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Games Begging To Be Remade


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Games dying to be remade or series continued in the old way:

Legend of Dragon

Arc the Lad

Dragon Warrior 1 to 5 (My all time favs)

Banjo Kazooie

The Bard's Tale (funny as all heck)

Dark Cloud

Adventures of Lolo


Point Blank (we need a real great shooter again)

Too many more to name.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've always wanted Final Fantasy VII to be remade, just a lot of fond memories of that game, but a little tough to play through now. Wouldn't mind seeing a remake of the NES earthbound as well, updated 2d graphics with a little more easier curve (not as much grinding)

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I think I would like to see a remake of Secret of Mana originally on the Super Nintendo. Not with modern 3D graphics but with High resolution HD sprites, a new translation and bug fixes. That and maybe a remake of Xenogears originally on the Playstation. The game included 2D sprites and 3D environments so a remake could have high res sprites for the characters and high res textures for the environments. I'd also love for it to include all the content that was cut from the second disc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to see a re-make/clone of the Gameboy game Link's Awakening. Seems like a perfect candidate for an iOS game. I can always emulate the original but I'd love to have a spiritual successor for when I'm on the go (always!).

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't know if we are talking only console remakes/sequels here, but I'm going to throw in one of my all-time favorite games in the hat which happens to be a PC only release game. And that is 'Outlaws' which was released back in '97 by LucasArts.

I loved that game- everything about it from the gameplay, atmosphere, storyline, music. Clint Bajakian's score for Outlaws still stands tall to this day.

The whole package was just top-notch, in my opinion.

A highly original Western shooter.

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  • Retromags Curator

I don't know if we are talking only console remakes/sequels here, but I'm going to throw in one of my all-time favorite games in the hat which happens to be a PC only release game. And that is 'Outlaws' which was released back in '97 by LucasArts.

I loved that game- everything about it from the gameplay, atmosphere, storyline, music. Clint Bajakian's score for Outlaws still stands tall to this day.

The whole package was just top-notch, in my opinion.

A highly original Western shooter.

SECONDED. My goodness, I've not thought about Outlaws for years now and you're right: somebody needs to do something with that property. If not a remake proper, than at least another game in the series. I think I still have the 'Handful of Missions' download on an old Zip disk somewhere. :)



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  • 1 month later...

Panzer Dragoon Saga on the Saturn! What an INCREDIBLE game, full of atmosphere, a great battle system that still holds up well, and some of the finest graphics on the Saturn. I remember finding it new in an EB back in the day and I couldn’t believe it. I instantly snatched it up, and it’s been one of my gaming treasures. It’s worth every penny of its asking price IMHO. :SS:

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  • 5 years later...

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