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3do Is It Worth Buying?


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Saw a 3DO in a second hand shop is it worth a buy or more a miss. I know their are games like Gex and Road Rash but are there any other games worth it for the system. Also are 3do games second hand expensive as you dont see many about.

Edited by Q2000
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Philly, if you want some suggestions on some Jag games, get in contact with Kevincal, he won't steer you wrong there.

Back on topic though, the 3DO, awesome system.  It got my 64 year old father into video games (with Shanghai-he had arthritus so it was just about right for him).

Other games to look out for:

Star Control II (may have to get this on PC as Ur-Quan Masters which is free since SCII goes for a pretty penny)

Road Rash (just get everything with EA's name on it, they really didn't put out any scrap games on the 3DO)

Crystal Dynamics is another company to just get their games (Gex, Total Eclipse, Off World Interceptor among others)

PO'ed, if for nothing else than to experience "butt" creatures running around shooting brown projectiles at you and to use the goriest weapon ever, a power drill.

Most anything by Studio 3DO (Star Fighter, Killing Time among others)

Way of the Warrior, it isn't as bad as people want to make it sound

Those are the ones that stick out in my mind right now, there are a bunch that I don't remember the names of that are great but the companies that made them are listed as getting whatever they released so you may end up with them anyhow.

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  • 1 month later...

The 3do is way down on the list of console's that I'd like to own, simply because it doesn't have that many games that appeal to me.

However if I ever did get my hand's on one, the first two game's I would buy for it would be Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo and Samurai Shodown. I haven't played them on the 3do yet but the review's I've read of them are really positive and the footage I've seen of them on u tube look's amazing.

To be honest I don't really know that much about the console, it wasn't really on my radar back in the day. I owned a Snes and a Mega Drive when it came out and when the 32 bit era arrived I got a Playstation.

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