmmm...I'm sold. :)



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