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Games Begging To Be Remade


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Are there any videogames which you feel deserve to be remade? Many companies do remakes of their old games because its easier to stick with established work than to innovate, but sometimes remakes are warranted.

I would really like to see the original Silent Hill remade for the PC or modern consoles, if for no other reason than the fact that Silent Hill 1 is a Playstation exclusive.

Timesplitters 2 would be a fantastic game if not for the fact that its control system is the worst of ANY FPS I've ever player. EA fixed the control system when it published Timesplitters 3: Future Perfect, but given the fact that I invested $$$ on Timesplitters 2, I'd like to play an edition of it that actually controls well.

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I think it would be interesting to see a remade Zelda II. I love the Zelda games but part two was a let down for a lot of fans. I think a remake of this one would possibly make it better.

Personally, I love Zelda II the way it is and wouldn't want to see its gameplay changed. Like Mario 2, I consider Zelda II the best in its respective series.

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  • 1 month later...

An updated version of "The Guardian Legend" would make me squee with delight...one of my favorite games on the NES. :)



Wow the memories I loved and hated that game it was so hard for me anyways but I persevered through it...I don't think I cussed more through any game eXcept for Echo from Sega gawd I remember kicking and screaming at that one, but again made it to the end!

PS/ One other cusser was Hydlide hehe O the memories... :Nes::Gen:

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I'm pretty happy with the latest sequels/remakes/reboots of the classic Nintendo games. My girlfriend and I just beat New Super Mario Bros. which was a perfect game, on par with the classics and even better in some aspects. We're now playing through Donkey Kong Country Returns, which is just as good though shaking the wiimote gets annoying sometimes. Metroid: Other M, as far as I played, was okay. Not classic enough for me, but close enough for a new take on the series, I suppose. Kirby Epic Yarn is great so far, too.

Even Epic Mickey is good and brings back memories of Magical Quest. I was impressed that it was a solid game, to be honest. Disney's games have been slacking in the past decade or so.

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I think there's something charming about the original's graphics

Agreed. No need to remake the classics. They are perfect just the way they were made. I'm totally in for releasing new versions of those games, like New Super Mario Bros, but I think there is no need to make a hi-def Super Mario Bros 3 version (or of any other classic).

The only valid reason for releasing the classics again, IMHO, is because it might be a pain to hook up the old "insert classic console of choice here" to play it. OK, but in that case, just release an emulator for the newer console and then the original game ROM. I'd be more than happy with that. And the best part: people would pay you (NINTENDO/SONY/SEGA/WHATEVER) for it!

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