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Crystal Pepsi


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  On 9/10/2015 at 12:31 AM, E-Day said:

Maybe your Pepsi already had that weird after taste that all Pepsi seems to have now. In my part of Ontario where I spent most of my time growing up, Pepsi tasted great. It had a refreshing, clean taste. After I moved to Montreal in 2000, I noticed the Pepsi there had this weird after taste that I wasn't used to. And it wasn't just me. I had someone I knew from the Maritimes try it, and they noticed the weird taste. And I brought some back home for people to try, and they also noticed it. Even my friend in Michigan noticed it. Sadly, it now all tastes like that. The exception was the first round of Pepsi Throwback that came out with the old fashioned logo and the blue cans/labels, The second round of Throwback with the 70s/80s logo had that weird after taste, but not as strong as regular Pepsi.

This may be related to the recipe - for lack of a better word - used to formulate Pepsi in a particular region. I had always thought Pepsi was Pepsi - the same everywhere. At least nationally. But I recently read an article discussing how Pepsi sold in the state of California is formulated differently than Pepsi sold in other states. The level of whatever chemical is used for the caramel coloring varies so as to avoid a cancer warning label.

Might be something similar. Or even a universal roll out of an unannounced formula change to avoid a "New Coke" backlash.

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  On 9/9/2015 at 3:50 AM, Areala said:

I really liked Crystal Pepsi. I don't see why people had problems with it...I remember it tasting pretty much like a slightly sweeter version of Pepsi without the after-taste you got from regular Pepsi. :)



I thought the same, I drank it when it was available because to me it was basically the same as regular Pepsi (which I love) but maybe a little sweeter, and subconsciously healthier due to its clear nature.

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  On 1/6/2016 at 3:08 AM, Areala said:

I just heard Van Halen's "Right Now" on the drive home from work...the song Pepsi chose to be the anthem for the Crystal Pepsi launch. :)



of course by "Van Halen" you mean "Van Halen 2" or "Van Hagar"

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  On 1/6/2016 at 11:17 PM, Areala said:

Which incarnation sold more records and made more money?

If you said "Van Hagar" you are correct.

'Nuff said. ;)



Not ashamed to admit I love both. There was a fun AMV of Right Now that a friend showed me years ago, I can try to find it if anyone was interested. Basically parodying anime tropes to great effect.

As for the soda at hand, I can't say I recall what Crystal Pepsi tasted like. Eday mentioned that throwback changed after the initial batch? I prefer throwback myself (both pepsi and dew), but I don't much care for corn syrup in my sodas.

Anyone ever have Boylan cola? They use the same recipes they've been using for a VERY long time, and it has a nice flavor to it. Trouble is it can be hard to find in some places.

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  On 1/6/2016 at 11:17 PM, Areala said:

Which incarnation sold more records and made more money?

If you said "Van Hagar" you are correct.

'Nuff said. ;)



not to derail the topic, but i just like to point out the difference between the band. (for those unaware, not you specifically Areala)

the original Van Halen lineup had Diamond Dave with his flamboyant outfits and actions along with Eddie Van Halen's amazing guitar solos.

Van Hagar had Eddie and Alex decide to use more keyboards and focus on more ballads. They were hugely successful. i always found it odd that Sammy Hagar, known for his screaming vocals, joined a hard rock band and it became much softer, through no fault of his own.

not sure why it bugs me so, but i always feel the need to differentiate the band from itself.

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  On 3/3/2016 at 1:52 PM, kitsunebi77 said:
  On 3/3/2016 at 1:33 PM, HowardBware said:

This was one of my favorite sodas as a kid. Didn't get it much because it was very hard to find.


Wait, what? Is it Lemonade of bubblegum flavored?

One was a pink lemonade bubble gum flavor (never had that one) and the other was Straight bubble gum flavor. Very sweet, as a kid it was perfect. Not sure how I would feel about it today.

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  On 3/3/2016 at 1:33 PM, HowardBware said:

This was one of my favorite sodas as a kid. Didn't get it much because it was very hard to find.


Also does anybody remember trying to collect all of the Pepsi Cool Cans?


I never collected them, but I remember my neighbor had all four.

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You can actually buy new bottles of crystal pepsi. They made a fresh new batch and sent them out at the end of last year. And does anyone else miss Sprite Remix? That stuff was like liquid skittles. Apparently if you poured that Airborne powder into regular sprite it would make it taste like it but I don't think they make Airborne anymore. And they made new batches of Mt. Dew Pitch Black but only released it in limited quantities in some states.

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  On 3/3/2016 at 11:13 PM, urko948 said:

And does anyone else miss Sprite Remix? That stuff was like liquid skittles. Apparently if you poured that Airborne powder into regular sprite it would make it taste like it but I don't think they make Airborne anymore. And they made new batches of Mt. Dew Pitch Black but only released it in limited quantities in some states.

Sprite Remix? Of course I remember that stuff. Pretty sure it's about all that hydrated me through 2003 haha. They even had a Sprite Remix concert tour that I got free tickets for when I worked at Blockbuster. Good times, but like many things, we can't have it because someone's kid went and did something stupid with it.

Pro-tip: mixing Sprite with cough syrup is a great way to cause death, not make grape drank. Dummies...

Also, how recent have you found Pitch Black? Last couple times we were able to find it, I stocked up on that stuff. I don't drink dew quite as often as I used to, but you might be considered an addict when you have a dozen 12 packs in your pantry. :P

As for collecting cans, the only ones I ever collected were the Star Wars Ep 1 cans, back in 1999. One day, went out to the garage to find that at least one of them had leaked. I thought that whatever was in that soda ate through the can (yikes!), but upon further thought, I think it's far more likely that it just froze and expanded enough to pop the can a bit.

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