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I Hate Game Stop!


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I'm sorry I hope that someone may read this, but I'm just so ticked off that I needed to post it. And at a gaming site like this other gamers may become educated. And many of the topics here hit Google fairly quick so I hope that some of the higher ups at Game Stop might Stumble upon this. To let them know they really need to take a closer look at the people they have working for them.


Ok before I go off on a rant I just wanted all of you to know if you didn't already that I worked for Game Stop and defended Game Stop up until I moved to Texas. You know all the horror stories about crappy employees. I didn't believe it could be as bad as people say when worked for GS even after I quit just because of how great of a team that was always working at our store. But now I live in Texas and I finally can see what everyone has been talking about. I can't remember if I mentioned this so I will start at the beginning.

Anyway I called them up to ask if they were hiring and they said yes so what do I do I get over there right away to pick up an application. I walk in and the guy at the desk already starts to treat me like crap and he does'nt even know who I am. So anyway I just shake it off thinking he may have had a bad day, but I still did not like being treated like that. I go in for an interview and the supervisor was not even on time for it so I had to wait around for her. So finally she shows up and is not even in appropriate attire for work and she sends the punk assistant supervisor that I had trouble with before. He does the interview then puts me to work straightening out shelves. Now I didn't want to burn any bridges since I had just moved to town so I agreed to it. (Now I don't know if you are aware of this, but what he did there is illegal).

So I get back home and I call the supervisor back in Wisconsin (who I just happen to be friends with) and told him what just happened and he was pissed too. So he called the district manager. I don't know if anything ever came of that, but I don't really care at this point. Anyway I found a new job and I'll be getting more than double what I would have been offered at Game Stop so I'm happy with that. But get this. I went into Game Stop a couple days ago to pre-order KOF12 and the douche is there again. I don't think he recognized me at least didn't seem to get that vibe. I order it and he tells me it comes in on Thursday. So great!

Now for my new job me and the district manager were going around town and doing a bit of PR. One of the places we stopped at was Game Stop and guess what ... prick was there! So anyway we did our thing and I asked if they got KOF in since I was there and he said yeah it's probably in one of these boxes, but he had not gotten around to checking all of them yet. So I said no problem I'll be back later tonight. I go in and the supervisor was there instead of the dill weed. I just asked if the game came in and she says no I don't think so. I think it comes in tomorrow. So I had this confused look on my face and she said the date that we have in the computer is the ship date so it wont be there until tomorrow (I was thinking to myself yeah this is something I already know considering I used to work for the company, but again I don't think she remembered me either). I went ahead and told her that is the job of her employee to pass that info on to the customer. I thought about going into it further than that, but forget it. I'm done I'm tired of Game Stop.

This just goes to show you how one bad store can really taint the name of a company. Or with all the other situations that I've read about I know there is more than just this one store that is causing issues. Right now from what I understand they are trying to weed out artards like this one and get more customer friendly people working for the company. But until then I will no longer be a customer of Game Stop. Now I buy a lot of video games I've been to countless midnight launches, I've put a lot of time in defending the company and working for the company. After tomorrow no more. I will either get KOF from Hastings and get my $5 reservation fee back or I will just pick up the game and be done with it. Any new systems any new software accessories all will be purchased at Hastings or other retailers. Game Stop is dead to me.

If you read this thank you. If you didn't read it still thank you for putting up with me and giving me my space to just write out my thoughts to at least let me voice my opinion.


I just looked up the details for KOF XII and well it does not come out till next week acording to gamestop.com; WOW even the manager can't read their damn computer. I'm going to call there tomorrow and give them one more benefit of the doubt. If they don't have it I'm taking my money and running and never turning back for sure.

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Wow. Hope you feel better, Thor.

I think a lot of people think the way you do. For the longest time my wife wouldn't walk into a Gamestop with me because she detested the the way many of the employees talk. Not to say that all Gamestop employees are jerks, but there are quite a few that are certainly less than competent. But trust me on this one, you are much better off without that job. I worked at Funcoland for a couple years and can tell you that it was not fun. Gamestop has the same basic structure that Funcoland had, so that means that you have certain percentages to keep. At Funcoland we had to keep 25% cleaner sales, 10% subscription sales, and 5% miscellaneous, whcih could be anything. These were daily percentages that we had to hit, and if we didn't we were canned, and from what I understand, Gamestop is run more or less the same way. You are much better off.

I will occasionally hit a random Gamestop (we have more than 15 around here, no joke) and check through their PSP games and movies, and every now and then I get the urge to go pick up a random PS2 game. For the most part though, I tend to stay away. The last time I really frequented those places was right before they absorbed EB Games. That was when EB carried used PC games.

How about it, all? Gamestop: loath it or love it?

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  • Retromags Curator
Hope you feel better Thor.....Oh and now we are on page 2 of Google for the search term "I Hate GameStop"



I have no quarrel with GameStop. The one I frequent has a very nice staff that actually knows what the heck they are talking about, and have bent over backwards to find me something I've been looking for. Nobody has ever been rude to me there, and any time I have pre-ordered something that came with a little extra (access code, swag, etc...), they've had it waiting for me when I came in. So nothing to complain about here. :)



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Everyone I have ever been in hates Nintendo. That is enough to make me stay away. I hate the whole "hardcore gamer" crap. I have been playing games since the days of pong. If anyone is hardcore it is me and if I want to play freaking Nintendo instead of all the fps that Sony and Microsoft keep shoving down our throats then I will. But if I hear one more employee of a Gamestop say that Nintendo is for kids or babies then I may mass murder two or three stores full of Gamestop employees.

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I've always encountered a bunch of pompous asses who don't know crap about most games I like. Right now it's not bad, we have a bunch of nice ladies who are courteous and helpful at our store, but they don't know much about the games/release dates, etc. Before them, there were a bunch of dick teenagers though.

It wasn't always terrible, back in 1997 when it was Electronics Boutique(recently changed to EBGames, then Gamestop a year or two ago) it was a decent place to find deals, and the staff were knowledgeable and fun. I still remember this tall guy with a deep voice who knew EVERYTHING about any game you could ask about. Geoffrey. I guess he moved to a store in Philly, he was just too much of a hardass for a little WV store. What happened?

It also doesn't help that they don't give you anything for your trade-ins, you may as well give it to them free. How can they give you $7 for a brand new game that is $50 new and just came out? SCREW that! I remember a time when you could buy a new game, beat it, trade it back in for another new game. I understand the business issues this would raise, but everybody was happy.

Gamestop doesn't even treat their employees well. They give you an option of a 'rip-off' card to put your earnings onto, or a check(which they're trying to phase out). It costs money to withdraw from your rip-off card almost anywhere, therefore hijacking your wages. Hell, most people I know just blatantly started stealing whole game systems, games, gift cards, etc from the store because they felt shammed. Not a good reason to steal, I know, but still, it shouldn't be that bad. Plus there is always someone wanting to take your job, a ton of kids apply there to get jobs because they like to play games. You're very expendable there, and they treat you that way.

Yeah, I hear you 8bit, about that 'hardcore gamer' crap. Being a 'hardcore gamer' these days involves playing hour upon hour of WoW or FPS on your computer. Everyone caters to those types because that's what's popular now.

Okay, one thing I liked recently was some extras that came with a pre-ordered game. That's one thing they have going for them.

I hate GameStop, as it is today. Rip-off central.. I'd rather buy from Wal-Mart! It sucks because it's now the only game store around my area, so I HAVE to go there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's funny... A few years ago a new store came to my town.. it was a Gamestop - and I just thought "Yay - awesome"..

But I quickly realized that every time I had been in there, I didn't feel that I had been treated very well..

The two employees in there were so arrogant that you won't believe it..

They were so superficial and "sales-minded" that they reminded me of programed robots rather than human beings..

one day I asked the guy if he new of any MMORPG for the xbox 360.. he said he'd never heard of such thing before (mmorpg) and I began to explain him what this was... he started to argue against me and tell me that he'd never heard of MMORPG and in his opinion it sounded really stupid.. He was convinced that what I was looking for was a multplayer game like sacred...

darn it... I didn't want to waste another second of my life on his stupid arrogance.. I left the store, and I do not -ever- intend to enter a gamestop again.

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Was this guy a stoner or was he just hard on the game sacred? I don't know enough about Xbox 360 to name any massive multiplayer online role playing games but by looking at the PC games shelf I know I could find a few.

We have Electronics Boutique instead of Gamestop here but it is the same thing. When I go in to any store I never want anybody's help. I know what I want before I walk in and most of the time I'm just killing time by browsing the pretty boxes.

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I know what I want before I walk in and most of the time I'm just killing time by browsing the pretty boxes.

This pretty much sums it up. If I walk into a store like that and some wants to "help" me, there is a 73.54% chance of someone getting hurt. That percentage is lower because I would feel bad drawing blood on a woman for trying to help me with games.

I had a short period of time when I was between jobs and thought I would apply at a gamestop (seriously...even with this group it would be hard to find someone who knew more about games then I do...) Apparently that was not enough to even warrant a full interview. Sad since I had someone telling me that the PS2 Wireless Guitar for Guitar Hero would work on my PS3 because they both work on the whole "Wireless thing".

For those who don't want to go look, the PS3 lacks PS2 controller ports which are required for the wireless reciever that makes the guitar wireless.

In conclusion, Gamestop sucks because they actually TRY to suck that hard.


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I have no quarrel with GameStop. The one I frequent has a very nice staff that actually knows what the heck they are talking about, and have bent over backwards to find me something I've been looking for. Nobody has ever been rude to me there, and any time I have pre-ordered something that came with a little extra (access code, swag, etc...), they've had it waiting for me when I came in. So nothing to complain about here. :)



Well that's because of your huggles ;)

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Heh well after reading this it kinda makes me glad we don't have Game Stop's in the UK (I believe they murged or bought out EB (Electronic Boutique) a few years back but the ones in the UK had already been murged with another company). So the only ones I've been in were In Italy (hence I have no communication with the staff outside of someone else translating for me).

Though I did find out that the GS's in Italy at least are clearing out all their original XBox games for €5.98 each (buy 2 get 1 free) no matter what the title is and any that aren't sold in the next month or so are being returned to the main warehouse. The thing is you have to ask the staff to get to know what is in stock as some of the stores are so small and overstocked that the games aren't on display as they just don't have the room so if your able to get to one of them it's worth inquireing as a lot of the games are brand new still sealed copies including if your lucky the Capcom/SNK & Capcom/Marvel games.

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